got this ong
lipids (say 4 things)
very dense nutrient. the second nutrient to be metabolized, insoluable, creates fatty acid chains attached to glycerol
proteins (4)
build muscle, fight infections, catalyst, create long chains of amino acids joined by peptide bonds
nucleic acid
RNA (ribonucleic), or DNA(deo..nucleic), direct growth and development of all organisms, both have different structure
list the organ system & function 1-11
liver (produces bile)
gall bladder (stores bile)
ascending colon (up)
salivary glands (produces amylase)
esophagus (peristalsis to move bolus)
stomach (pepsinogen is activated to produce pepsin)
pancreas (secretes enzymes (lipases, amylase, trypsin) into small intestine)
duodenum(1)jejunum(2) micro-villi absorb nutrients
rectum (stores smelly)
anus (eliminates smelly)
Erythrocytes (what it is/shape & function)
RED BLOOD CELLS, they are concave disks to have a higher surface area which allows more gas exchange to occur. function is to carry oxygen from lungs to heart and from heart to body. it has hemoglobin which O2 bonds to
basal metabolic rate
the minimum energy required to keep you alive
metabolic reactions that use energy to produce larger molecules from smaller sub-units
metabolic reactions that break down larger molecules into smaller subunits
chemical reactions that are necessary to maintain life
factors that affect BMR
hereditary factors, sex, age
carbohydrates (2)
type of MACROnutrient that is the main source of the energy for the human body, provide (quick energy) materials to build cells,
amino acids
building blocks of proteins
organic molecules that are fat or water soluble and bind to proteins, ain in tissue growth, and chemical reactions
long chains of sugar molecules
storage nutrient found in the liver
simplest sugar molecules (ONE ring with C, O, H)
specialized proteins that speed up metabolic reactions
inorganic atoms or ions that are needed in small amounts aka MICROnutrient, also help tissue growth
unsaturated fats
contains one or more double bonded carbon pairs
chemical messengers that are made of lipids or proteins
saturated fats
no double bonded carbon pairs and found in butter
answer the question (out of 3)
(1) weight loss initially because less nutrients being taken in, however since body will convert excess carbohydrates to fat, weight loss is not sustainable. (2) Since less protein intake as well, you would feel less full. If not enough nutrients overall, you may end up losing muscle mass to compensate for missing amino acids as proteins in muscle break down. (3) also the body would not have enough nutrients that are in proteins and fat to function efficiently/ with as much energy as you would usually have
small fat droplets that have been emulsified by bile
stomach ulcers
open sore in the lining of the stomach due to the thinning of the mucosal layer of cells
enzyme that digests proteins the the stomach
gastrovascular cavity
digestive system in Simple Digestion
acid reflux
(also known as heart burn) a relaxed gastroesophageal sphincter causes this condition, its when the acid fromt he stomach goes up the esophagus
enzyme that digests starches in the mouth and small intestine
A minimally invasive medical procedure that allows diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders
helicobacter pylori
bacteria that thins the stomach mucus layers (causes stomach ulcers)
gastrointestinal tract
human (and most mammal) digestive system. also known as the alimentary canal
Enzyme that digests fats in the small intestine