Included: Intro to Micro, Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Virology
Supported the "Germ Theory" by showing how anthrax was caused by a single microorganism (Isolated anthrax from an infected cow and used the isolated bacterium to infect a healthy mouse)
Proved that microorganism was the cause of infectious disease from his experiment
He also figured out the chain of infection
Showed that microbes were present in air, liquid, and solid.
Determined that life did not arise from non-living matter
Proposed the 'germ theory' with his yeast and bacteria experiment with wine
Founder of Modern Nursing!
She set standards for hygiene in military hospitals w/ public health policies
Advocated for nursing edu.
She wanted reform of hospitals that included public health policies (hand washing between patients)
3-layer structure consisting of peptidoglycan, calcium, and a coat containing a keratin-like protein
The overall function is long term storage & protection of genetic material