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basso continuo
a set of chords continuously underlying the melody in a piece of baroque music
ground bass
an ostinato in the bass
drama presented in music, with the characters singing instead of speaking
a half-singing, half-reciting style of presenting words in opera, cantata, oratorio, etc., following speech accents and speech rhythms closely.
a vocal number for solo singer and orchestra, generally in opera, cantata, or oratorio
a singing style between recitative and aria
a composition written systematically in imitative polyphony, usually with a single main theme, the fugue subject
a large composition for orchestra and solo instrument
concerto grosso
the main early baroque type of ____, for a group of solo instruments and a small orchestra
a self-contained section of a larger piece, such as a symphony or concerto grosso
the orchestral material at the beginning of a concerto grosso, etc., which always returns later in the piece
the term for the principle theme of a fugue
the first section of a fugue, or the first section of a sonata form movement
in a fugue, a passage that does not contain any complete appearances of the fugue subject
an introductory piece, leading to another, such as a fugue or an opera
a popular 17th century dance in moderate triple meter; or a movement in a sonata, symphony, etc, based on this dance
a piece consisting of a series of dances; sometimes also used for a piece joining several or many small pieces
binary form
a musical form having two different sections; A B form
a piece for three instruments or singers; the second, or B section of a minuet movement, scherzo, etc
opera seria
a term for serious, heroic ___ of the baroque period in Italy; usually had historic characters
da capo
literally “from the beginning”; a direction to the performer to repeat music from the beginning of the piece up to a later point
long semi dramatic piece on a religious subject for soloists, chorus, and orchestra
a composition in several movements for solo voices, instruments, and perhaps also chorus
German for “hymn”; also used for a four-part harmonization of a Lutheran hymn
gapped chorale
a setting of a ____ in which the tune is presented in phrases with “gaps” between them, during which other music continues in other voices or instruments
sonata form
developed by the Classical composers and using in almost all the first movements of their symphonies, etc
the process of expanding themes and short motives into larger sections of music; or the second section of a sonata-form movement, which features the development process
the third section of a sonata form movement
the concluding section of a piece or a movement, after the main elements of the form have been presented
a musical form consisting of one main theme or tune alternating with other themes or sections
double-exposition form
a type or sonata form developed for use in concertos
a musical number in an opera, cantata, or oratorio that is sung by two or more people
string quartet
an instrumental group consisting of two violins, viola, and cello; or a piece composed for this group; or the four players themselves
an improvised passage for the soloist in a concerto, or sometimes in other works. Usually come near the ends of movements
accompanied only by continuo
accompanied by an orchestra
a large orchestral piece in several movements
a chamber-music piece in several movements, typically for three main instruments plus continuo in the baroque period, and for only one or two instruments since then
solo exposition
in classical concerto form, the second of two ____, played by the soloist and orchestra
ternary form
a three-part musical form in which the last section repeats the first; A B A form
theme and variations
a form consisting of a tune plus a number of ____ on it
opera buffa
italian comic opera; contains every day, common people
orchestra exposition
in Classical concerto form, the first of two expositions, played by the ____ without the soloist
the complete book of words for an opera, oratorio, cantata, etc.
concerto, solo concerto
a large composition for orchestra and solo instrument
chamber music
music played by small groups, such as a string quartet or piano trio
men who had submitted to castration at puberty in order to preserve their voices in the soprano or alto range
a Baroque-era theory that music could evoke specific emotions in the listener through particular musical figures and techniques.