AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam review Unit 1 (copy)

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natural rights

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natural rights

John Locke: rights that are God given or natural - “such as life,,Liberty&property” - and not provided by governments

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popular sovereignty

The people are the source of government power

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Social contract

A agreement among the members of society to cooperate for social benefits

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Elected representatives make laws and policies for the people

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influence on the declaration of independence

John Locke: natural rights, life liberty, property, social contract

Thomas Jefferson: unalienable rights, life, liberty and the persuit of happiness

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Declaration of Independence

Provides a foundation for popular sovereignty

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Articles of Confederation

Nations First Constitution - 1781 - 1789

Weaknesses: No national power to tax, 1 branch: legislative – no way to enforce laws, 9 out of 13 states to pass a national law, unanimous vote for amendments (or to get rid of it!), States could print their own money, tax each other’s goods

What could National Govt do: Make laws, Declare war (just couldn’t pay for it), Print & borrow money, Sign treaties

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Constitutional convention

No Debate: AOC sucks! Lets get rid of it, Representative democracy needed (republicanism), 3 branches of government, National Power to tax

Debate: Federalists (strong central) vs. Anti (weak central, strong state), North vs. South (slavery, counting slaves), Big States vs. Small States (representation in Congress)

Compromises: Electoral College: a system for electing the President based on state electoral votes rather than national popular vote

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The great / Connecticut compromise

Representation created a bicameral Congress - a state with equal representation - and the House of Representatives based on population

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Two house legislator, serves as a “ check” on the law making process

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3/5 compromise

Counted every five slaves as three persons towards representation and taxation, slave importation legal for 20 years

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2/3 vote of Congress with ratification by 3/4 of the states (federalism)

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Supporting ratification of the Constitution and a strong central government (Hamilton and Madison)

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Feared a strong central government would lead to tyranny, favored governing on the state and local level (Brutus)

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federalist papers

a series of newspaper articles written by Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay in favor of ratifying the constitution

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The Constitution

Preamble- Intro, Art 1- legislative, Art 2- executive, Art 3- judicial, Art 4- States, Art 5- amendments, Art 6- supremacy clause, Art 7- Ratification, Amend 1-10  BOR   11-27

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models of democracy

Participatory democracy, pluralist democracy, and Elite Theory

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Participatory model

the people influence policy through their political participation

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pluralist model

The policy best made through group participation

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elite model

A wealthy influence policy

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pluralist model, mischiefs of factions, three branches of government with a distinct separation of powers will ensure to negate a “ tyranny of the majority”,

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Brutus 1

Governing done at the state/local level - closeness to leaders will give people more influence

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separation of powers

Listing powers ensures that no branch has too much

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checks and balances

A system where each branch can prevent the others from exerting too much power

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legislative branch checks

passes laws, can override veto, can impeach, senate confirms presidential appointments, senate confirms treaties, approves budget

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executive branch checks

Can be two laws, can suggest laws, must enforce laws, appoints officials, signs treaties, writes budget turn

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judicial branch checks

Can declare laws unconstitutional, can interpret laws, can declare executive orders unconstitutional

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Impeachment - ultimate check


1) house of Representatives files & passes “ articles of __________” by simple majority

2) senate holds the trial where a 2/3 majority is required to find guilty

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Distribution of power between national and state governments

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Reserved powers

reserved powers: state powers

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concurrent powers

Power shared between the national and state governments

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implied powers

Federal powers not listed in the Constitution but “suggested” ( necessary and proper clause)

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reserved powers - states 10th Amendment

“ powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by its states, are reserved to the states” states powers

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The Supremacy Clause

The US Constitution and federal laws shall be the supreme law of the land - over state laws

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Commerce Clause

Congress relegates interstate and international trade - stretched beyond traditional “ trade”

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14th Amendment

“ incorporation” bill of Rights applies to state laws/ policies

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Implied powers: the necessary and proper clause

article 1 section 8: aka the elastic clause, powered to make all walls necessary and proper for carrying into execution the preceding (not listed)

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McCulloch v. Maryland 1819

state of Maryland began taxing Bank of the United States, court ruled Congress had “ implied powers” via the “ necessary and proper clause” to create a national bank, also upheld the supremacy clause - constitution/federal laws > state laws/ policies

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Dual federalism

“ layer cake federalism” the national and state governments are supreme and their own responsibilities and do not mix

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Cooperative federalism

“Marble cake federalism” the two level share powers and responsibilities - FDR's new deal

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Fiscal federalism

Federal government will provide states with funds to influence or carry out federal initiatives,

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Money provide to the states by the federal government

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categorical grants

Money with specific conditions attached on how it should be spent

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Block grants

a few strings attached, states have flexibility in how they will spend it

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Unfunded mandate

Regulation passed by Congress or a bureaucratic agency without adequate or any money to pay for it

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US versus Lopez 1995, gun free school zone act unconstitutional

Federal law creating gun free zones near schools - 1990, commerce Clause,

supreme Court ruled that possession of a gun is not an economic activity

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