Genetic Syndromes

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Landau-Fleffner Syndrome

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Landau-Fleffner Syndrome

a rare childhood neurological disorder whereby formerly healthy children ages 3-7 years lose their ability to comprehend language and then to speak it

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a syndrome caused by autosomal recessive inheritance in most cases, is X-linked in rare cases and may affect 50% of individuals who are deaf and blind

Usher syndrome

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is suspected to be caused by autosomal dominant inheritance and deletion in the region of the long arm of chromosome 15 in some cases

Prader-Willi syndrome

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the most crucial period for genetic malformations what period that consiste for the first 7-10 weeks of gestation


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a syndrome often called elfin-face syndrome

williams syndrome

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caused by an absence of the short arm of the 5th chromosome

cri du chat syndrome

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the leading inherited cause of intellectual disability in males

fragile x syndrome

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in hurlers syndrome there is what because of the deposition of metabolites in the larynx

vocal fatigue and hoarseness

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70% of people with mafan syndrome have

restrictive lung disease

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children with bilateral cleft lip and palate commonly have ___ or missing teeth


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what problems are often present in pierre-robin syndrome and exist due to difficulty coordinating breathing, sucking and swallowing


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what causes trisomy 13

extra copy of chromosome 13

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when does Angelman syndrome occur

when chromosome 15 is duplicated from the father or delted from the mother

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has a heterogeneous causation including agenesis or aplasia of the motor nuclei or the cranial nerves

moebius syndrome

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is caused by autosomal dominant inheritance with varied expression in individuals

crouzon syndrome

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may be caused by spontaneous autosomal dominant mutations and the gene and locus of the syndrome is FGR at 10q25-26

apert syndrome

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an autosomal dominant inherited disorder caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene

marfan syndrome

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williams syndrome is caused by abnormality on which chromosome


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