Greece Reading Quiz

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what was the minoan society

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what was the minoan society

a spohisticated society located on crete, named after the famous king minos, with women equal to men

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what was knossos most known for

the construction of enormous palaces made for residence of rulers and for officials to collect taxes

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what was the official script created at knossos

linear A, which consisted of symbols and is still not unraveled

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who did crete receive infuence from and what did it result in

phonecia and egypt, the building of advance boast and sea trade, wine and oil were traded in pottery

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after developing better boats what did cretans do

creataed colonies on islands through the aegean sea

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what happened to minoa that set them back

natural distaters especially a volcano eruption in santorini

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what did minoans do after the natural distasters

they rebuilt their palaces and made them better by adding

indoor plumbing, drainage systems and toilets

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what put the Minoans into a downfall

the mycadeans invaded them

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who migrated to greeks mainland


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after indo-europeans began to trade with minoans what were they able to do, and where did they do it

they adopted linear a and b, and built large palaces in the southern part of the mainland called Peloponnesus

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where was the name mycanean derivied from

Mycenae, one of their most important settlements

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as the mycaneans grew they were abe to

overthrow the minoans

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who wrote about the trojan war

homer in the illiad

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who attacked the mycaneans and what happened

troy, anatolia, palaces were ruined, linear a and b dissapered, population declined, people fled to islands

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how did the mycaneans fall

after they were weakened by the trojan war they were invaded by dorians

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why was the period of dorian rule known as the dark age

there was no main government, there was no trade, people lived in clans

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what does the term polis refer to

a city state that offers refuge

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after the trojan war what happened at polies

they received increasing populations, began to expand, added taxes, and became the centers fro greek soceity

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what was government like in polies

some had no government, some had local leaders, and some had ambitous politicians called tyrants

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where did the spartans start their rule

in pelopennesus

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how were the spartans able to gain more control as they expanded

they forced neighbors to be their servant (helot) and provide agricultural labor

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what the rules of being a helot

they can have families but cnat leave their state

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by what ratio did helots outnumber spartans


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how was it enforced that all spartans were equal

people did not wear expensive items, did not accumulate private wealth, and used iron bars for money

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how was military enforced in sparta

boys would leave for training at 7 and start service at 20, girls had physcial excerisze to rpoduce strong children

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how were relationships formed in sparta

between 18-20 women married and had sex withour living wuth a man, at age 30 men were allowed to join their family

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why did sparta lose its rigor

people began to develop a taste for wealth and luxury

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in athens who contributed to government affairs

free adult males

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who were the beneficiaries of wealth gained from trade and what did they do with the money

large landowners, they expaded their land and took over smaller land owners forcing them into debt and slavery

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what happened when many small landowners were deprived of their land

they began to get upset and rebelled

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who served as a mediator between large and small landowners


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what rules did solon enforce

he allowed large landowners to keep their land but cancled debts and forbad debt slavery, he also allowed any male with enough time to be in political affairs to join and paid them salaries

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as athens became a democratic state who ruled them


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why was pericles popular

he provided employment for thousands of laborers and created a more sophisticated society with more philosophical jobs

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how did the greeks releive population pressures

they created 400 colonies on the shores of the mediteranean

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what did the greek colonies provid and what ended up happening to the population

fertile fields, more people lived in the colonies than the mainland

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what were 3 places the greeks colonized

sicily, naples (neapolis), southern france

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what supplies did the greeks get from there new colonies

grains, fish, gold, and slaves from russia

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what sepperated greek from persia, india, and china

they did not have a centralized government

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by facilitating trade what were the colonies able to spread

their language and culture

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how did the persian war start

ionians were living with little protection, persia took over them, they lived like that for a bit, ionians rebelled and killed persian governors, war started

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what was the first battle in the persian war and what persian leader lead it, W/L

Darius, battle of marathon, loss

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how many troops did xerxes deploy to greece

100,000, 1,000 ships

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battle of salamis

naval battle where greeks were outnumbered against xerxes but still won

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how were the greeks able to win against xerxes during the battle of platea

the spartans delayed them at Thermopyle, xerxes was able to burn athens, but eventually xerxes watched as his army fell to athens

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what was the delian league

an alliance polies created with athens as the leader

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how was funds provided to teh delian league

athens provided for the military, every poly had to pay athens which allowed them to empluy many workers during pericles rule

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how did the pelopenesian war start

polies did not want to continue to fund athens so they created two main sides, sparta and athens where sparta forced athens to surrender

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who wrote a history of the pelopennisian war, why was this a suprise

thucydides, he was a native athenian

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what was an example of how athens was brutal

they attacked the small island of melos who did not acknowledge their authority so athenians killed the men in their military, sold the women and children into slavery, and conquered the island

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how did athens brutality change peoples view of them

polies lost their respect for athens

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how did phillip of macedon build up the empire

he built an extremely powerful military in which he used to weed out all the clans and became the king

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how did the pelopennisian war allow king phillip to expand

he began to move his military north into greece but athens and sparta were so divided they would not come together to fight him so he easily took over all of greece

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how did king phillip die, who succeeded him

he was assasinated by one of his bodygaurds, his son alexander

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what countries did alexander bring under his contorl with the help of his father army

ionia, anatolia, egypt, palestine, syria, meso, and eventually persia

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once he got to persia what did alexander do

he invaded passagrate and burned teh achaemenid palace at persopolis and became the emporer

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where was the farthest alexander expanded to and why did he stop

india his troops did not want to go farther away from home

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how did alexander die

he fell ill at 33 after feasting and drinking

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what did alexander name most cities


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what was alexander not able to do

create a center of administration and breed persians, macedonians, and greeks together

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what were some accomplishments of the dark age

sdapted iron, used phonecian alphabet

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minoan bull dancing/riding painting showing the agility of minoans

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shirtless minoan women showing the respect and feminity of women at the time

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Mycenean king face plate shows how respected he was

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minoan palace at knossos

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