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APUSH Semester 1 Final- Cumulative Key Terms

  • Albany Plan of Union: created by Benjamin Franklin to encourage unity, spurned by the colonies and British government. Confirmed how unity was needed, but the details conflicted which each colony.

  • Proclamation of 1763: Prohibited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachians due to the expense of protecting settlers, but greatly angered the colonists

  • Mercantilism: An economic system saying wealth and power of a nation depended on gold and raw materials

  • Intolerable Acts: series of laws passed by the British government to punish Boston for the Boston tea party. Involved closing Boston Harbor until they paid for the dumped tea and the quartering of soldiers.

  • Common Sense: Written by Thomas Paine that stated American’s still holding loyalties to the English crown did not have common sense and the tiny Britain didn’t have the right to control the big America. The King was not worthy of reverence.

  • “republican motherhood”: The duty of women to raise their children to be good citizens. Encouraged civic virtue- unselfish commitment to public good.

  • Articles of Confederation: The nation's first Constitution. Was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1781 during the Revolution. The document was limited because states held most of the power, and Congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage.

  • Land Ordinance of 1785: Provided for the orderly settlement of the northwest territory. Divided it into 36 1 square mile sections (6 by 6 mile township), with the money going to pay war debts, except the 16th section which went to education.

  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787: Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most significant achievements of the Articles of Confederation. It established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states.

  • Federalist Papers: A collection of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison explaining how the new government/constitution would work. Their purpose was to convince the New York state legislature to ratify the constitution, which it did.

  • Neutrality Proclamation: A proclamation issued by Washington which proclaimed that the United States was a neutral state when war erupted again between France and England.

  • Farewell Address: The address was Washington's farewell letter that was written by Hamilton and published in newspapers; it warned against permanent alliances (non-entaglement) and the establishment political parties.

  • Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions/Doctrine of Nullification: political statements in which Kentucky and Virginia state legislatures took the position that the Federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.

  • Universal Male Suffrage: A law passed by Andrew Jackson which allowed all white males to vote, regardless of whether or not they met the property requirements.

  • Tariff of Abominations: A protective tariff passed by the U.S. Congress which came to be known by this name through its Southern detractors. It was the highest tariff in the history of United States peacetime, and its goal was to protect industry in the North from competing European goods by causing European goods to spike in price.

  • Whig Party: Party formed from former Federalists and Nullies joined together on their hatred of Andrew Jackson.

  • Free Soil Party: Against the expansion of slavery in the land gained from the Mexican cessation, arguing that slavery would limit the opportunities for free laborers. “Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men.”

  • Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears: Ordered the removal of Native Americans residing East of the Mississippi. The U.S. army forcibly removed (15,000) Cherokees from their ancestral homelands to the Indian Territory. This forced march led to about 4,000 Cherokees dying.

  • Women’s Rights Convention/Seneca Falls: A convention advocating for women’s rights where the Declaration of Sentiments was read by Elizabeth Stanton. It launched the women’s rights movement.

  • The Liberator/ William Lloyd Garrison: First antislavery newspaper. Written by William Lloyd Garrison

  • American Colonization Society: Founded in 1817. Had a purpose of transporting blacks back to Africa, but, although some were transported to Monrovia, Republic of Liberia, most had no wish to do so as they were partially Americanized and native born African- Americans.

  • Marbury v. Madison/Judicial Review: One of Adams’ midnight judges, Marbury sued for his appointment, ended with the decision that Jefferson should deliver his appointment, but the supreme court cannot order it. Established judicial review which is where only the Supreme court can declare something’s constitutionality. The Supreme court is also the highest power.

  • Embargo Act: forbade export from US to foreign countries to hurt the French & British economies, but it ended up hurting American colonies more.

  • War Hawks: southerners and westerners eager for war with Britain. Strong sense of nationalism and wanted to wipe out the Native Americans threatening expanding pioneers.

  • Hartford Convention: Federalists met in Massachusetts to discuss things about the war, discontent, redresses for wrongs, secession (but not much). Disgraced and demolished The Federalist Party.

  • Era of Good Feelings: during the Monroe administration, referred to the fact there was only one political party and seemingly no arguments over issues

  • Missouri Compromise: (anti-slave) and south (pro-slave) for the western territories, prohibiting slavery in the Louisiana territory beyond the 36* 30” line. Also made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free one.

  • Monroe Doctrine: Statement saying the western hemisphere is closed to colonization. Basis for US foreign policy along w/Washington's farewell address. Emphasized non-colonization-non-entanglement, and non-intervention

  • Clay’s American System: an economic plan promoting a strong banking system like the BUS, protective tariffs for manufacturing, and infrastructure/internal improvement (roads and canals) in the west.

  • Lowell System: A paternalistic textile factory system of the early 19th century that employed mainly young women from New England farms to increase efficiency, productivity, and profits in ways different from other methods.

  • Mass Production/ Interchangeable parts:a manufacturing system which uses standardized parts which are all identical and thus, interchangeable.

  • Industrial/Market Revolution: period in the 1850’s that marked the rapid industrialization and economic changes of countries

  • Cult of Domesticity: glorified the customary functions of a homemaker for women. Married women have moral power.

APUSH Semester 1 Final- Cumulative Key Terms

  • Albany Plan of Union: created by Benjamin Franklin to encourage unity, spurned by the colonies and British government. Confirmed how unity was needed, but the details conflicted which each colony.

  • Proclamation of 1763: Prohibited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachians due to the expense of protecting settlers, but greatly angered the colonists

  • Mercantilism: An economic system saying wealth and power of a nation depended on gold and raw materials

  • Intolerable Acts: series of laws passed by the British government to punish Boston for the Boston tea party. Involved closing Boston Harbor until they paid for the dumped tea and the quartering of soldiers.

  • Common Sense: Written by Thomas Paine that stated American’s still holding loyalties to the English crown did not have common sense and the tiny Britain didn’t have the right to control the big America. The King was not worthy of reverence.

  • “republican motherhood”: The duty of women to raise their children to be good citizens. Encouraged civic virtue- unselfish commitment to public good.

  • Articles of Confederation: The nation's first Constitution. Was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1781 during the Revolution. The document was limited because states held most of the power, and Congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage.

  • Land Ordinance of 1785: Provided for the orderly settlement of the northwest territory. Divided it into 36 1 square mile sections (6 by 6 mile township), with the money going to pay war debts, except the 16th section which went to education.

  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787: Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most significant achievements of the Articles of Confederation. It established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states.

  • Federalist Papers: A collection of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison explaining how the new government/constitution would work. Their purpose was to convince the New York state legislature to ratify the constitution, which it did.

  • Neutrality Proclamation: A proclamation issued by Washington which proclaimed that the United States was a neutral state when war erupted again between France and England.

  • Farewell Address: The address was Washington's farewell letter that was written by Hamilton and published in newspapers; it warned against permanent alliances (non-entaglement) and the establishment political parties.

  • Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions/Doctrine of Nullification: political statements in which Kentucky and Virginia state legislatures took the position that the Federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.

  • Universal Male Suffrage: A law passed by Andrew Jackson which allowed all white males to vote, regardless of whether or not they met the property requirements.

  • Tariff of Abominations: A protective tariff passed by the U.S. Congress which came to be known by this name through its Southern detractors. It was the highest tariff in the history of United States peacetime, and its goal was to protect industry in the North from competing European goods by causing European goods to spike in price.

  • Whig Party: Party formed from former Federalists and Nullies joined together on their hatred of Andrew Jackson.

  • Free Soil Party: Against the expansion of slavery in the land gained from the Mexican cessation, arguing that slavery would limit the opportunities for free laborers. “Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men.”

  • Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears: Ordered the removal of Native Americans residing East of the Mississippi. The U.S. army forcibly removed (15,000) Cherokees from their ancestral homelands to the Indian Territory. This forced march led to about 4,000 Cherokees dying.

  • Women’s Rights Convention/Seneca Falls: A convention advocating for women’s rights where the Declaration of Sentiments was read by Elizabeth Stanton. It launched the women’s rights movement.

  • The Liberator/ William Lloyd Garrison: First antislavery newspaper. Written by William Lloyd Garrison

  • American Colonization Society: Founded in 1817. Had a purpose of transporting blacks back to Africa, but, although some were transported to Monrovia, Republic of Liberia, most had no wish to do so as they were partially Americanized and native born African- Americans.

  • Marbury v. Madison/Judicial Review: One of Adams’ midnight judges, Marbury sued for his appointment, ended with the decision that Jefferson should deliver his appointment, but the supreme court cannot order it. Established judicial review which is where only the Supreme court can declare something’s constitutionality. The Supreme court is also the highest power.

  • Embargo Act: forbade export from US to foreign countries to hurt the French & British economies, but it ended up hurting American colonies more.

  • War Hawks: southerners and westerners eager for war with Britain. Strong sense of nationalism and wanted to wipe out the Native Americans threatening expanding pioneers.

  • Hartford Convention: Federalists met in Massachusetts to discuss things about the war, discontent, redresses for wrongs, secession (but not much). Disgraced and demolished The Federalist Party.

  • Era of Good Feelings: during the Monroe administration, referred to the fact there was only one political party and seemingly no arguments over issues

  • Missouri Compromise: (anti-slave) and south (pro-slave) for the western territories, prohibiting slavery in the Louisiana territory beyond the 36* 30” line. Also made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free one.

  • Monroe Doctrine: Statement saying the western hemisphere is closed to colonization. Basis for US foreign policy along w/Washington's farewell address. Emphasized non-colonization-non-entanglement, and non-intervention

  • Clay’s American System: an economic plan promoting a strong banking system like the BUS, protective tariffs for manufacturing, and infrastructure/internal improvement (roads and canals) in the west.

  • Lowell System: A paternalistic textile factory system of the early 19th century that employed mainly young women from New England farms to increase efficiency, productivity, and profits in ways different from other methods.

  • Mass Production/ Interchangeable parts:a manufacturing system which uses standardized parts which are all identical and thus, interchangeable.

  • Industrial/Market Revolution: period in the 1850’s that marked the rapid industrialization and economic changes of countries

  • Cult of Domesticity: glorified the customary functions of a homemaker for women. Married women have moral power.
