Academic Olympics :/
person, place, thing, or idea
Subject Noun
doer of an action
Possessive Noun
with an apostrophe is used to show possession
Subject pronoun
a word that replaces a noun or other pronoun and used as the subject of a sentence
Object pronoun
a word used as an object in a sentence
Possessive pronoun
a word used to show ownership or possession
a word that can express actions, events, or states of being
Main verb
expresses main action
Helping verb
āhelpsā another main verb
Linking verb
ālinksā the subject of a sentence with a noun or adjective in the predicate
the word ātoā with an action
Examples of linking or be verbs
am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being, smell, look, taste, remain, feel, appear, sound, seem, become, grow, stand, turn
Examples of helping verbs
can, could, shall, should, will, would, have, has, had, may, must, might, do, did, done, does
a word added to a sentence to convey emotion
the words A, AN, or THE used before a noun of adjective-noun
a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun; it answers the questions: Which one? What kind? How many?
a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb; it answers the questions: Where? When? How? *usually end in LY
connects nouns, pronouns, and other phrases to other words in the sentence; A prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition and an object and can have an article or adjective
Examples of Prepositions
aboard, above, about, according to, across, after, below, besides, during, except, for, from, off, inside, instead, over, outside, past, until
connects words, phrases, and sentences in a sentence
Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions
and, or, but, for, so, yet, nor, either, neither
Examples of Subordinating Conjunctions
after, although, as, as if, as long as, because, before, if, in order that, since, so, so that, that