Geography Tourism 2.3 Social Impacts from Tourism

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What are the Positive Social Impacts of Tourism?

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What are the Positive Social Impacts of Tourism?

  1. Cultural Preservation

  2. Enhance Cultural Ecosystem Services

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What is the Example Used For Cultural Preservation?

Shadow Puppetry in China is an ancient art form which is important for passing down history and cultural. Tourists had greater interest in it, leading to people innovating new ways to showcase Shadow Puppetry like using Virtual Reality.

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What is the Example Used for Enhancing Cultural Ecosystem Services?

For example, the Sangjiangyuan National Park in China that attracts tourists due to the rare sightings of snow leopards in the area. The park being protected, allowed for people to appreciate the parkā€™s beauty, learn more about the conservation of snow leopards, and also motivates Buddhist Locals as an incentive to encourage them to preserve their cultural and protect the animals.

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What are the Negative Social Impacts of Tourism?

  1. Commodification

  2. Cultural Clashes

  3. Rise in Crimes

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What is the Example used for Commodification?

In Vancouver, Canada, totem poles are being commodified and mass produced and are usually inauthentic and produced without collaboration with native tribes. Hence, it creates tensions between locals who feel that their culture is being diluted, and people who sell these souvenirs for a living.

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What is the example used for Cultural Clashes?

For example, after Hawaii USA reopened their borders after COVID-19, many locals did not want tourists to come as they felt tourists did not obey public safety guidelines and did not respect the indigenous Hawaiian Culture in Hawaii. They also harmed the environment by throwing trash around and destroying paths.

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What is the Example used for Rise in Crimes?

For example, in 2017, a tourist bus in Barcelona, Spain was attacked by a group of anti-tourists protestors, puncturing/destroying the tires and sprayed anti-tourism Graffiti.

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