intermolecular forces

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intermolecular forces

The attractions between molecules are not nearly as strong as the intramolecular attractions (bonds) that hold compounds together

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dispersion force

attractions between an instantaneous dipole and an induced dipole.

Factors Affecting strength of this force

  • number of electrons in an atom (more electrons, more ______ force)

  • size of atom or molecule/molecular weight

  • shape of molecules with similar masses (more compact, less _______ force)

    • Molecules are not made up of ions only 

    • Molecules are not polar

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dipole-dipole forces

  • Polar molecules have a more positive and a more negative end–a dipole (two poles, δ+ and δ).

  • The oppositely charged ends attract each other.

    • Molecules are not made up of ions only

    • Molecules are polar

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hydrogen bonding

  • The dipole–dipole interactions experienced when H is bonded to N, O, or F are unusually strong.

  • is an attraction between a hydrogen atom attached to a highly electronegative atom and a nearby small electronegative atom in another molecule or chemical group.

  • arises in part from the high electronegativity of nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine.

  • These atoms interact with a nearly bare nucleus (which contains one proton).

    • Molecules are not made up of ions only

    • Molecules are polar

    • A hydrogen atom is present and is bonded to either F, O, N

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ion-dipole forces

  • are found in solutions of ions.

  • The strength of these forces is what makes it possible for ionic substances to dissolve in polar solvents.

    • Molecules are made up of only ions

    • Molecules are polar

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boiling point

the temperature at which the liquid converts into a gas

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Resistance of a liquid to flow — it increases with stronger intermolecular forces

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surface tension

Water acts as if it has a “skin” on it due to extra inward forces on its surface — it increases with stronger IMFA

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vapor pressure

measure of the tendency of a material to change into the gaseous or vapor state

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capillary action

The rise of liquids up narrow tubes

  • The net result of 2 opposing sets of forces: cohesive and adhesive forces

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cohesive forces

Intermolecular forces that bind similar molecules to one another

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adhesive forces

Intermolecular forces that bind a substance to a surface

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kinetic energy

  • less when IMFA is strong

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  • solids have strong IMFA so their ____ do not expand

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vapor pressure

  • not common among solids because of their strong IMFA; however, some solid particles have minimum energy to turn into a vapor without becoming liquid.

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melting point

  • the temperature at which a solid melts; the stronger the IMFA, the higher the ______

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heat of fusion

  • the amount of heat needed to melt a solid once it reached its melting point. 

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  • particles are in highly ordered arrangement; regularly arranged; show regular shapes

    • Examples: metals, alloys, carbon, salts (e.g. NaCl and MgSO4)

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  • no particular order in the arrangement of particles.

    • Examples: glass, plastic, asphalt, and rubber

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phase changes

  • Happens when a substance either gain or lose heat

  • Is the transition from one phase to another

  • Generally occurs at a constant temperature when the pressure is constant

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endothermic process

absorption of heat/energy

  • Melting

  • Vaporization    

  • Sublimation 

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exothermic process

loss / release of heat/energy

  • Condensation

  • Deposition

  • Freezing

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heating curve

a plot of temperature and heat added to the substance

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cooling curve

a plot of temperature and heat removed from the substance

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solid-liquid equilibrium

when solid and liquid phases of a substance coexist.

  • When a solid is heated it starts melting at a certain fixed temperature (melting point). 

  • At this stage even when the heating is continued, the temperature does not change until the whole of solid is converted into liquid.

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liquid-vapor equilibrium

when liquid and gas phases of a substance coexist

  • When a liquid is heated it starts evaporating at a certain fixed temperature . At this stage even when the heating is continued, the temperature does not change until the whole of liquid is converted into gas.

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state of equilibrium

reached when two substances, one solid and one vapor, are in contact with each other in a closed system

  • In this state, the concrete's vaporization rate is equal to the speed of condensation of the vapor

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phase diagram

Shows the physical states of a substance under different conditions of temperature and pressure

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melting (or freezing) curve

  • represents the transition between liquid and solid states

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vaporization (or condensation) curve

  • represents the transition between gaseous and liquid states

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sublimation (or deposition) curve

  • represents the transition between gaseous and solid states.

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triple point

  • a point at which all states of matter coexist

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critical point

the temperature and pressure at which the distinction between liquid and gas can no longer be made

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supercritical fluid

a phase that occurs for a gas at a specific temperature and pressure such that the gas will no longer condense to a liquid regardless of how high the pressure is raised.

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critical temperature

  • the highest temperature at which the substance can remain in liquid state

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critical pressure

the pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature

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