brand name
name, term,sign symbol or design that allows a consumer to identify goods and services of a business and differentiate a product from its competitors.
credit crunch
when borrowing becomes difficult because bank loans are harder to get and interest rates are high
e commerce/ online retailing
using electronic systems to sell goods and services using the internet
set of arrangements that allows buyers and sellers to communicate and trade in a particular range of goods and services
market share
the porportion of total sales in a particular market that a business or brand is responsible for in %
the management process of identifying,anticipating and satifying customer needs/wants profitably
mass market
a huge market where products with mass appeal are targeted
niche market
a smaller more specialised market within a large industry
online retailing
the selling goods online
quanitity of products sold
total spent by customers
what does marketing involve
identifying needs and wants of customers
desiugning products that meet those needs
understanding the challanges posed by competitors
informing customers about the product
persuading and distributing products
characteristics of mass markets (5)
the same product is sold to everyone
large number of customers in the market
mass quantities produced so lower average costs
higher revenue but lower profit margins
chance of forming an economy of scale
features of niche markets
sells to a small group of people
meet of specific needs
avoids competition because the are market orientated
charge premium prices
more vulnerable to market fluctuations
advantages of mass markets
lower unit costs → large-scale production
more sales → higher revenue
increased brand awareness so the brand becomes easily identifiable
easier to target a wider market
higher chances of economies of scale
disadvantages of mass markets
low prices → decreased profit margin
increased competition → products are less differentiated
higher risk → harder to compete in saturated markets
associated with lower quality goods due to low prices
advantages of niche markets
high profit margins because the prices are higher
decreased competition as similar businesses do not exist
increased customer loyalty as the firm is market-orientated so their needs are met
the firm will have specialist skill and knowledge
disadvanatages of niche markets
risk of overdependence on one product/service
not possibilities of economies of scale
sensitive to fluctuation in the market
harder to create a recogniseable brand
market size
the total revenue generated by the sales of all products and services in the market
uses of branding in marketing
customer loyalty
charging premium prices
developing a brand identity
product recognition
dynamic markets
a market that is subjected to continual and rapid change
how do market change
what do firms need to do to cope with a dynamic market
adapt to the changes in social,economical, environmental and financial changes in society to remain profitable
advantages of e commerce/online retailing + their effects (5)
retailer can market to a wider group of people in society → increases volume of sales generated by a firm → increased revenue and product availability
easier to segment psychologically→market to a specific target market easier → easier to reach target market
lower marketing costs→ more resources can go to financiing other areas of a business
open 24/7 → increased accesibility
greater flexibility → firms can instantly update to meet new trends online
disadvantages of e commerce/online retailing + their effects (2)
hard to generate economies of scale → there is not a big competitve advantage
risk of overdependence on one product →limited market research that can be conducted →vulnerability to change
3 ways markets can change
market size
nature of market
new markets
how does market size change(7)
change in population
change in economic conditions (financial state of people)
supply and demand
competition in the market
consumer preferences
stages of change in market size
stability: market stays the same due to consumer preferences being stable
growth: change in consumer preferences leads to an increased of market size
decline: new invention/ innovation replaces the market and it goes extinct
nature of markets
market are in a state of flux
flux:the structure and nature of a market is subject to constant change
factors affecting the nature of markets(7)
cost of production
number of sellers and buyers
social media
consumers trying to match colleague/celebrity spending habits
new markets
markets that are always developing
appea when new products are launched
sources of new markets are BRIC countries
types changes that affect market growth(4)
social changes
demographic changes
changes in legislation
economic growth
the development of production and services in the economy
creating a new product by taking advantage of inadequacies in the market
social changes
how changes in society impact the greater market
such as :
changes in beliefs/attitudes
changes in technology
changes in the consumer demographic
changes in legislation (law)
can destroy or put a market in decline
as the can prevent marketing or reduce sales volume
demographic changes
:changes in the structure of the population
ways to adapt change(5)
constant improvement (efficiency customer loyalty+ innvation
market research
flexibility (adapting to changes in the market)
developing a niche
a rivalry that exists between businesses in the same market
effect:creates pressure on businesses to attract consumers
consequences of competition
harder to enter a market
surviving the market is harder
reduced profit
high chances of take over
take over
buying a rival market
e.g spending absurd amounts on advertisements
advantages of competition for consumers
cheaper prices
more choice/customizeability
better quality
low chances of being exploited
ways to attract customers
lowering prices
differentiating products
offerring better quality
using powerfull advertising
offering incentives
an action where the outcome is uknown and resources could be lost
where the markets that businesses work in are vulnerable to external influences due to a lack of control
examples of uncertainty
new competitor join with a superior product
social changes
new legislation
new technology
natural disasters
credit crunch/recession