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An integrated collection of logically-related records in the form of tables, used for storing, managing, and retrieving information.
A database program used for storing information in various formats such as tables, queries, forms, and reports.
Microsoft Access
A set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and use of a computerized database.
Database Management System (DBMS)
A collection of related information organized in rows (records) and columns (fields).
One row of a table that includes complete information arranged horizontally.
A column in a table that stores information of the same type, arranged vertically.
The duplication of data, which a DBMS helps to reduce.
Data Redundancy
The ability for different users to access and use the same database.
Data Sharing
Occurs when related files have different information; a DBMS controls this by updating changes across files.
Data Inconsistency
Protection of records in a DBMS, allowing access only to authorized users.
Data Security
The maintenance of data accuracy and consistency through constraints in a DBMS.
A type of database where data is organized as related tables, proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970.
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Tools used for sorting, grouping, or filtering data in a database.
Customized screens for entering and viewing data in a table or query.
Presentations of data from a table or query in printed format.
Formats in which data is accepted for each field in a database.
Data Types
A unique identifier for each record in a table, ensuring no duplicate values.
Primary Key
A view in MS Access that displays data in a row and column format for easy data entry.
Datasheet View
A view in MS Access for defining fields and their properties in a table.
Design View
A pane used to specify additional properties for a field, such as field size and validation.
Field Properties Pane