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Monroe Doctrine
American foreign policy asserting the right to intervene in the Western Hemisphere to safeguard national security interests.
Wilson's Neutrality Policy
Woodrow Wilson's initial stance of neutrality during World War I, complicated by close ties with England and strained relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Espionage Act and Sedition Act
Laws passed during WWI to curb opposition to U.S. involvement, prohibiting interference with the war effort and restricting speech against the government, military, or Constitution.
Schenck v
Supreme Court case upholding the Espionage Act, ruling that freedom of speech could be limited if it posed a "clear and present danger" to others or the nation.
Palmer Raids
Government crackdown on suspected radical groups in the U.S. in the early 1920s, leading to arrests, deportations, and disregard for civil liberties.
Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Government propaganda agency during WWI that fueled anti-German sentiment through sensational messages in various media.
Great Migration
Movement of Black Southern people to the North for wartime job opportunities in manufacturing, contributing to social changes and racial tensions.
Treaty of Versailles
Peace treaty ending WWI, punishing Germany and establishing the League of Nations, although the U.S. did not join due to Senate opposition.