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what are dispositional explanations?
the causes of a particular behaviour as being due to the enduring characteristics of the individuals involved rather than any aspect of the situation they are in
what is institutional aggression?
aggressive acts that are found in particular violent institutions such as prison
what are situational explanations?
the causes of a particular behaviour as being due to the context in which it occurs rather than any enduring characteristics of the individuals involved
what kind of explanation is the importation model?
what kind of explanation is the deprivation model?
what is the deprivation model?
Paterline & Peterson
institutional aggression is the product of the stressful & oppressive conditions of prison
what derivations in prison does Sykes identify?
loss of liberty
loss of autonomy
loss of security
what did Kimmet & Martin find?
violence in prison is frequently a way of surviving the risk of exploitation
what circumstances does Cooke et al claim cause institutional aggression?
heat & noise
job burnout
what is the research support for overcrowding causing institutional aggression?
Yuma → prison population density has a significant effect on inmate on inmate violence even after controlling variables
what is the research support for heat & noise causing institutional aggression?
Griffitt & Veitch → high temperature & high population density produced more negative emotions in inmates
what is the research support for job burnout as a cause of institutional aggression?
Maslach → the development of violence in prison is because of a deterioration in relationships with inmates & functioning of the prison
what is the importation model?
Irwin & Cressey
inmates bring their violent pasts to prison
what is an important determinant of prison violence?
gang membership
who found that gang members disproportionately engage in prison violence?
Allender & Marcell
what did Drury & DeLisi find about gang membership & prison violence?
individuals who had been gang members prior to imprisonment were significantly more likely to commit various types of misconduct in prison
what dispositional characteristics are included in the importation model?
anger, antisocial personality style & impulsivity
low self control
what is the research support for anger, antisocial personality & impulsivity as a cause of institutional aggression?
Wang & Diamond → these characteristics were stronger predictors of institutional aggression than ethnicity & type of offence
what research support is there for low self control as a cause of institutional aggression?
DeLisi —> tendency to lose temper easily was a significant predictor of aggressive behaviour before and during incarceration
what are the strengths of the importation model?
research support - Mears et al - measured code of the street belief system & prison experiences - found that it affects inmate violence - especially in those with unsupportive families or prior gang membership
what are the weaknesses of the importation model?
inmates with prior gang involvement were no more likely to engage in prison violence - DeLisi - lack of association can be explained by the fact that gang members are isolated form others - restricted opportunities for violence
what are the strengths of the deprivation model?
research support - McCorkie et al - situational factors e.g., overcrowding influenced inmate assaults - prisons with lots of inmates in educational or vocational programmes had a lower violence incidence
RWA - HMP Woodhill - set up less claustrophobic units with less noise & heat - virtually eradicated assaults on prison staff and inmates