variation in words and structures associated with a particular geographical region.
variation in pronunciation associated with a particular geographical region
the practice of alternating between two or more languages/varieties of language in conversation
variation in language use associated with membership of a particular social group
variation in language use associated with an individual’s personalised speech style.
linguistic relativity hypothesis
sapir and whorf - states that the particular language one speaks influences the way one thinks about reality. reflectionism vs determinism.
2004 - one of the most fundamental ways we have of establishing our identity, and of shaping other people’s views of who we are, is through our language.
giles matched guise
a sociolinguistic experimental technique used to determine views and feelings of people towards a certain dialect or accent. different accents have different pragmatical connotations.
dialect levelling
describes the process of dialects or a specific dialect losing the marked features it once had. dialects don’t loose features, they are replaced with alternatives.
Matha’s vineyard 1961 - island study, identity through accent fishermen
2014 - use of code-switching and accents/dialects alongside age. in schools in Bradford and London