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linkage institutions
connect people with the government keeping people informed and trying to shape public opinion and policy
political parties, interest groups, or the media
give 2 examples of a linkage institution
the most common form of political participation is ___
individuals who have the right to vote
the right to vote
T/F At first only property-owning white males could vote
The Constitution originally called for state legislatures to appoint electors who then later elected the president in an electoral college
qualifications for voting
constitution forbade religious test for federal offices but did not prevent test in determining who could vote
What tests were used to determine who could vote
property tax, poll tax, literacy test, gender
citizens shall not be denied the right to vote due to race, color or previous servitude
15th amendment
citizens shall not be denied the right to vote due to gender
19th amendment
DC will have 3 electoral votes
23rd amendment
ended the poll tax
24th amendment
citizens 18 and older can vote
26th amendment
ended slavery
13th amendment
granted citizenship and legal protection
14th amendment
gave African American males the right to vote
15th amendment
Jim Crow Laws
designed to keep African Americans from voting
Poll Tax
fee required to vote
white primary
kept African Americans from voting since it was the organization’s way of selecting a candidate
people would now select senators
17th amendment
Susan B. Anthony
lead the suffragist movement for women
1957 Civil Rights Act
addressed discrimination in voter registration
provision that put states under federal supervision if they attempted to invent new, legal loopholes to diminish black suffrage such as moving polling places or gerrymandering
creating district that favors a political party
Rational voting
voter who has examined an issue or candidate, evaluated campaign promises or platform points and consciously decided to vote in the way that seems to most benefit the voter
retrospective voting
look backward to consider candidates track records
prospective voting
citizens anticipate the future - consider how candidate or proposed ballot initiatives might affect their lives in the future
party-line voting
citizen affiliated with a political party or hold a strong party loyalty will likely vote with their party at most opportunities
party indetification
What is the easiest way to predict a voter’s habits?
who are the most responsible for elections, both state and federal
at least 18
register to vote
US citizen and resident of the state where you are voting
In 12 states - nonfelon
list the requirements to vote
a small geographic area where voters in that area are assigned to vote
refers to a combination of a number of precinct
the First Tuesday after the First Monday in November
When does the federal government set the date for federal elections?
National Voter Registration act
addresses national standards and enforcement of voter registration, mail-in registration and government based registration
all states had to update voting systems to an electronic format
addressed voting for people with disabilities
registering voters must provide a driver’s license or the last four digits of a Social Security number
military serving overseas must have access to absentee ballots, registration forms and election information
Help America Vote act
Australian Ballot
Absentee Ballot
must be requested, completed and mailed in according to the states requirements
midterm election
one that is for House Representatives, maybe a senator or governor then local officials has a lower voter turnout that a presidential election
voter apathy
a lack of concern for the election outcome
political efficacy
sense that their vote makes a difference
voting block
a group of people who tend to vote together
political parties
organized groups of people with similar political ideologies and goals who recruit candidates and help them get elected to create public policy
written list of beliefs and political goals
republican party
supports conservative issues
democratic party
supports more liberal issues
every 4 years
How often does a party hold a national convention?
nominate the party candidate for president
adopt a national platform
What is the purpose of a national convention?
war chest
refers to money a candidate might already have that can be used on a campaign
federal election commission
parties must register with this organization, party can only contribute $5,000 into a candidate’s account per election, party can spend unlimited amount
national republican senatorial committee & National republican congressional committee
national democratic senatorial campaign & democratic congressional campaign committee
What are the 4 non-law making committees
T/F political parties are not mentioned in the constiution
supported a strong central government
supported state’s rights
became the republican party - supported the national government and opposed slavery
the democratic-republican party
What did the Anti-federalists become know as?
high-ranking delegates not linked to any state primary vote, who vote for the party candidate at the national convention
party realignment
a change in underlying electoral forces due to changes in party identification
a party is defeated badly and fades away as a new party is created
large blocks of voters shift party allegiance
2 reasons for party realignment
Grand Old Party
republican party also known as
who are the voters - race, gender, age, neighborhood, church, or political affiliation
psychographic segmentation
uses data about our personality, lifestyle, and social class to categorize groups of voters
third party
also known as minor parties, influences by social movements and interest groups
ideological party
third party type that subscribes to an idea
splinter party
third party type that occurs when a party breaks away from a major party
economic-protest parties
third party type that is a greenback party opposing monopolies
single issue parties
what third party type is the prohibition party
throw elections
make unpopular issues popular
2 outcomes from 3rd parties
ballot access
convincing voters to vote for you even though they do not think you can win
4 reasons it is diffucult for 3rd parties to compete with Major Parties
single member districts
the candidate who wins the most votes or plurality wins the office (you do not have to have the majority)
presidential election
winner take all - this is a problem
swing state
a state that does not always vote for the same political party
a multitude of views that ultimately results in a consensus on some issues
apply pressure to influence government
iron triangle
bond between federal agencies, congressional committees and interest groups
issue networks
collectives with similar goals, but they have come together to support a specific issue and usually do not have the long-term relationships that characterize with iron triangles
help draft legislation
provide information about an issue
prepare advertising
what do interest groups do
501 C-3
organizations such as churches that receive tax deductions but cannot lobby
a public expression of support
American Federation of labor (AFL) & Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO)
labor unions that merged together
main tool of a labor union is ___
US Chamber of Commerce
one of the larger and most influential groups in DC
congress can collect income tax
16th amendment
people can vote for senators instead of state legislatures
17th amendment
women can vote
19th amendment
national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP)
seek racial equality and social fairness for African Americans
National Organization for Women (NOW)
fought for the equal rights amendment even though it was not ratified
Title IX
funding equality to men’s and women’s school athletics and Roe v Wade
rachel carson
wrote Silent Spring criticized the use of insecticides that harmed birds and wildlife
ralph nader
consumer advocate