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Infraorbital foramen of skull
coronal suture of skull
sagittal suture of skull
squamous suture of skull
lambdoid suture of skull
Palatine bone (horizontal plate) of skull
(Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed)
maxilla (palatine process) of skull
(Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed)
carotid canal of skull
(Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed)
jugular foramen of skull
(Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed)
foramen lacerum of skull
(Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed)
foramen magnum of skull
(Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed)
internal auditory meatus of skull
optic canal of skull
superior and inferior orbital fissures of skull
crista galli of skull
cribriform plate (horizontal plate) of the ethmoid of skull
olfactory foramina of skull
perpendicular plate of the ethmoid of skull
frontal sinus of skull
maxillary sinus of skull
hyoid bone
greater wing of sphenoid bone of skull
lesser wing of sphenoid bone of skull
sella turcica of sphenoid bone of skull
optic canal of sphenoid bone of skull
foramen ovale of sphenoid bone of skull
sphenoid sinus of skull
perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone of skull
ethmoid sinuses of ethmoid bone of skull
atlas, vertebral column
axis, vertebral column
cervical region, vertebral column
thoracic region, vertebral column
thorax (thoracic cage)
Manubrium of sternum
body of sternum
xiphoid process of sternum
clavicular notch of sternum
jugular notch of sternum
sternal angle of sternum
true ribs
false ribs
floating ribs
head of rib
transverse costal facet (for tubercle of rib)
superior and inferior costal facets (for head of rib)
dens or odontoid process
transverse foramen
transverse process
spinous process
vertebral foramen
vertebral arch
body or centrum
anterior arch of atlas
posterior arch of atlas
superior articular facets
facet for dens
inferior articular facet
Zygomatic bone of skull
sphenoid bone of skull
mental foramen of skull
mandibular condyle of skull
mandibular notch of skull
mandibular fossa of the temporal bone of skull
External auditory meatus of skull
Mastoid process of skull
Temporomandibular joint of skull
Supraorbital foramen of skull
lumbar region, vertebral column
sacrum, vertebral column
coccyx, vertebral column
parietal bone of skull
occipital bone of skull
occipital condyles of skull
zygomatic arch of skull
2 projections - zygomatic process of temporal bone and temporal process of zygomatic bone
frontal bone of skull
ethmoid bone of skull
nasal bone of skull
maxilla of skull
mandible of skull
Styloid process of skull