I have analyzed the results
Yo he analizado los resultados.
she had chosen me
Ella me había elegido/ escogido
It is bad that we have argued
Es malo que hayamos discutido.
It is a shame that you guys(Uds) have not made up(made peace)
Es una lástima que no hayan hecho las paces.
We will have fallen in love in 3 months
Nos habremos enamorado en 3 meses.
He has been very jealous
El ha tenido los celos
They had already gone to Mexico
Ellos ya habían ido a Mexico
I am happy that they have returned
Estoy feliz/contento/a que ellos hayan vuelto
You all(Vostros) had said too much
Vosotros habíais dicho demasiado
I will have discovered the truth
Yo habré descubierto la verdad.
I doubt that they have forgiven Pedro.
Dudo que hayan disculpado a Pedro.
Had you opened that window before?
¿Habías abierto esa ventana antes?
We haven't seen him before.
No lo hemos visto antes.
I think that he has put the money on the table.
Pienso que él ha puesto el dinero en la mesa.
They will have overcome many obstacles
Ellos habrán superado muchos obstáculos.
I already had written five novels.
Yo ya había escrito cinco novelas.
I am sure that you haven't given me the information.
Estoy segura que tú no me has dado la información.
I will have married before turning 30.
Me habré casado antes de cumplir treinta años.
She has broken his heart.
Ella ha roto su corazón.
We had never printed the homework before.
Nunca habíamos impreso la tarea antes.