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classical anthropology - thinking of the videos we have watched, what do these anthropological case studies have in common?
research was conducted in villages
communities were described as isolated/static
social systems were understood in their own terms
history plays a role in the representation of indigenous people
until the 1970s anthropologists placed emphasis on kinship since it is the dominant principle of organization
anthropology changed in the 1960s and 70s since research was conducted in both villages and urban settings, so
more attention was paid to the relationships between local communities and larger entities
no longer static, but were described as dynamic
anthropology in the 1980s to now
nationalism and ethnicity became crucial issues in the discipline (specifically in the 1980s and 1990s)
first use of word globalization was in the 1990s - communities were understood as part of a larger global world
how long has the world been global?
capitalism started in the 18th century
the world has been global since 1492 - which is when christopher columbus landed in central america
1497 john cabbot landed in newfoundland
interconnections: the book europe and the people without history was published in 1892 and written by
eric wolf, who argues the world has been global since 1400
but people traveled much more in the late 19th century because it was possible due to air travel
globalization since the 1990s = an intensification of interconnections
we live in a global world
we all know coca cola products
we all know music (ie Madonna was one of the first global icons in the US)
ie sex and the city popular american show, poster was in poland in 2008, shows how certain things are made in a certain place but taken away globally → what makes it a global product? poland likely to watch many american films, but america unlikely to watch poland films - which is the relationship between producing/recieving country, which is cultural globalization
nowadays, human groups are
no longer territorialized or spatially bounded
in a global context, any groups/communities operate in ways that transcend territorial boundaries and cultural identities
deterritorialization is
not simply a social phenomenon, it is largely economic, since 1989 (cuz in 1989 that is when socialism came to an end, new managers sought the best markets for their investments, but note that the flow of money creates new worries and conflicts)
dreams, fantasies, myths, songs, enter people’s imagination
globalization unites (cuz we all know madonna and coca cola). most countries in asia have become
entangled with the global economy because most mass production has moved to asia (cuz its cheaper and most of their trade unions are very weak)
globalization also divides - think of African countries, can’t really
in terms of globalization, keep in mind that the inequalities between rich and poor have not come down
most people in todays world do not travel at all despite it being easier - it is more expensive, and visa application is a nightmare
the national state is no longer the premiere framework controlling the national economy - until 1989 the role of the state was to protect; they tried to reach balance between social protection and capitalism, after 1989 capitalism becomes significant
the major pressure of globalization of the states is to
loosen the controls of the national state over the countrys financial and banking system
ie theres lots of banks in poland but most are not polish banks
globalization of production:
production itself becomes globalized - on paper this is good but in reality it has high social costs. workers are being exploited
this shift means that factories in western countries had to close down as they could not compete with the low cost of labor in southeast asia - ie steelwork used to play major role in michigan but not any more
the shift also causes rising levels of employment and immigration
countries landing in a financial countries are often forced to accept the superimposed conditions by financial institutions
globalization contributed to the collapse of socialist states in 1989
control of the allocation of resources is being centralized, which means CEOS and managers have power, which in the past was unthinkable, the problem is that managers are NOT elected by any body of citizens - elon musk was not elected!
naomi kleins book no logo tells the
story of globalization from a journalist’s perspective
in terms of globalization, there is no centers of power
which means there are new forms of power
power resides in financial markets, which operate largely through private electronic networks
global capitalist markets discipline national governments (this is opposite to what happened at the end of ww2, when national governments discipline global markets)
global economy is implemented through electronic space since the 1990s (the electronic revolution) - military used it even before it became public
both production and consumption become
globalization is not a great carnival of capital and technology, it is not about solidarity
does globalization mean we will have a global culture? implications of global culture include
the national society, which is a national group of people sharing a common language and culture
how did globalization start?
started in 1492 as a result of war when christopher columbus came to the west (east controlled by ottoman empire, so thought to go to asia instead, discovered america)
before columbus, europe was relatively isolated, so was the rest of the world (map p 73)
european contact with non western societies was blocked by islamic expansion (turkish/ottoman empire since 7th century)
luxury goods were trades between countries, but were limited and expensive and as a result development of trade became crucial (more in textbook)
basically, the discovery of america had cultural consequences in europe and the americas
consequence of global culture include
mass conversion to catholicism
problem is that all over the world temples were destroyed and churches were built in their place
western technology was introduced
indigenous people started adopting animals imported from europe (spaniards) and potato was introduced in europe from south america sometime between late 18th century and early 19th century
by 1800, indigenous population of south america
was decimated by 90%