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Pectoral girdle
Structure that attaches the upper limbs to the trunk.
Upper limbs
Composed of 30 bones in each arm.
Pelvic girdle
Structure that attaches the lower limbs to the trunk.
Lower limbs
Composed of 30 bones in each leg.
S-shaped long bone that connects the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton.
Broad, flat, triangular-shaped bone that forms the shoulder blade.
Sternoclavicular joint
Joint where the clavicle meets the sternum.
The highest point of the shoulder, where the clavicle connects to the scapula.
The long bone in the upper arm.
Bone in the forearm on the thumb side.
Bone in the forearm on the pinky side.
Eight wrist bones.
Five bones of the hand.
Fourteen bones of the fingers.
Intertubercular sulcus
Groove that runs between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus.
Deltoid muscle
Muscle that covers the shoulder and is involved in arm movement.
Olecranon fossa
Depression in the humerus for the elbow.
Radial fossa
Shallow depression on the humerus that accommodates the radius.
Coronoid fossa
Depression on the humerus for the ulna.
Pelvic girdle
Composed of two coxal bones that are made up of ilium, ischium, and pubis.
False pelvis
Area surrounded by the iliac bones and part of the pelvic cavity.
True pelvis
The lower portion of the pelvis that houses the pelvic cavity.
Socket of the hip bone that receives the head of the femur.
The opening of the true pelvis.
The bottom margin of the true pelvis.
Thigh bone; the longest bone in the human body.
Kneecap; a large sesamoid bone that protects the knee joint.
The shinbone, a larger bone in the lower leg.
The smaller bone in the lower leg, parallel to the tibia.
Seven bones that make up the ankle.
Five long bones in the foot.
The medialmost toe; the big toe.
Gluteal tuberosity
Roughened area on the femur where gluteal muscles attach.
The largest bone of the pelvis.
The lower part of the pelvic bone.
The front part of the pelvic bone.
Greater sciatic notch
Notch in the ilium through which the sciatic nerve passes.
Lesser sciatic notch
Smaller notch in the ischium.
Ischial tuberosity
The part of the ischium that bears weight when sitting.
Superior pubic ramus
Upper portion of the pubic bone that helps form the acetabulum.
Inferior pubic ramus
Lower portion of the pubic bone.
Pubic symphysis
Joint where the two pubic bones meet.
Pelvic angle
Angle formed by the pubic bones.
Bony pelvis
Collective term for the pelvic girdle and the sacrum.
Obturator foramen
Large opening in the pelvis for nerves and blood vessels.
Ankle bone that sits above the calcaneus.
The heel bone.
Bone in the foot located between the talus and cuneiform bones.
Cuneiform bones
Three bones in the foot between the navicular and the metatarsals.
Cuboid bone
Bone in the foot that articulates with the fourth and fifth metatarsals.
Phalanges (foot)
Fourteen bones of the toes.
Interosseous membrane
Fibrous connective tissue that connects the radius and ulna.
Costal groove
Groove on the interior surface of the clavicle for the costoclavicular ligament.
Conoid ligament
Ligament that connects the clavicle to the scapula.
Subclavius muscle
Muscle located beneath the clavicle.
Inferior glenohumeral ligament
Ligament that stabilizes the shoulder joint.
Superior glenohumeral ligament
Another ligament stabilizing the shoulder.
Middle glenohumeral ligament
Provides stabilization to the shoulder joint.
Head of humerus
Articular surface at the proximal end of the humerus.
Anatomical neck
Narrow area just below the head of the humerus.
Greater tubercle of humerus
Larger prominence for muscle attachment.
Less tubercle of humerus
Smaller prominence for muscle attachment.
Surgical neck of humerus
Common fracture site of the humerus.
Capitulum of humerus
Rounded part of the humerus that articulates with the radius.
Trochlea of humerus
Grooved surface of the humerus that articulates with the ulna.
Epicondyles of humerus
Bony projections above the condyles for muscle attachment.
Fossae of humerus
Depressions that accommodate the forearm bones.
Ulnar styloid process
Projection at the distal end of the ulna.
Radial styloid process
Projection at the distal end of the radius.
Intercondylar fossa of femur
Notch between the two condyles of the femur.
Popliteal surface of femur
Smooth area posterior to the femoral condyles.
Patellar surface of femur
Articulates with the patella.
Lateral and medial condyles of tibia
Articulating surfaces for the femur.
Fibular head
Proximal end of the fibula.
Lateral malleolus
Projection of the fibula at the ankle.
Medial malleolus
Projection of the tibia at the ankle.
Big toe; medialmost toe of the foot.