BCIS 3610 Exam 1 Review

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Billie Jean doesn't need to consider her information system strategic plan when she chooses projects to assign to the contractors she is supervising.

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Billie Jean doesn't need to consider her information system strategic plan when she chooses projects to assign to the contractors she is supervising.


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New technology innovations rarely influence an organization's information system strategic plan since it is so strongly determined by corporate strategy.


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A slight majority (52%) of 700 CIOs surveyed reported that their IS organization is viewed as a (BLANK).

business partner or peer

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A high-level IS manager has his firm utilize sophisticated information systems to digitally design its products so that design defects can be detected and removed early in the process, reducing development cost. What business strategy does this represent?

cost leadership

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In a manufacturing organization, the supply chain is a key value chain whose primary activities include all of the following EXCEPT:

finance and accounting

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Tim relies on his solid analytical and decision-making skills when converting a program design he receives from Minnie, the systems analyst, to a working program written in one of the languages used at his firm. Who is Tim?

a programmer

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Which of the following is NOT a task typically associated with the systems analyst role?

collaborating with others to build a software product from scratch

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When entering a customer order, Josie ensures that the desired end result is achieved and any problems are reported to the correct person by following a(n) (BLANK).


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When an IS organization is viewed as a business partner/business peer:

the strategic planning process is based on understanding the collective business plans for the next year and determining what those mean for the IS organization.

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Francis will need to adjust his information system strategic plan when (BLANK).

his firm's corporate strategy changes

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If an IS organization is viewed as a cost center/service provider, its strategic planning process is typically directed inward and focused on determining how to do what it is currently doing but doing it cheaper, faster, and better.


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A senior IS manager decides to invest in an information system that will reduce subcontractor labor costs for her organization by facilitating relocation of tools and materials to more optimal locations while rearranging workflows. What business strategy does this represent?

cost leadership

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In a large IS organization, the professional who is responsible for maintaining the security and integrity of the organization's systems and data is the (BLANK).

information systems security analyst

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(BLANK) encompasses all the activities required to get the right product into the right consumer's hands in the right quantity at the right time and at the right cost, from acquisition of raw materials through customer delivery.

Supply chain management

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Amazon's decision to explore the possible use of delivery drones to gain a real competitive advantage over competitors who rely on less efficient ground transportation is an example of (BLANK).

strategic planning

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Because Marcus works within an IS organization viewed as a cost center and service provider by the rest of his organization, one of his major goals is to (BLANK).

consolidate IS resources and eliminate redundant functions

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One benefit of strategic planning is that it enables the most effective use of the organization's resources by (BLANK).

focusing them on agreed-on key priorities

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Default usernames and passwords should always be changed.


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Assume your organization is experiencing an intruder attack. You have an intrusion detection system (IDS) set up. Which of the following events occurs first?

The network router sends traffic to the firewall as well as to the IDS.

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Brandon, a security specialist, explains that IS security managers must use their judgment to ensure that the cost of security risk control does not exceed the system's benefits or the risks involved. Brandon is discussing the concept of _____.

reasonable assurance

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If an attack is dangerous enough, it may warrant shutting down or disconnecting critical systems from the network.


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Which of the following is considered the most likely source of cyberattacks, based on a poll of global executives, information security managers, and IT leaders?

careless insiders

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The attack vector that relies on email messaging to deceive the victim into revealing personal data is known as _____.


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Downloading games from unknown websites can be risky. The software may be a Trojan horse.


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In computing, an attack on an information system that takes advantage of a particular system vulnerability is called a(n) _______.


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Your ex-colleague was apprehended and charged with a crime based on the Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Access Devices Statute. He was caught using unauthorized or stolen _________.

credit cards

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You work at a call center of a large bank, where you answer credit card services-related questions from customers. Lately, you have noticed an increased number of customers enquiring whether your organization initiated a call about their account. There might be a vishing scam in progress.


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Legal consequences following a successful cyberattack on a well-known organization often include _____.

lawsuits initiated by consumers who incurred damages

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Transmitting a program, code, or command that causes harm to a computer is a crime.


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Someone who attempts to destroy the infrastructure components of governments is known as a ______________.


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When you receive a text message that there is a problem with your bank account and you are required you to click on a link to submit some information, you are likely facing a vishing attack.


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An attack that takes place before the security community and/or software developers become aware of and fix a security vulnerability is called a zero-day attack.


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Which of the following is the correct description of a firewall?

a software and hardware combination that limits incoming and outgoing Internet traffic

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Your business has a web server that has suddenly become unresponsive. When you study the server's logs there are a huge number of requests from what appear to be legitimate computers. The problem is likely because of _____.

a distributed denial-of-service attack

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While conducting a security self-assessment of his personal laptop use, Vann realizes that he is putting himself at risk by _____.

putting off installing available software updates that he has been notified about

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A botnet is a ____.

network of computers that send out access requests to servers repeatedly

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A social networking service loses a lot of business from ad buyers and marketers after the media reveal that it has published misleading statistics about the average viewing time of video ads on its platform. Building a strong ethics program would have prevented this loss of sales by _____.

avoiding unfavorable publicity

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Because Marigold wants to join CompTIA (the Computer Technology Industry Association), she agrees to adhere to this organization's professional code of ethics. This means that she _____.

has promised to behave in a way that CompTIA has defined as desirable

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The GDPR obligates organizations that operate in the European Union to obtain the consent of the people they collect information about.


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Which statement about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is true?

FISA created a court that meets in secret to hear applications for surveillance orders in the U.S.

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In the United States, legislation that protects people from data privacy abuses by corporations _____.

is almost nonexistent

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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Title XIII helped establish the National Fraud Alert system to help prevent identity theft.


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Which of the following legislation is directed at Web sites catering to children and requires Web site owners to obtain parental consent before they collect any personal information from children under 13 years old?

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

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Anne and Jordan have two preteen sons and they're concerned about what their kids might see and share on the Internet. They should probably invest in _______.

filtering software

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What feature of the creation of safety-critical software often draws developers into ethical dilemmas?

increased time and expense

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In recent years, laws have been added or amended to expand the scope of government surveillance in reaction to _____.

technological developments and potential terrorists threats

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A code of professional ethics can be used to assess one's own performance or, more formally, to decide when an organization should either reward or reprimand its members for their actions. This is because a code of ethics _____.

provides an evaluation benchmark

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Which statement about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is true?

FISA created a court that meets in secret to hear applications for surveillance orders in the U.S.

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The term ethics refers to the set of principles about what is right and wrong that individuals use to make choices, whereas the term law refers to a system of rules that tells us what we can and cannot do.


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The process of building software for safety-critical systems _____.

takes much longer than that for high-quality systems

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One example of a common and significant ethical dilemma related to safety-critical systems is deciding _____.

how much software testing is sufficient

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Which intermediary in the process of speaking on the Internet often receives defamation or copyright infringement claims from government authorities or copyright holders who demand that material be taken down?

Web host server

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Anonymous remailers both help protect freedom of speech by keeping communications anonymous and prevent people from using email for illegal or unethical purposes.


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In which step of the ethical decision-making process is it essential to communicate well with all stakeholders and have someone they trust and respect explain why things are changing and how this will benefit them?

implement the decision

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Fair information practices is a term for _____.

a set of guidelines that govern the collection and use of personal data

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Which type of end user license requires that a single copy of the software reside on a file server?


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Much of the popular open-source software available is protected by the GNU General Public License. Which of the following is NOT permitted by this type of license?

selling a modified version of the program

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IS professionals at PKO Bank Polski S.A. use an approach where they logically divide the resources of a physical server to reduce hardware-related costs, cut unscheduled downtime for applications, and reduce the time spent on problem solving. What strategy do they use?

server virtualization

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Compared with the traditional licensing model in which users purchase and install software, SaaS _____.

offers less expensive upgrades and new releases

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An embedded system is a computer system that is implanted in and dedicated to the control of another device.


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Software as a Service (SaaS) allows businesses to subscribe to Web-delivered business application software by paying a monthly service charge or a per-use fee.


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A single computer can be used by a single user or by multiple, simultaneous users.


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Utility programs are used to perform system maintenance, such as repairing errors on a hard drive, improving system security, and optimizing sluggish system processes.


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Each programming language has a set of rules, called the program code of the language.


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Proprietary software is mass-produced by software vendors to address needs that are common across businesses, organizations, or individuals.


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Which software design approach includes discrete modules that are built in such a way that each service a module provides can exchange information with any other service without human interaction or the need to change the underlying program?

service-oriented architecture

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Completing an instruction involves two phases (instruction and execution), each of which is broken down into three steps.


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A firm that models, simulates, and analyzes large amounts of data quickly by using computers to execute the same task on multiple processors simultaneously is employing _____.

parallel processing

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An operating system with[Blank]capabilities allows a user to run more than one program concurrently.


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Helen is 72 years old and is a retired school teacher on a fixed income. She would like to buy a new computer so that she can communicate via email, follow friends and family on social media, and occasionally access recipes and gardening tips from the Web. An important thing to consider is that Helen has arthritis in her hands, making it difficult for her to work with small buttons and gadgets. So, of the following options, her best choice is probably a(n) ________.


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An example of a common hardware function performed by the operating system is presenting information on a monitor.


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Julian has chosen to use open-source software to help run his small business. He believes it is often more reliable and secure than commercial software because _____.

open-source software bugs are detected and fixed more quickly

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One of the advantages of off-the-shelf software is that ________________.

the initial cost is lower because the software firm can spread the development costs over many customers

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Tim is a software developer who codes using a higher-level language utilizing a compiler. Which is true of Tim's programs?

The compiler translates the programs into a machine language.

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A successful IS manager recognizes that sustaining a competitive advantage (BLANK).


means evolving to account for changes in customer needs

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What does Doug, an IS manager, consult when he needs to identify competencies for his organization to invest in?


information system strategic plan

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The strategic plan of an information system (IS) must identify those technologies, vendors, competencies, people, systems, and projects in which an organization will invest to support the corporate and business unit strategies.


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The upper-level managers at LaDonna's organization hold a traditional view of information systems, so LaDonna's major goals for her IS department include (BLANK).


ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of processes

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One benefit of strategic planning is that it enables the most effective use of the organization's resources by (BLANK).


focusing them on agreed-on key priorities

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Procedures are an important component of an IS implementation approach because (BLANK).


they can help avoid lengthy business disruptions following a natural disaster

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Sandra, a software developer, must serve as a translator between business needs and technology-based solutions when she builds a software product according to a customer's specifications. To be a successful translator, she must demonstrate (BLANK).


good communication skills

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For someone to be a good CIO, technical ability is the most important characteristic. 


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After being passed over for a promotion, an accountant accesses his firm's database and deletes or alters key information in an effort to take revenge on his superiors. This is an example of a cyberattack initiated by _____.


a malicious employee

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Jennifer is a programmer who develops malware and deploys it in the computer systems of her organization's competitors so that she can secretly steal data about new product plans and designs, thus gaining a competitive advantage for her organization. What type of cyberattack is Jennifer involved in?


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What is an attack vector?


the technique used to gain unauthorized access to a device or a network

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Which of the following companies develops one of the most widely used antivirus software products?


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Which of the following is NOT a popular vendor of firewall software?


Red Hat

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Those convicted of cyberterrorism are subject to a prison term of 6 months to 1 year.


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You wish to use your personal laptop computer at work, but the IT department folks will not allow this. The likely reason is that ______.


your non-work-related use of the laptop could increase vulnerability

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One example of an ethical dilemma related to safety-critical systems is whether to risk making the product more expensive, and potentially less appealing to customers, by _____.


including hardware mechanisms to back up or verify software functions

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Some people believe that government electronic surveillance activities represent unreasonable searches and seizures, meaning that they violate the _____.


Fourth Amendment

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If an activity is defined as legal then it is ethical.


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Which of the following will prevent a product from being rated as a high-quality software system?


software defects

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One example of a common and significant ethical dilemma related to safety-critical systems is deciding _____.


how much software testing is sufficient

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The pages on a university's website are maintained by individual departments and organizational units. It is a useful policy to require that every change a user makes to his department pages be reviewed and approved.  


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Felicity, who works at a bank, opens multiple credit card accounts for customers without their authorization in order to improve her customer sales, and thus her apparent job performance. This behavior is explicitly forbidden by bank policies and the instructions her manager gave her. Which statement is true in this situation?


The bank can be held responsible for Felicity's behavior despite its ethical policies.

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Which of the following actions will likely endanger rather than protect someone's personal privacy?


filling out a change-of-address form with the U.S. Postal Service

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The U.S. Congress has made several attempts to pass and maintain legislation that limits children's exposure to online pornography, but eventually each of these laws has been ruled out because they were unconstitutional.


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U.S. federal law permits employers to prevent viewing of pornography in the workplace by employees. 


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Which type of of data center offers the highest and most predictable level of performance through redundant hardware, power-related devices, and alternate power sources?

tier 4

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