This is the final Knowt set I shall make for sophomore year. (Praise the Lord.)
When did the U.N. establish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and what did it do?
1948; It provided a code of conduct for the treatment of people under the protection of U.N. members’ governments.
Post WWII, the U.S. occupied which country under MacArthur’s administration?
Representative _________ and ________ development took place in post WWII Japan.
Democracy; Economic.
What happened (after WWII) regarding Japan’s military?
The U.S. eliminated Japan’s military offensive capabilities, but guaranteed Japan’s security through the U.S. military. (Japan was still capable of military defense, though.)
From the post-war era to this day, Japan is a dominant ________ in Asia.
How many U.S. troops are in Japan today?
55,000 (the most in any country other than the U.S.)
In what year did the Communists defeat the Nationalists in China?
What was the difference between Taiwan and mainland China after the Communists won?
Chiang Kai-Shek established Nationalist China in Taiwan; Mao Zedong established Communist China on the mainland.
Who is the biggest mass murderer in history? How many people did they kill?
Mao Zedong; Approximately 45 million.
How was Mao Zedong similar to Stalin (in terms of policy)?
He promoted collectivization.
What did Mao do in 1953?
He launched the first Soviet-style Five-Year Plan (focusing on heavy industry and agricultural efficiency, and merging peasant landholdings into cooperatives).
What did Mao do from 1958 to 1960?
The Great Leap Forward: Cooperatives were merged into government-controlled communes and the importance of human labor was stressed. This caused massive food shortages and up to 20 million deaths, making it the deadliest famine in world history.
What did happened in China from 1966 to 1968?
A cultural revolution took place:
A split in the party occurred. Young people formed the Red Guard, which attacked leaders accused of betraying Mao and the revolution.
Chaos ensued and at least a couple thousand people died.
Mao Zedong believed what?
That peasants, rather than workers, were the leaders or revolutions in mainly agricultural societies.
Sino-Soviet Split = ?
By the 1960s, Communist Russia and Communist China entered a rivalry that resulted in several border disputes.
Who visited China in 1972?
Ex-President Richard Nixon.
What happened to Mao Zedong in 1976?
He took a forever-nap.
The U.S. established diplomatic ties with what country in 1979?
Who took power after Mao Zedong and what did they do?
Deng Xiaoping (much less radical than Mao); He arrested Mao’s wife, Jiang Jing.
After Mao died, China became a _____ economy, where some private enterprise was allowed. But, still, few political ________ were granted to citizens.
Mixed; Freedoms.
Tiananmen Square 1989 = ?
Thousands of demonstrators were killed or wounded in Beijing when protests were crushed.
Who is the leader of China today?
Xi Jinping (a not-great guy).
To this day, Taiwan is a representative __________.
________ and _______ minorities in modern-day China face extreme persecution, including the _________ (Muslims) in Xinjiang or Northwestern China.
Religious; Enthnic; Uyghurs.
Who occupied Korea after WWII?
Northern Korea was occupied by the Soviets, and Southern Korea was occupied by the U.S. (Both of which claimed to be the legal ruler of all Korea.)
What was the dividing line between N. and S. Korea called?
The 38th Parallel.
Kim Il-Sung = ?
The Communist Dictator of North Korea from 1948 to 1994.
What did U.S. and Soviet troops do before the Korean War?
They left.
Korea in 1950:
North Korea invaded South Korea and conquered most of the country.
The U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion and organized an army (led by the U.S. General Douglas MacArthur) to oppose it.
The Soviets were not a part of the army because they were boycotting the U.N. for not recognizing Communist China.
In November of 1950, what happened to the U.N. forces in Korea?
Communist Chinese forces under Mao Zedong counterattacked and pushed U.N. forces back into South Korea.
In 1951, U.N. forces were able to regain some lost ground and recapture ______, the capital of South Korea.
The End of the Korea War:
1953 - Both sides agreed to an armistice after a two-year long stalemate at the 38th Parallel.
Korea was divided at the Parallel.
Around 5 million people died, most from China or Korea with 40,000 being Americans.
North Korea…
Still a communist dictatorship, to this day, under the Kim Dynasty (Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, and Kim Jong-Un).
Leaders of the Kim Dynasty are revered as Gods.
A famine in the 1990s killed at least hundreds of thousands of people.
Has nuclear weapons in its possession.
South Korea…
Had authoritarian rulers until the 1980s.
Became a Representative Democracy and a developed country.
Around 28,500 U.S. troops are there.
Who was kicked out of Vietnam in the 1950s after losing the Battle of Dien Bien Phu>
The French.
Who came to power in Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh, a former Nationalist turned Communist, who led Communists forces.
What line divided Vietnam and what did it divide Vietnam into?
The 17th Parallel divided Vietnam into North Vietnam/Communists and South Vietnam/Anti-Communists.
Our involvement in Vietnam, which lasted for six Presidential administrations, was influenced by what?
The Policy of Containment and the Domino Theory.
Which U.S. President increased U.S. military presence in Vietnam after Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
Lyndon B. Johnson.
Who fought in the Vietnam War?
The U.S. and S. Vietnam vs. The Northern Vietnam Army (NVA) and the Vietcong (or south Vietnamise Communist geurillas).
What was the Southern Vietnam government like?
Corrupt and Undemocratic.
Vietnam was reunited as a Communist country in what year?
At least _ million people died in the Vietnam War, and the U.S. lost around ,_.
2; 58,000.
The _____ ______ (Communists) seized power in 1975 and renamed Cambodia __________.
Khmer Rouge; Kampuchea.
Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge?
Pol Pot.
What did Pol Pot want for Cambodia’s future?
He wanted it to be an independent self-sufficient agricultural country.
How did Pol Pot try to make his dream for Cambodia come true?
He forced city residents into the countryside to work on farms and killed anyone who may have supported the old system.
How many people did Pol Pot kill?
3 million, nearly 1/3 of the entire population.
Who invaded Cambodia in 1978 and what did they do?
Vietnam; Removed Pol Pot from power.
Pol Pot died in what year?
Josip Broz Tito died when?
Communism weakened in ___________ by 1990 and Serbian ________ _________ came to power.
Yugoslavia; Slobodan Milosevic.
In 1991, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Croatia declared ____________.
Independence #1
In 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina declared __________.
Independence #2
In 2006, Montenegro declared independence, leaving only ______ a part of Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia supported Serbs in _______ and gained control of 1/3 of _______’s territory through intervention/invasion.
Croatia (x2)
The U.N. forced a ceasefire between ___________ and _______.
Yugoslavia and Croatia.
In 1995, Croatia regained its ____ territory.
Ethnic Cleansing = ?
Policy of forcibly removing or murdering members of another ethnic group.
The Three Main Ethnic Groups in Bornia:
The ____ in Bosnia opposed living under the Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) and the Croats.
___________ provided aid to the Bosnian Serbs in their mass murder of over 100,000 people.
Srebrencia = ?
In 1995, 8,000 Bosniak men and boys were murdered by Bosnian Serbs.
Milosevic cracked down of _______ (Albanian Muslim’s) autonomy in the 1990s.
Serbia was accused of ______ _________ in Kosovo.
Ethnic Cleansing.
In 1999, N.A.T.O. bombed the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade. what was Milosevic’s response?
He agreed to remove his troops from Kosovo.
Who recognized Kosovo after it declared independence in 2008?
The U.S. did, but neither Serbia nor Russia does.
What happened to Milosevic?
He lost power in the early 2000s and was charged by the U.N. with many war crimes. In 2006 he died of natural causes in prison.
One more card on this set makes it how many cards?