This is the final Knowt set I shall make for sophomore year. (Praise the Lord.)
A cultural revolution took place:
A split in the party occurred. Young people formed the Red Guard, which attacked leaders accused of betraying Mao and the revolution.
Chaos ensued and at least a couple thousand people died.
North Korea invaded South Korea and conquered most of the country.
The U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion and organized an army (led by the U.S. General Douglas MacArthur) to oppose it.
The Soviets were not a part of the army because they were boycotting the U.N. for not recognizing Communist China.
1953 - Both sides agreed to an armistice after a two-year long stalemate at the 38th Parallel.
Korea was divided at the Parallel.
Around 5 million people died, most from China or Korea with 40,000 being Americans.
Still a communist dictatorship, to this day, under the Kim Dynasty (Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, and Kim Jong-Un).
Leaders of the Kim Dynasty are revered as Gods.
A famine in the 1990s killed at least hundreds of thousands of people.
Has nuclear weapons in its possession.
Had authoritarian rulers until the 1980s.
Became a Representative Democracy and a developed country.
Around 28,500 U.S. troops are there.