What bones are located in the Head/Neck?
Cranium and vertebrae
What bones are located at the shoulders
Scapula and Humerus
What bones are located at the chest?
Ribs and Sternum
What bones are located at the elbow?
Humerus, Radius and Ulna
What noe’s are located at the Hip?
Pelvis and Hip
What bows are located at the Knee?
Femur, Patella, Tibula and Fibula
What bones are located at the Ankle?
Tibula, Fibula and Talus
What are Hinge joints?
Found at the elbow, knee and ankle. Hinge joints allow extension, flexion, adduction, abduction, rotation and circumduction movements
What is a Ball and socket joint?
Found in the hips and shoulders. Ball and socket joints allow flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation and circumduction
A bending movement which decreases an angle
A straightening movement which increase an angle
Moving away from midline of body
Moving towards midline of body
Plantar flexion
Pointing toes downwards
Dorsi flexion
Pointing toes upwards
Rotation around a joint or axis
Movement in a shape of a cone
What are Long bones?
Enable gross, large movements by working as levers e.g femur and humerus
What is a Short bone?
Enables finer and controlled movements e.g talus(ankle) and carpals(wrist)
What is a Flat bone?
Enables protection to organs or a broad surface for muscles to attach to and protect us in sport situations. E.g cranium and ribs
What are Irregular bones?
Bones with a specific shape to cater for a unique purpose. E.g vertebrae and pelvis
How does the skeleton Protect vital organs via flat bones?
The cranium protects the brain and the ribs protect vital organs
How does the skeleton provide Support?
The skeleton provides support but providing a structural shape for muscles and tissues to attach to it
How does the skeleton create movement?
Bones provide anchors for muscles to attach. Tendons attack muscle to bones then muscles pull on bones to create movement
How does the skeletal Store minerals?
The bones store calcium to remain strong
How does the skeleton Produce blood cells?
Red blood cells are produced which cells carry oxygen. White blood cells are produced to fight infections and platelets are produced to clot blood