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what did charles I believe in

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what did charles I believe in

absolute monarchy

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when was charles I early reign


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first economic halleneg for charles I

inherited financial difficulties- an empty treasury and poor credit

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how did charles face his inherited economic challenge

moved to gain a lone from the city of london merhchants h

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how much did charles get in a lone from city of london merhcnats in 1625 and what was the problem

60 000 this was not enough so he was forced to call parliament

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what was the politicall impact of chalres lone from london merhcnats in 1625

showed from the start that charles was reluctant to call parliament due to his ideas of absolute monarhcy therefore angering the governemnt

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what was the reaction of the common to charles loan from london merhcnats in 1625 and why

refused to grant charles the right to collect tonnage and poundage for life and instead would grant it annually- to force charles to call parliament

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how did charles show his religious sympathies in his early reign

  1. henrietta maria was allowed to establish her won court of catholic advisors

    1. promoted arminian clergy in the church

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how did the planned war create an economic challeneg for chalres in his early reign

resulted in enforced conscription and billiting of troops despite the plague and growing economic hardship

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what exacerbated the social anger due to forced billiting and conscription in chalres early reign and who was the anger directed to?

millitary faliures eg. failed attack on port cadiz in spain 1625 led by one of buckinhams nominees ( anger towards buckingham and charles )

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what showed hostility towards the governemnt from

chalres early reign

when the common started discussing impeachement proceedings against buckingham, charles dissolved parliament

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when parliamnt were recalled in 1629 what did they do?

launched an attack on buckingham and set aside charles issues regarding economic subsidies due to the wars ( gov protagonist)

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who did chalres turn to for help in 1626 when he was forced to dissolve parliamnt without any financial help?

forced loan from tax payers and he punished those who refused woth conscription or imprisonment

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who did chalres dismiss in 1626 when they refused to endorse the leaglity of charles forced loan on all tax payers

lord chief justice carew

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who refused to pay the forced loan on all tax payers in 1627 and what did this lead to

5 knights- they were improsoned and so they sued for release under habeus corpus which was refused as charles claimed right to emergency powers

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what was the significance of charles actions in the 5 knights case

he was cahlleneging statue law and abusing his powers through claiming rights to ‘emergency powers’

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what social probelm did the 5 knights case highlight

widespread unrest as knights of relatively high status

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what was a reason for buckinhams downfall

deteriation of relations with catholic powers lie spanin and france along side the faliure to support a protestant rebellion in La Rochelle ( religious challenge)

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what was the significance of buckinham failing to support the protestant rebellion in La Rochelle

hifhglights charles religious sympathies and ineptness at picking good advisors over favourites- for the good of the country

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why did parliamnt hlater attcks on buckingham by 1627

fear of another dissolution by chalres

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what was the petition of right

written by parliament asking charles to

  1. reverse his decision in the 5 knights case

  2. demmanded citizens not be forced to pay a loan to the monarchy

  3. not be subject to martial law

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what is clear in regards to parliaments statagy from the petition of rights

they wasnbted greater political power as they focused on political changes but also they beceom less confrontational

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what was the outcome of the petition of rights

charles published a revised petition of rights in which he asserted his rights to tonnage and poundage and then ended session with parliament

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what wa the name of one of the 5 knights who was grnated bail but then what did chales do with him

richgard chambers- charles imrpisoned him in the perogative court on direct royal authority

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what is highlighted through charles impromingin richard chambers in the perogativce courts

charles challeneging statie law again as you cant but someon on trial in 2 different courts

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who was william laud

an armenina bishop charles appointed as bishop of london

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what did the pettion of right have the potential to do but why did it not occur

offered an opportunity for reconcillation but chalres actions halted this

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who assasinated buckinham and what was the publics reaction

army officer john felton

mps and the public celebrated

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what did parliament do when they reassmbled in 1627 ( after buckinhams assasination)

looked into the revised petition of righta abd treatment of those refusing tonnage and poundage payments- chalres ordered them to adjourn

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what happened on the day of adjournmen in 1627

mps demanded the passing of 3 bills against

  1. growth of armeniamism

  2. levting tonnage and poundage

  3. levying punishment for resula of tonnage and poundage

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how did parliament force through their 3 bills in 1627 and why was this significant

held the speaker in his chair so he could not adjourn parliament- parliament seen as in the wrong and antagonistic

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what factor casued the most instabiity in charles personal rule and why

economci factors

  1. result of millitary issues

  2. caused political conflist with advisors

  3. religious factors mostly undet the surface atp

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when was cahlres personal rule


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why did the dissolutiona of parliament provoke little reaction

the poor behaviour of the mps forcing through 3 bills on the last day

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how were the first few years of personal rule

relatively calm with charles being an effectoive ruler

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how was the foirst few years of personal rule governed x2

1.chalres met rergulary wioth william laud and lord strafford

2.and eneded hostilites with spain through the treaty of madrid ( to sorty out finances)

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how did charles manage finance in the first few years of personal rule

  1. new impositions to tonnage and poundage

  2. revived feudal payments eg. fines for encroching on royal land

  3. practice of selling monopolies was revived

  4. ship money established as a tax across the country

  5. distraint of knighthood recovered

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what was a downdfall of introducing monopolies agin in personal rule

ran many out of buisiness by 1640

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who did charles gove the soap monopoly

1634 - gave to a catholic company

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when did ship money become an annual tax


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how many epopl did charles charge for distraint of kighthood

9,000 individuals

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what did newly promoted armenians such as laud demand in the cbhurxhes

strict adherance to new rules

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what did armernains promote during personal rule

substitution of ritual and formality for individual prayer and preaching

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what happened to ministers who resisted armenina changes to the church during personal rule

brought befpre the perogative courts and depirved of their living

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Examples of armenain changes to the church

decorated with statues


organs restorees

alta moved to the east end

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what was the purpose of laud and strafford during personal rule

they effectively used to run the country alongside charles

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where did strafford rule the most during personal rule

the north and then ireland

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why had the queens infuence beome considerable in charles personal rule

she actively encourage others to participate in catholic worship

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what was a significant religious action of charles in 1635

welocmed an ambassador from the catholic pope into his court-

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why are reilgious challenegs important

thretening the social and political heirachy of british society

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who and when did organised resistance to charles emerge

puritan gentry and nobility in 1636

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why did gentry and nobility rise against chalres

angered by armeniansim and personal rule as many part of parliamnt

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leaders of the first puritan gnettry/nobiity group to rise against charles in 1636 and what parts of previous gov were they part of

john pym- mp in commons

earl of warrik- house of lords

duke of bedford- house of lords

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first sign of political ‘rebellion’ from the gentry

john hampden refused to pay ship money in 1636 initiating a legal challenge with C

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what was the outcome of john hampden’s legal challenge against C and what was a limitation of this for charles ( undermining point)

kings bench found the king in favour in 1638 at 7-5 ( 5 voted against C indicating a slight loss of support)

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hoe was gentry reaction to C personl rule

generally hostile

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what did john hampens case highlight that was positive for C

lack of represenattion of the opposition due to a lco of parliament so C looked stornger

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what groups silenced any who dared speak out aginst c

privy council and perogative courts

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what did the star chamber do in 1637

sentenced 3 puritan writers- who had publsihed attack on C- to have their ears cut off and be branded

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what are the names of the 3 puritan writers sentenced by the star chamber in 1637

henery burton

john bastwick

william prynne

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who sentenced the 3 puritan writers in 1637 and why was this significant

willaim laud- increasing influence or armeniansim in politics/ not just the church

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example of clergymen in government 1636

appointment of william juxon- bishop of london- as lord treasurer

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by how much did ship money gains fall in 1639 and why

20% as privy council and sheriffs increasingly distracted by need to raise an army to fight scotland

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who distracts the privy council from collecting shipmoney


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what was the political impact of scotland on C

he weakened his grip on governbemnt and demonstarted an inability to understand the impact of his decisions in the 3 kigdoms

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wekenss of C in regards to contorll of scotland

rarely vistited so had little understanding of the scots- relying inscotsih exiles in london for info

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what was the scottish church


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why did personal rule end

scottish actions force C to recall parliament ( sctoland was a trigger)

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what did C do in scotland in 1636

issued a book of cannon to scottish clergy w

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hat was the book of cannon that C issued to scottish clergy in 1636

instructed them on how to lay out thier churches and practices they must follow associated with the chruch of england

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what did C intorduce in socttish churches in 1637

englsih prayer book- a riot in st giles cathedral edinbrugh causing disorder across the lowland in 1638

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how did the scottish react to the introduction of the englsih prayer book in 1638

dew up the national covenant to defend the kirk and restorte their religious rights

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what was triggered after the scots drew up the national covenant

chalres and the covanenters raised arms- first bishops war

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who did C rely on int he frist bishops war

county millitias due to a lack of money

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what did C sign in 1639 and why

treaty of berwick- realised he could not win against the scots in the first bishops war

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what wa the finacnial impact of the first bsihops war on englnd

gentry unhappy to fund a war wth the scots leading to a taxpayers strike in 1639-40

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who did C turn to in the taxpayers strike

strafford - advised him to call parliament

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what did C do instead of taking the opportunity to save his situation by making oncessions

demmanded money from parliament

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why did C dissolve parliament in 3 weeks in 1640

commons entrerd into a series of debates but C only wanted to demand money

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what did C resort to agaisnt the scots after he diddolved aprlaimnet in 1640

collected an ill equipped force of soldiers to fight a second bishops war

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what was a weakness of C forces in the 2nd bishops war

most of his soldiers sympathised with the scots ad they too angered by changes in religion and so they burnt altar rails and catholic symbols instead of fighting scots

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wheere was c defeated in the 2nd bishops war

battle of newburn in newcastle

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what was the treaty of ripon october 1640

C forced to pay the scots 850 a day while they occupied newcastle - otherwise they would advance south

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what did long parliamnet do in the early years

arrest and impeach laud and strafford

forbid finance stratagies that C implemented outosde of parliament

passed 2 cts incuring furture security of parliament ( restricting personal rule)

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what was pyms junto

groups of organised stratagy to the king in the long parliament led by john pym and john hampden

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what was pyms junto a result of

the build up tpo political cirsis e.g. chales fault

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what happened with relations between pyms junto and C between 1640-1642

broke down

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when was laud and strafford impeached

nov 1640

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what was the triennal act and when was it brought in

feb 1641- c had to call parlaiment at least once every 3 years

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what was strafford but on trial for


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what was the act of attainer

act of parliament that effectively acts as a death warrant that required only suspision of guilt as long as passed by both houses and king- no trial needed

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why was strafford impeached for treason

reaction of the first army plot forced chales to sign the act of attainer

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what was the first army plot

pym revealed the existence of a polt by catholic army officers to release strafford and dissolve the army by force

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why did pym create the act of attainer

he knew that yo be found guilty of trason strafford would ave to be tried in the house of lords but the hosue of lord would not find him guilty

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what did pym pass during the trial of strafford

act against the dissisution of thsi parlaiment without its won consent- beyond hsirotical powers

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why did divisions appear among the mps in 1641

some beleived pym had gone too far in his policies resitricying charles and forcing impeachemnt of strafford

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what did pym push for in 1641 ×2

abolition of the perogative courts to weaken the executive and abolition of ship money

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what group emerged in 1641

constitutional royalsits

a middle group of mofderates in the commons- favouring a settlement woith both C and Parliament

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what rumours started growing in 1641

a rising amoung irsh catholics and attacks on protestnat settlers in rireland

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what did the rumours of ireland develop into

tales of massacre of at least 200,000 dead and landing of irish army in england

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