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avoir un chat dans la gorge
to have a frog in your throat (lit: to have a cat in your throat)
pleuvoir des cordes
to rain cats and dogs (lit: to rain ropes)
ça marche
it functions/got it/okay (lit: it walks)
Être dans la lune
to daydream (lit: to be in the moon)
Ça coûte un bras
it's super expensive (lit: it costs and arm)
Faire la grasse matinée
stay in bed until late in the morning (lit: to do a fat morning)
Coupe de foudre
to fall in love at first sight (lit: a lightning strike)
Poser un lapin à quelqu'un
to stand someone up (lit: to put a rabbit on someone) note: used in a romantic/dating scene
Il fait un froid de canard
it's super cold (lit: it's duck-cold)
On n'a pas élevé les cochons ensemble
you need to respect me more (lit: we didn't grow pigs together)
Appeler un chat un chat
to say it as it is (lit: to call a cat a cat)
Revenons à nos moutons
let's go back to the topic at hand (lit: let's get back to out sheep)
Être une poule mouillée
(lit: to be a wet chicken) to be a coward
La moutarde monte au nez
to get really angry (lit: the mustard goes up the nose)
Tomber dans les pommes
to faint, lose consciousness (lit: to fall in the apples)
Se vendre comme des petits pains
to be in high demand/sold very easily (lit: to be sold like small bread)
Recevoir une note salée
to receive a huge surprise bill (lit: to receive a salty bill)
Ce n'est pas tes oignons
it doesn't concern you (lit: these are not your onions)
Gagner des cacahuètes
to receive a very small wage (lit: to make peanuts)
Poser un lapin à quelqu'un
to stand someone up (lit: to put a rabbit on somebody)
Battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud
take advantage of favorable situations (lit: strike the iron while it is hot)
Ce n'est pas la mer à boire
it's not that difficult/it's not a big deal (lit: it's not as if you have to drink the sea)
La nuit porte conseil
sleep on it/take your time before making the decision (lit: the night brings advice)
Vouloir, c'est pouvoi
where there's a will, there's a way (lit: to want to is to be able to)
Impossible n'est pas français
nothing is impossible (lit: impossible isn't French)
Il ne faut rien laisser au hasard
leave nothing to chance/plan ahead (lit: nothing should be left to chance)
L'habit ne fait pas le moine
don't judge a book by its cover (lit: the outfit doesn't make the monk)
Mieux vaut tard que jamais
better late than never (lit: late is worth more than never)
Aux innocents les mains pleines
beginner's luck/ fortune favors fools (lit: full hands for the innocents)
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné
it is better to be alone than around bad company/a bad person (lit: better alone than in bad company)
Après la pluie, le beau temps
encouraging someone to "hang in there", even if things are bad they will get better (lit: after the rain, good weather)
Les murs ont des oreilles
pay attention to what you say because there is a chance you could be overheard (lit: the walls have ears)
À bon chat, bon rat
to describe two competitors that improve as they fight against one another (lit: to a good cat, a good rat)
Les chiens ne font pas des chats
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (lit: dogs don't make cats)
Il n'y a pas de quoi fouetter un chat
it's not big deal/it doesn't matter (lit: there's no reason to whip the cat)
Se prendre un râteau
when the person you are interested in rejects you (lit: to hit a rake)
Avoir le cafard
feeling down (lit: to have the cockroach)
Avoir la pêche
feeling happy and full of energy (lit: to have the peach)
Prendre la tête
it's irritating/gives you a headache/can't wait to be done with (lit: to take the head)
En avoir marre
you've had enough of something or someone (lit: to have enough of it)
Avoir du pain sur la planche
you have a lot to do (lit: to have bread on the board)
Être à l'ouest
use it to describe that someone is off (lit: to be in the west)
Être rouge comme une tomate
the face of someone who is embarrassed or ashamed of something (lit: to be like a tomato)
Avoir une peur bleu de
a fear closer to terror than to the actual fear, like someone afraid of flying or spiders (lit: to have a blue fear)
Ne pas être dans son assiette
not feel very well, either emotionally or physically (lit: no to be in one's plate)
Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez
lose your temper (lit: to have the mustard going up your nose)
Avoir un chat dans la gorge
the feeling you have something in your throat and therefore need to cough to clear it (lit: to have a cat in the throat)
Être bien dans sa peau
comfortable with who you are (lit: to be good in one's skin)
Avoir un QI d'huître
informal way of calling someone stupid (lit: to have the IQ of an oyster)
Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre
want to eat more than you can/bite off more than you can chew (lit: to have the eyes bigger than your belly)