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Belief in one's ability to perform specific behaviors.
Albert Bandura
Psychologist who developed Self-Efficacy Theory.
Behavior Regulation
Control of behavior through subconscious processes.
Deviant Behavior
Behavior that diverges from societal norms.
Mastery Experience
Success in a task enhances self-efficacy.
Vicarious Experience
Learning through observing others' successes.
Social Persuasion
Encouragement from others to boost self-efficacy.
Physiological Feedback
Physical state affecting self-efficacy perceptions.
Emotional Feedback
Emotional state influencing self-efficacy levels.
General Self-Efficacy Scale
Tool to assess perceived self-efficacy in adults.
Barriers to Self-Efficacy Scale
Measures confidence in overcoming exercise barriers.
Belief in one's ability to succeed.
Goal Setting
Establishing objectives to enhance self-efficacy.
Task Challenges
Difficult tasks viewed as opportunities for growth.
Depression and Stress
Conditions linked to low self-efficacy.
Coping Abilities
Skills used to manage challenges and stress.
Understanding oneself to facilitate behavior change.
Behavioral Factors
Actions influenced by personal beliefs and environment.
Environmental Factors
External conditions affecting behavior and self-efficacy.
Task Demands
Requirements needed to accomplish a specific task.
Negative Emotions
Feelings that can reduce self-efficacy.
Positive Emotions
Feelings that can enhance self-efficacy.
General belief in one's abilities.
Behavioral Analysis
Therapeutic approach to understand behavior changes.
Task Avoidance
Tendency to evade difficult tasks due to fear.
Exercise Confidence
Belief in ability to maintain an exercise routine.