US Presidents

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What state was George Washington from?

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What state was George Washington from?


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What political party did George Washington represent?

No political party.

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What was George Washington’s role in the French and Indian War?

Commander of the Virginia Regiment

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What was George Washington’s role with the continental army?

Commander in Chief

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What were George Washington’s thoughts about political parties?

He believed they would separate the country.

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How many electoral votes did George Washington receive in his first attempt to become president?

69 which was unanimous.

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Describe George Washington’s role in the Whiskey Rebellion. Why was this so important for the Executive Branch?

Washington called neighboring state militias to put down the rebellion by force if it was needed

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What state was John Adams from?


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What political party did John Adams represent?

the Federalist Party

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What nickname was given to John Adams describing his physique?

“his rotundity”

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Why did John Adams defend the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre?

He believed everyone was entitled to a defense. He also believed that the soldiers were wrongly accused, firing into the crowd out of self defense

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What was John Adams role in the XYZ Affair?

XYZ Affair: Pres. John Adams dispatched 3 ministers to France to protect US shipping. The French foreign ministers in Paris offered a bribe before negotiations.

- In April, 1798 these acts were made public to the US. There was a great outcry and preparations for naval war were made. However the war was averted and the event was settled during the Convention of 1800.

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What was John Adams role with the Alien &; Sedition Acts?

John Adams created and signed the papers for the Alien and Sedition Acts

- From his view, the country wasn't ready for war and therefore could not aid France in their revolution
- These acts were very controversial and some thought interfered with the First Amendment
- These acts included powers to deport foreigners and made it harder for new immigrants to vote.

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Where did John Adams reside during his presidency?

Spent most of his presidency in Philadelphia before moving to the White House on November 1, 1800

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Who was John Adams famous wife? Why was she famous?

Abigail Adams. She was an early advocate for women's rights. She believed women should take part in more decisions rather than serve their husbands at the time.

"Remember the ladies" was written to her husband and urged the members of the Continental congress not to forget about the nation's women when fighting for America's freedom against Great Britain.

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What state was Thomas Jefferson from?


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What political party did Thomas Jefferson represent?

the Democratic-Republican Party

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What were some of Thomas Jefferson nicknames? Why?

"Long Tom" - he was 6 inches taller than the average male

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What was Thomas Jefferson role with the Declaration of Independence?

He drafted the Declaration

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What land did Thomas Jefferson purchase? What did it cost?

Louisiana Purchase, purchased land west of the Mississippi River and cost $15 million

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What state entered the Union during Thomas Jeffersons presidency?

Ohio (1803)

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What famous Supreme Court case was held during Thomas Jeffersons presidency? What was the important concept that was created as a result?

Marbury v. Madison, Judicial Review

Chief Justice John Marshall established this principle which was an important addition to the system of "checks and balances". It was created to prevent any branch of the Federal Government from becoming too powerful.

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What state was James Madison from?


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What political party did James Madison represent?

the Democratic-Republican Party

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What was unique about James Madison height?

He was the smallest president, standing at around 5'4"

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What war was declared while James Madison was president?

The War of 1812

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What nickname did James Madison earn as a result of the detailed notes he took during the creation of the U.S. Constitution?

the Father of the Constitution

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What famous set of essays did James Madison help write, while using the pseudonym “Publius?” How many of theessays did he write?

the Federalist Papers, 29 out of 85 total essays

He wrote these essays along with John Jay (5) and Alexander Hamilton (51!!)

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What state was James Monroe from?

New Jersey

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What political party did James Monroe represent?

the Democratic-Republican Party

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Through which treaty did James Monroe acquire the state of Florida?

the Treaty of Adams-Onis

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Due to the peace and prosperity in America during his presidency, people referred to James Monroe presidency as what? “The Era of ?”

Good Feelings

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James Monroe and his Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams instituted what long-standing doctrine that became a defining moment in U.S. foreign policy? What was its purpose?

Monroe Doctrine: warned European powers that the US would not tolerate further European colonization in the Western Hemispheres and declared the 2 hemispheres separate/independent

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What compromise was enacted, in 1820, under James Monroe presidency? What was its purpose? What line of latitude did it establish as a dividing point?

the Missouri Compromise, 36°30'

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What state was John Quincy Adams from?


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What political party did John Quincy Adams represent?

the Whig Party/Democratic-Republican

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What roles did John Quincy Adams serve in, under previous presidents (including his famous father), that earned him the respect needed to be elected President of the U.S.?

Secretary of State under Pres. James Monroe

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What was John Quincy Adams known for doing each day at 5 AM in the Potomac River? How did Ann Royall become the first female to be granted an interview with him?

He would swim in the river (skinny dipping), Ann Royal gathered his clothes and sat on them until he answered his questions

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Starting during John Quincy Adams strong congressional career and continuing into his presidency, what was his stance on slavery?

He was a passionate anti-slavery advocate during his presidency and believed that slavery was a moral evil that contradicted the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.

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What state was Andrew Jackson from?


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What political party did Andrew Jackson represent when 1st elected President? This party split and he became the 1st member of what new party?

the Democratic-Republican Party which later split into the Democratic Party

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What was Andrew Jackson famous nickname earned as a general in the U.S. military, during the War of 1812 Why?

"Old Hickory" - because he was a strict and bold military officer during the War of 1812

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What battle did Andrew Jackson and his army win, that was actually fought after the British had surrendered? There was a song written about this battle.

The Battle of New Orleans

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What controversial and highly criticized act did Andrew Jackson sign into law in 1830, that was used against the American Indians? What was the name of the path the Native Americans used while moving westward?

The Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears

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What state was Martin Van Buren from?

New York

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What political party did Martin Van Buren represent?

the Democratic Party

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What was Martin Van Buren 2nd language?

English (His native language was Dutch)

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What nickname did Martin Van Buren have, that is thought to have popularized the expression “ok?”

"Old Kinderhook"- he was born in Kinderhook, New York

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Martin Van Buren served as Secretary of State under which U.S. President?

President Andrew Jackson

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What was unusual about Martin Van Buren citizenship status when born? The 1st U.S. President to claim this.

He was the first president born as an American citizen

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Martin Van Buren served what political role while living in the state of New York in 1821?

a New York representative in the US Senate

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What financial crisis gripped the U.S. during Martin Van Buren 1st term as President? This led us into the worst depression in our history.

the Panic of 1837

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What state was William Henry Harrison elected from? (NOT the state he was born in)


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What political party did William Henry Harrison represent? What did the party name mean?

the Whig Party, the name "Whigs" , was derived from the English anti monarchist party and was an attempt to portray Andrew Jackson as "King Andrew."

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What tragedy made William Henry Harrison the 1st U.S President to die in office?

Pneumonia, as he gave his inaugural on a cold, wet day without wearing a coat or hat which eventually lead to his passing

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How long was William Henry Harrison “longest inauguration speech” in history? How many words long was it and how long did the speech last?

nearly 2 hours long, 8,445 words (he wrote the speech by himself)

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William Henry Harrison was the 1st congressional delegate from what territory, where he fought American Indians?

the Northwest Territory

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What military fort, found in your backyard, did William Henry Harrison and his men build in 1813?

Fort Meigs

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What was William Henry Harrison catchy slogan that he used when running for President? Why was it used?

"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." - The Whigs nominated Tyler for Vice President hoping for support from southern states-righters.

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What state was John Tyler from?


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What political party did John Tyler represent?

the Whig Party

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What unusual nickname did John Tyler earn because of how he became President of the U.S.?

"His Accidency". - meaning he was the first vice president to become president

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John Tyler was the 1 st Vice-President to do what as a result of the fate of his predecessor?

(this led to discussions that ultimately led to the 25th amendment)

He was the first Vice-President to become President since his predecessor died in office
- this led to discussions that ultimately led to the 25th amendment

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What political party, John Tyler original party that he ran under, later tried to impeach him? Why?

the Whig Party, because Tyler's actions "violated the Whig concept of presidency" who believed the President should be deferential to Congress

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In 1845, John Tyler worked to gain the annexation of which state?


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After John Tyler term as U.S. President, he served on what legislative body in Virginia?

the House of Representatives

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What state was James K. Polk from?


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What political party did James K. Polk represent?

the Democratic Party

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Why was James K. Polk called the “Dark Horse” candidate?

He was a lesser known candidate that rose to prominence

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What was James K. Polk stance on foreign policy?

Settling the borders of the Oregon territory and acquiring California. (Acquiring additional territory for the US)

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Which war was fought during James K. Polk Presidency? Did the U.S. win?

the Mexican-American war, and the US won

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What territory did James K. Polk annex in 1845, that became the newest U.S. state?


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What did James K. Polk accomplish along the 49th parallel?

the 49th parallel becomes the border between the British and American claims to the Oregon Territory

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What state was Zachary Taylor from?


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What political party did Zachary Taylor represent?

the Whig Party

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How long did Zachary Taylor serve in the military?

40 years

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What nickname did Zachary Taylor earn because he was willing to fight alongside his men during battles?

"Old Rough and Ready"

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In which war was Zachary Taylor the war hero for the U.S.?

the Mexican-American War

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Did Zachary Taylor ever own slaves?

Yes, he was a wealthy slave owner. He held properties in the plantation states of Louisiana, Kentucky, and Mississippi

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Why did Zachary Taylor clash with Congress over admitting California to the U.S. as a free state?

To end the dispute over slavery in new areas

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What did Zachary Taylor die from, while serving as our President?

Cholera Morbus

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What state was Millard FIlmore from?

New York

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What political party did Millard FIlmore represent?

the Whig Party

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How did Millard FIlmore become our 13 th President?

He was elected as vice-president but after Zachary Taylor died, he became president

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Why did newspaper reporters/rival politicians make fun of Millard FIlmore years as President?

His policies regarding American slavery

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How did Millard FIlmore attempt to keep the nation from entering a civil war?

By championing the Compromise of 1850

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What was Millard FIlmore role, as Vice-President, during discussions of the Compromise of 1850?

He presided over the Senate

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How did the Compromise of 1850 deal with the issue of slavery? What was the new slave law called?

It settled regional disagreements over the state of American slavery. The new slave act part of this compromise was called The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

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What state was Franklin Pierce from?

New Hampshire

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What political party did Franklin Pierce represent?

the Democratic Party

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What years did Franklin Pierce serve as a representative in the U.S. House of Representatives and then in the Senate?

House of Representatives - 1833-1837
Senate: 1837-1842

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What was Franklin Pierce nickname? How did he earn the nickname?

"Young Hickory of the Granite Hills" - because it was a nod to former President Andrew Jackson, who Pierce was an ardent supporter of

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How did Franklin Pierce feel about slavery extending into the new western U.S. states?

He supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Southerners position as to their constitutional right to expand slavery into the territories

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What bill did Franklin Pierce support, that eventually led to the addition of 2 new western states to join the Union?

the Kansas-Nebraska Act

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What new political party began (still exists today) as a result of northern people’s frustration with Franklin Pierce stance on slavery?

the Republican Party

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How old was Franklin Pierce when he was elected President of the U.S.? At the time, he was the youngest ever tobe elected President.

48 years old

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What deal did Franklin Pierce make to gain the areas of present day Arizona and New Mexico?

the Gadsden Purchase

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What state was James Buchanan from? The only President ever elected from this state.


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What political party did James Buchanan represent?

the Democratic Party

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Was James Buchanan ever married?

No. He was the only bachelor president

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