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Ach faraor, is iad na fadhbanna na rudaí is mó a sheasann amach dom agus mé ag machnamh ar an abhar seo.
But unfortunately, the problems are the things that stand out to me the most and I am reflecting on this subject
Ní hamháin go mbeadh níos lú brú i gceist leis an gcóras sin, ach bheadh níos mó béime ar thuiscint an ábhair agus ar thaitneamh a bhaint as, agus nach é sin aidhm an oideachais i gcoitinne?
It would not only mean less pressure in question with this system, But it would mean more emphasis on understanding the subject and enjoying it, and is that not the aim of education in general?
Tá an ardteist dírithe ar fhoghlaim de ghlanmheabhair, seachas ar chumas an duine san ábhar
The leaving cert is focused on memory learning, rather than the ability of the person in the subject
Ba cheart don rialtas córas nua a thabhairt isteach
The government should introduce a new system
Caithfear é a leasú agus dá luaithe is ea is fearr é
It must me amended and that the sooner the better
is foinse mór brú iad na meain shóisialta agus na teicnólaíocht i gcoitinne i saol an duine óig inniu
social media and technology is a big source of pressure in general in the life of a young person today
Seolann bulaithe teachtearachtaí gránna chuig daoine leochaileacha agus is daoine óga iad de ghnáth.
Bullies send nasty messages to vulnerable people and usually they are young people
Ní bhíonn na híomhánna seo réalaíoch ar chor ar bith toisc na scagairí a usáidtear go forleathan
The images are not realistic at all because the filters that are used are widespread
Caithfear a rá gur malltacht úafasach ar an tsochaí é an cleachtas seo
it must be said that this practice is a terrible curse on society
Dá mbeadh maesúnú leanúnach i bhfeidhm
if continuous assessment was in place
Caifear ar a laghad sé abhar a dhéanamh, ach is minic a dhéantar nios mó ná an méid sin
At least six subjects are done, but sometimes more than that size is done
Ach in ionad daoine óga a spreagadh, cuireann an coras lochtach seo tuilleadh brú ar an duine óg
but instead of encouraging young people, the flawed system puts more pressure on the young person
Déanann líon mór scolairí mata ar an ard léibheal ar mhaithe leis na pointí breise seo a thuilleamh
A large number of students do maths at higher level to gain these extra points
Ni dhéanann córas na hairdteiste maitheas don dhuine óg ar chor ar bith
The leaving cert system does not do the young person any good at all
Téann siad ar ragús óil chun ealú óna gcuid fadhbanna
They go on drinking binges to escape from their problems
Ceapann daoine óga gur ag éalú ó chruathan an tsaoil atá siad, ach a mhalairt atá fíor
Young people think that they are escaping from the hardships of life, but the opposite is true
Fáinne fí atá ann
it is a vicious circle
Caithfear iarracht a dhéanamh iad a spreagadh agus a ghríosú
We must make an effort to encourage and urge them