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UCR (Uniform Crime Report)
Official Statistics only reported by police
NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey)
Victimization survey to identify persons who’s been victims of if the cases were reported to the police
Street Culture
Masculinized with violence as accpeted resource and violence against women being endemic; Battered Person tend to murder inmates after history of phsyical violence and abuse
Criminal Offending is Genderded
Masculinity is entwined with cultural views - use of violence to prove they are “Real” men
Robbery’s Sex Difference
Violence for women is gendered, arising from male friends and intimates
Homicide Victimization
Men are victimized by men, Women victimized by male intimates
Statistics of Sex, Gender & Victimization → Don’t Show
Women may not see themselves as victims
Women will not discuss or report rape as its heavyily stigmitazied
Assault by intimate is seen to be normal, private and family relationships based on culture
Domestic Violence Statistics:
Framed as a womens issue
CTS (Conflict Tactic Scale) → Used to higlight prevalence of domestic violence
Victimization Theories:
Victim precipitation by Wolfgang → explain only small piece of rape and highly illogical (NOT blaming victim)
Suggests the characteristics of victims precipitate the crime
Cohen & Felson Routine activities theory → Reflects men’s victimization by not female offending
Violence Against Women:
Rape → Not random; common in certain settings where male dominated jobs
Characteristics of Rape-free Society
Women take major roles in religious rituals
Women hold political power equal/comparable to men
Society economically secure
Violence is not viewed as legitimate method to solve conflicts
Characteristics of Rape-prone Society:
Worship single male god
Power held by all males
Violence used to solve conflicts
Gendered → Victimization:
Occurs in all classes, race and genders
Roots of violence engrained in cultural & social practices → Culture is the origin of violence meaning changes in cultural offers lasting solutions
Gender & Criminal Justice System (CJS)
4 Principle Groups of CJS → police, lawyers and judges and correctional officers - prisons
Discrimination → Age:
Status offences 18 years → illegal to run away, illegal to buy/drink alcohol or break curfew
Age of Majority → Differs in Areas/Countries:
Indonesia → 15
North Korea → 17
Canada → 18
Japan → 20
Discrimination → Sex-related Issues
Criminalization of sex between consenting same sex adults
Prostitution → Female victims usually criminalized and men most times are less likely to be charged
Discrimination Based on Effect:
Punishments & Sentencing → Different sentences between Crack (Less pure; used mostly by blacks, poor and ethnic minorities) and Powdered Cocaine (Pure, used mostly by Caucasians and other races)
Discrimination Disparity in Law Enforcement:
Discrimination by practice in arresting, bail, charging and prosecuting → over representation of ethnicity minority groups and aboriginal people means longer prison sentences
Gender Inequality in CJS:
Sex and gender have served as basis for discrimination
Prostitution → Legal but only solicitor is criminalized - Men usually ignored
Pregnant women uses cocaine can be arrested for felony child abuse → Father on drugs are not prosecuted
Criminal Law Dictates:
Gender discrimination with prostitution
Pregnant women and felony child abuse charges
Equal responsibility for all person held based on Anti Drug Acts
Gender Inequality in Policing:
Patriarchy → Women treated more leniently - Self report reveals men commit more serious crimes and are arrested more often
Gendered Organization → Prison:
No provision for women offenders
Considered irredeemable
Inappropriate training
Gendered perception of staff
Gendered → CJS:
Based on structure and practice → police, law, courts, corrections
Intersectionality showed based on complex influences of age, sex, gender, class and race
Age of Consent:
General age of consent is 16 → rises to 18 in cases involving position of authority/trust
Close in Age Exceptions:
Teens aged 14-15 can consent to partners → less that 5 years older
People aged 12-13 can consent → less that two years older
Offences involving under age of consent carry mandatory minimum sentence and heightened penalties
Essential words in Cnadian law covering sexual assault and other sexual offences
Sexual activity committed without consent can be charged with criminal offence
Categories of UCR:
Index Crimes
Violent Crimes → Homicide, Forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault
Bulk of Offences
Property crimes → Fraud, Simple Assault
Public Order Crimes → Drunkenness, Drug Driving Violations
Criminal Homicide:
Murder & non negligent manslaughter → Willful killing of one human being by another
Manslaughter by Negligence → Killing another person through gross negligence
Forcible Rape:
Carnal knowledge of female forcibly and against her will → Forced rape, attempt/assault to rape whatever the age of victim are included
Aggravated Assault:
Unlawful attack by one person upon another for purpose of inflicting severe bodily injury → usually with a weapon
Burglary → Breaking or Entering:
Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft
Larceny Theft (Not Motor Vehicles):
Unlawful taking, carrying, riding away, leading away property from the possessions from another
Motor Vehicle Theft:
Theft or attempted theft of motor vehicle → runs on land and self propelled
Willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn with/without intent to defraud, dwelling house, public building or motor vehicle
Sex Difference in Arrests:
Men are more likely to get arrested
Women outnumber men in prostitution and status offences
Set of attributes, behaviors and roles associated with both and men
Robert Merton → Strain Theory:
Less access to legitimate means to achieve goals
Edwin Sutherland:
Criminal behaviour learned in social context
Albert Cohen:
Street gangs and Working bouts achieve middle class standards, low success leads them to groups in which they can succeed
Freda Adler-Liberation Hypothesis:
Predicted that women would become more violent as they take men socials and political roles
Cesare Lombroso → Criminologist:
Women were non capable of commiting crimes as they could not conceptualize and execute, feeble minding lacking natural instinct
Rita Simon Emancipation Theory:
Increased participation in workforce will afford women greater opportunities to commit job related crimes
Lawrence Cohen:
States that goals of femininity focus on “beauty” and heterosexual relations → no need to use crime to get things
Jody Miller:
90% men arrested for street robberies, Both male and female involved by gender shapes methods and rewards of robbery
Structurally Gendered:
Criminal offending on the streets
Men dominate upper level hierarchy, control lucrative activities and reap greatest rewards