No fixed soul or self
Three Poisons
greed, hatred, ignorance (lobha, dosa and moha)
Three Marks of Existence
Anatta, Anicca, Dukkha (no self, impermanence, suffering)
The Five Aggregates
form, sensation, perception, mental formation and consciousness
The Noble Eightfold Path
right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness; right concentration
The Four noble Truths
1.The truth of suffering ; Dukkha 2. The truth of the cause of suffering ; Samudaya 3. The truth of the end of suffering ; Nirodha 4. The truth of the path leading to the end of suffering ; Magga
The Three Refuges
Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
The nature/law of existence
The Buddhist community
Ascetic life
living with the bare minimum. Just surviving
Things mara sent to the Buddha
Sent his daughters to seduce him.Sent his armies to attack him.Offered him control of his kingdom.Mara sent himself to attack him
3 watches of the night
Gained knowledge on all his previous lives.Understood the repeating the cycle of life, death and rebirth. That this was dependant of ones kamma and the importance of anatta. Understood why suffering happens and how to overcome it
your actions
The four sights
old age, illness, death and the holy man
dependant arising (paticcasamuppada)
everything arises ( and continues ) dependant on conditions. Nothing is permanent and unchanging
Tibetan wheel of life
Illustrates the process of dependant arising in relation to human life. The outer circle is made of 12 nidanas the link together ( showing rebirth ). The type of world a buddhist is born into depends on their kamma from previous lives.
cycle of life, death and rebirth. The buddhists want to break free from this
The different types of dukkha
Suffering, change and attachment
The seven stages of suffering
birth, old age, sickness, death, sorrow/despair, contact with unpleasant things, not getting what you wished for
Nagasena and the chariot
are name exists as the relation to all the different parts. A chariot is only a chariot when all the parts are together
The first noble truth: Dukkha
To know that suffering is a problem that everyone faces and not to personalise your suffering as you'll become 'attached'.Whilst happiness does exist it won't fix the root of the problem
The second noble truth: Samudaya
Explores the origins of suffering and concludes that tanha causes suffering whether you are craving for a thing, person or your future. However this isn't possible because of the existence of anicca.Craving is rooted in ignorance. The wheel of samsara is spinning because of the 3 poisons
Third noble truth: Nirodha
Teaches that there is an end to suffering by overcoming ignorance and craving in hopes of reaching nibbana/enlightenment. This does not mean stopping doing the things you enjoy but realising their impermanence and having appreciation for what you have
Ajhan Sumedho's story
Living in America 'the land of the free' he saw how they profit over making a materialistic society and how unhappy he was whilst craving everything. He saw that once he followed the noble truths he was happier
Fourth noble truth: Magga
The cure to suffering, you can eradicate suffering by following the noble eightfold path. Its split into 3 sections: Wisdom ( panna ), Ethics ( sila ) and meditation ( samadhi ). This shapes how a Buddha lives their life
Theravada Buddhism
Buddha is seen as the main commitment, only as a role model not a god.Don't own anything, no sexual relationships and promise never to offend anyone. They believe meditating will give them good merit ( kamma ) to reach nibbana. They think they can transfer their kamma to others especially after death to get them into a good life/ enlightenment. They believe the 5 aggregates make up someones personality
Mahayana buddhism
Umbrella term for overlapping traditions. They believe the Buddha remains active and can influence the world.He can be seen through meditations and visions whilst manifesting into different forms. They believe in sunyata emphasising that nothing is permanent at all and that everything depends on everything else.Realising everything interlinks and nothing is permanent increases their compassion and selflessness and brings them closer to enlightenment.
Buddha-nature and buddhahood in relation to Mahayana buddhism
Everyone has an essence of the buddha within them, deep down everyone is enlightened. However the enlightenment is trapped within our own desires, ignorance and negative thoughts. When you understand the buddhist teachings and realise the nature around them do you experience the buddha nature. They aim to achieve buddhahood: to become a buddha