Chapter 5
Intro to Metabolism
Metabolism: chemical reactions in body’s cells that change food into energy
Energy: ability to do work; ability to cause some kind of change
Trophic Levels: an organism’s place in the food chain
Higher levels - less energy from food
Lower levels - more energy from food
Make their own food
Ex: plants, algae
Primary Consumers
Secondary Consumers
Tertiary Consumers
Quaternary Consumers
Apex predators
Ex: lions, polar bears
Trophic levels aren’t set in stone. Organisms can eat certain things that change which trophic level they’re in.
Kinetic Energy: the energy of motion
Potential Energy: stored energy related to its position
Chemical Energy: energy stored in chemical bonds
Energy Conversions: light bulbs change electrical energy into heat and light energy
Law of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics: the study of heat and other energy forms
Characteristics we see with energy
Energy can’t be created or destroyed
Universe will always have the same amount of energy
Energy tends to disperse
Hot things will always cool down aka lose energy
Energy in Biology
Biochemical reactions: molecules changing into other molecules
Energy releasing
Spontaneous (doesn’t need energy)
Ex: cellular respiration
Energy consuming
Need energy (ex. sunlight)
Ex: photosynthesis
Reactants: molecules entering a reaction to be changed
Products: molecules produced by reaction
Activation energy: minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction