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two or more individuals who are connected by and within social relationships. It is also defined as face to face interaction as evidenced by criteria gesticulation
the state of being a part of, or included within, a social group
a set of interconnected individuals or group more generally any set of social or nonsocial objects that are linked by relational ties
Social identity
It can be thought of as the “sum total of a person's social identifications where the latter represent socially significant social categorizations internalized as aspects of the self concepts”. Aspects of the self-concept derived from relationships and memberships in groups, creating a sense of "we" and "us."
Two or more individuals who perceive themselves to be members of the same social category.
Two or more persons who are interacting with one another in such a manner that each person influences and is influenced by each other person
A dynamic whole based on interdependence rather than similarity
An aggregation of two or more people who are to some degree in dynamic interrelation with one another
Psychological significance
is any number of people who interact with each other, are psychologically aware of each other, and perceive themselves to be in a group
Individuals who stand in certain relations to each other, for example, as sharing a common purpose or having a common intentionality, or acting together, or at least having a common interest
Social unit
Persons who recognize that they constitute a meaningful social unit, interact based on that, and are committed to that social unity.
Shared task and goals
Three or more people who work together interdependently on an agreed upon activity or goal
Two or more people
A social unit which consists of a number of individuals who stand in (more or less) definite status and role relationships to one another and which possesses a set of values or norms of its own regulating the behavior of individual members, at least in matters of consequence to the group
Primary Group
A small, long term group characterized by frequent interaction, solidarity, and high levels of interdependence among members.
Social (Secondary) Group
A relatively small number of individuals who interact over an extended period, such as work groups or clubs.
A relatively large aggregation of individuals who display similarities in actions and outlook.
Categories (social categories)
A perceptual grouping of people who are assumed to be similar to one another in some ways but different in one or more ways, such as all women, the elderly, college students, or all the citizens of a specific country
Greek word dynamikos
established the Group Dynamics Research Center in 1945 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Group dynamics
are the influential interpersonal processes that occur in and between groups over time
Formative Processes
The need to belong to groups, contextual factors that promote group formation, and the development of group cohesion.
Influence Processes
Group structure, conformity, dissent, social power, obedience, and leadership.
Performance Processes
Group productivity, social motivation, working in teams, and collaborative decision making.
Conflict Processes
Intragroup conflict within groups and intergroup conflict between groups.