Chapter 8 of Garret 6e Brain and Behavior
Affective Aggression
Hostile or violent behavior characterized by impulsiveness and emotional arousal.
Forceful or assertive behavior intended to harm or control another individual.
A limbic system structure involved with emotions, especially fear and anxiety, and with sexual behavior, aggression, and learning.
Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC)
Part of the limbic system important in attention, decision making, impulse control, emotion, and consciousness.
Autoimmune Disorder
A disorder in which the immune system attacks the body’s own cells.
B Cell
A type of immune cell that fights intruders by producing antibodies.
Cognitive Theory
Theory that states a person identifies an emotion based on a cognitive assessment of the stimulus situation.
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain
A condition present at birth in which the person is insensitive to pain.
A hormone released by the adrenal cortex that produces physiological stress responses.
A state of feelings accompanied by physiological activity and often by characteristic facial expression and behavior.
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
A group of structures that help the body cope with stress.
Immune System
Cells and products that protect the body against foreign substances.
James-Lange Theory
The idea that physiological arousal precedes and causes emotional experience.
White blood cells, which include macrophages, T cells, and B cells.
Limbic System
A group of forebrain structures that have roles in emotion, motivated behavior, and learning.
A type of leukocyte that ingests intruders.
Glial cells that provide immune protection in the central nervous system.
Mirror Neurons
Cortical neurons that respond to both engaging in and observing an act.
Natural Killer Cell
An immune cell that attacks and destroys certain cancer cells and virus-infected cells.
Predatory Aggression
Hostile behavior in which an animal attacks its prey, or a human engages in a premeditated attack.
Proactive/instrumental Aggression
Emotionless violent behavior intended to gain something for the aggressor.
Reactive/impulsive Aggression
Hostile behavior resulting from a perceived threat, characterized by heightened emotionality.
Skin Conductance Response (SCR)
A measure of sweat gland activation reflecting sympathetic nervous system activity.
A condition that makes unusual demands on the organism, leading to a negative response.
Sudden Cardiac Death
A fatal event caused by stress leading to excessive sympathetic activity and heart fibrillation.
T Cell
A type of leukocyte that attacks invaders or helps regulate the immune system.