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people assembling, but means Conflict, struggle or contest
central conflict bw 2/3 characters
in Sophocles: antigone and creon
Antigone values the gods, blood, family, traditions
Creon values money, power (in his hands), power over women, and political influence
the old theban citizens
hesitantly agrees with Creon, but slowly inputs warnings to creon about his actions
acts as a voice of reason throughout the play, along w narrating certain scenes
is the play's tragic heroine
is opposed to her sister Ismene
refusing to "understand" the limits placed on her
rises up alone against state power
cares about the order of the gods, and about respecting familiy
Against all prohibitions and without any just cause, she will bury her brother to the point of her own death
daughter of oedipus and jocasta (also her grandma), fiance to antigone
the justice of polynices drives the play
justice in a correct burial, justice from the gods, justice for family, justice for the city of thebes, etc
has died defending the city, shall be buried with full honors by decree of creon
sibling of ismene, antigone, polynices
Ekthros vs Philos
Philos: love, kin, family
Ekthros: enemy
Creon views polynices as Ekthros, antigone views him as philos
Wife of creon
kills herself once she sees her child has killed himself
Eurydice, has stabbed herself, her last words nothing more than a few curses directed at him.
first married to his Laius, has oedipus
oedipus kills Laius and marries his mom
kills herself when she finds out
son of creon
fiance of antigone
first says he supports his father
says he hears the people of thebes speak, would be upset if he killed antigone
pleads for the life of his fiancée. His words don’t touch Creon, get into a heated dispute
says he will never see his father again
Creon sees him hanging off of antigone’s dead body, he tries to kill creon, then kills himself
sister of antigone, polynices, and eteocles
when asked about burying the body, ismene responds with “lots of nos”
says she cannot disobey the crown as a woman
is blamed for the crime initially but is spared, had no part in it
King of thebes and weas married to Jocasta
killed at crossroads by his son unknowlingly
who bears the news of death.
In the prologue, he casts a menacing shadow: as the Chorus notes, he remains apart from the others in his premonition of Haemon's death
the “traitor” who had gathered the Argive army to conquer Thebes, is to be left for the dogs to devour.
killed in battle against brother Eteocles
his justice (dike), through proper burial is the driving force of the plot in the play
his only interest is in political and social order
Antigone, ismene, polynices, and eteocles’ uncle
king of Thebes, takes throne after oedipus gouges his eyes out and dies
cares most about keeping political power and control
highly critical of antigone and anyone who opposes him, especially women
end the play feeling extremely guilty for causing the death of so many people
blind prophet
He comes with an urgent proclamation for the king: the altars of Thebes and its hearths have all been tainted by the birds and dogs with the carrion taken from Polynices, “the sadly fallen son of Oedipus,” and so the gods refuse to accept his prayers and sacrifices anymore.
creon refuses to accept or believe this claim
declares that his son will have to die as a punishment for disobeying the gods
Mrs. Nakamura
tailors widow with three children
only character in charge of a family
struggles with poverty as a result of the war
after bomb, is passive to America (“cant be helped”)
ordinary victim of extraordinary event
Dr. Sasaki
red cross surgeon
keep emotional distance from chafacter
doesn’t seek praise for helping thousands (robot like state in the hospital)
helps injured for days without sleeping
Father Kleinsorge
german jesuit
different perspective as a foreigner
shows that the bomb was an equalizer for everyone
distinct non-japanese view on events
shows the community aspect of the bomb
Mrs. Sasaki
20 year old clerk
injured and left unattended for weeks
becomes crippled for life
husband leaves her, she becomes a nun
closest representation of the nameless wounded survivors (suffering in isolation)
Dr. Fuji
private doctor
mostly unaffected the bomb
shows how wealth may have played a factor
Mr. Tanimoto
most complex character
pastor with american ties
struggle with his american ties effort to help japanese
is more suspect to suspicion than actual foreigner
gives birth by herself (to ouranos)
has Kronos and rhea with Ouranos
shoves his kids back into earth (gaia)
kronos gets sickle and cuts his dick off
dick turns into aphrodite through foam in the ocean
son of ouranos and gaia
has many olympians, including zeus (youngest)
knew fate of his father, swallows all of his kids
eventually pukes them up and zeus comes to power
has kids with Kronos
goes to Gaia, gives her a rock and she gives it to zeus
dresses it up as a baby and feeds it to kronos
youngest child who feeds kronos the rock, who pukes up all the children
comes to power, physical power 9thunder and lightening)
the muses: children of zeus
act as a form of propaganda when telling the story of hesiod, biased sources
violent, fool
stabbed by zeus, eaten by eagle
heracles frees him
tried to trick zeus by feeding him ox, zeus takes away fire from humanity
he gives it back to humanity
made to please father zeus
pretty but evil
embodiment of misogyny