Renaissance art and artists
Sculptor, painter, architect, sculptor. His art normally portrays an idea in the human body, showing intense muscle movements. People look god-like, normally flexing and showing off their muscles.
Leonardo DaVinci
also known as the “renaissance man”. His art normally portrays an idea through light, shadow, and perspective. He also made painted the last supper.
Fra Angelico
created “the Annunciation”. combined early renaissance style with religion, and shading. His art also had a classical influence.
Normally paints mythology. Gods and goddesses are portrayed through his art.e used Italian gothic style, and painted the “Birth of Venus”.
Used perspective in his art, which contained many pillars and arches, had an architectural feel. He painted the “School of Athens”, his paintings also had a vanishing point. His art became popular later in the renaissance.
Sofonisba Anguissola
used bright, vivid colors on a dark background. She painted a self portrait of herself painting. also used highly realistic technique, especially in the women she painted.
Benvenuto de Giovanni
Italian sculptor, who created “Perseus wuth the head of Medusa”. Hs sculptures were normally nude, and very realistic and muscular.
Jan Van Eyck
Northern European artist, used natural light, and unproportional characters to display an idea. He created the “Arnolfini Wedding”, using oil paint
Pieter Bruegel
Northern European artist, who focused mostly on the regular, poor people, na ddid not paint anyone rich/wealthy like other artists. uses perspective, and different styles and colors in his art.
Hieronymus Bosch
made imaginative art based on religious symbolism, and ideas of utopia and the circle of life. He created many triptych paintings to convey an idea.
Albrecht Dürer
German artist who created artwork based on ideas of religious faith and courage. In his artwork, he engraves a symbol of a D in like a gate. He also does not paint, but etches out an idea and then stamps it onto many different pieces of paper, to be sold and displayed in multiple places.
Jean Fouquet
He combined Italian and flemish art, conveying ideas with precision, and detail. He also was a master of panel painting, and used that to convey different ideas in his art.
Jean de Boulogne
also known as Giambologna, this artist sculpted unusual art to convey an idea. His sculptors are gigantic, and convey an idea of religion, like coming out of the ground, and reincarnating. He sculpted the Apennine Colossus.
Italian painter who created large scale paintings, based off of narrative. He created a version of the ‘Last Supper”.
Italian Art
Contains many architectural components, such as domes, arches and pillars. This type of art also focused on the human body, seeing it as a beautiful thing under god’s image. The nude body is not shameful, and is expressed in this art. Mary/Madonna is normally expressed in blue.
Northern European Art
This art is drawn by masters of observation, and conveying an idea through a mystical, unknown way. This art is normally on large scale, with less focus on precision, and proportion, but rather on different ways to convey an idea. They focused on linear perspective, and detail within landscape.