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Supine position
When measuring a infant from head to heel. What exam position should you place the infant in?
Infants 6 weeks who has a heart of 80/min
What type of patient would you report to the provider if they had a low apical pulse?
Confidentiality statement
What statement do you provide to patients to be in compliance HIPPA?
When you have symptoms
What information do you need to provide to the patient when wearing a Holter monitor about marker?
Educational material
What information is acceptable to provide to the patient in the waiting room?
Blade down, handle first
What technique would be used when passing a scalpel to the provider during a sterile procedure?
A patient being post-op status post left mastectomy. What information should you make sure is on the chart from hospital?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
What is the hormone detected in pregnancy test?
Liquid nitrogen
What is used in cryosurgery?
CMS 1500
What is the universal claim for submited outpatient billing?
Plan of care
When reviewing a patient's chart after a visit. Where would you look in the chart to review medication dosage and instructions for the patient?
American w/ Disability Act
Where should you refer a non- ambulatory for, assistance with workplace accommodations?
Tachycardia, Hypotension, Afebrile, Normal Respiration
You have obtained the following vital signs from an adult patient: temperature 37.2 C (99. 0 F), heart rate 106/min, BP 89/50 mm Hg and respiratory rate of 18/min. What should document regarding the vital signs?
Lithotomy Position
What position should you place a patient for a pap smear?
Immediately over the phone
A urgent referral has been submitted to the insurance company. How long should the authorization process take?
Dispose of in a biohazard container
Your gloved hands come in contact with the patient's blood during a procedure. What action should you take?
A patient has COPD and requires an abdominal exam. What position should you place the patient in to manage his/her respiratory status?
Dr./Nurse Practitioner
When working in an ambulatory care center with several other workers. Who is legally responsible for the medical assistant's actions?
Patient & care giver relationship
What should you recognize as a goal of patient- centered care?
What is a risk factor for developing cirrhosis?
1 inch
When setting a tray for a sterile procedure. How many inches are required to maintain a sterile field?
What is a closed wound caused by blunt trauma that results in swelling, ecchymosis, and pain?
What device would you use to measure a patient's range of motion?
Height & Weight
What criteria is used to determine BMI?
Red/Rare Meat
What foods should you instruct a patient to refrain from eating prior to testing for fecal occult blood?
What is a cause for a urine specimen to be rejected?
What items are employers required to provide based on OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens standards for all employees?
What side effect can you expect from a patient following an ear irrigation?
Brachial Artery
What artery is primarily used for obtaining a manual blood pressure?
National Provider Identification (NPI)
What information is needed from a provider to complete the CMS-1500 form?
when using antihistamines to treat allergies this is an example of what kind of care?
3-4 inches
How many inches above the venipuncture site should the tourniquet be placed?
Distilled water
What solution is used in an autoclave for sterilization?
Apply Even Pressre
What action should you take when performing a capillary puncture?
Have the parent to hold the child
When performing a capillary puncture on a 10 month old patient. What action should you take?
Post-op instructions
A patient has had a cyst removed in the office. What information should be provided to the patient prior to leaving the office?
When performing CPR how many compressions should be done in a minute?
Your patient requires a temporal temperature to be taken. Where should you take this temperature?
Prevent contamination
What is the purpose of the chain of custody for a drug screen?
Where are electrodes placed on the body for a holter monitor?
The patient can see 20ft while the adverage eye sees 50
Patient's vision is 20/50 according to the Snellen chart. What does this mean?
Break it down and start over
You are setting up a tray for a sterile procedure and your co-worker reaches across it. What action should you take?
Reduce fat intake
When reinforcing teaching to a patient with a new diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia. What dietary changes should you instruct the patient to make?
Run under water
When sanitizing instruments using aseptic techniques. What actions should you take?
Annually or when changes are made
When should facilities review and update exposure control plans according to OSHA?
After how many years is a patient considered new in your practice for billing and coding reasons?
What method of examination is used to observe deformities and rashes?
What pharmacokinetic process is primarily affected by liver dysfunction?
After collecting the specimen
During the phlebotomy procedure when should your patient's tubes be labeled?
Listen & try to find out concerns
A patient is visibly angry and does not want a venipuncture procedure. What action should you take to respond to the patient?
Carotid Artery
Before starting CPR on a patient where do you check for a pulse?
Ringworm is classified as what kind of disease?
Name a surgical reconstruction procedure.
File an appeal or bill the patient
A patient has a test performed that they requested, the patient has signed an ABN. After denial of payment from the insurance company is received, What action should you take?
A parent has questions regarding mandatory immunizations for their child. What agency should you refer them to?
Close the specimen in front of the patient
When obtaining a urine drug screen from a patient following a work-related injury. What action should you take?
When performing an infuenza test, Where do you obtain your sample from?
What position should you place a patient with a dangerously low blood pressure?
When assisting with obtaining a Papanicolaou sample, What information do you need to note?
What area is used to measure for body fat?
Name & Date of Birth
What information should you obtain from a patient before administering medication, based on the rights of medication?
Seal the specimen in front of the patient
What action should you take to comply with the chain of custody during a drug screen?
Double booking
When patients are scheduled for the same time and seen in the order in which they arrive. What type of scheduling is this?
Friction & Soap
What actions are needed for effective hand washing?
Clean Perineal
What action should you take when collecting a urine specimen from a 3 month old female patient, before applying the urine collection bag?
Right Atrium
In what chamber of the heart will you find the sinoatrial node?
A patient comes into the office reporting dysuria and side pain. What lab work should anticipate your provider to order?
Purchase Order
What form is needed in order to order supplies for your facility?
When medication moves from the site of administration into the body what is it called?
Which part of the diagnostic statement should you use when searching in the alphabetical index
A patient coming into the office for a visit and reports having a throbbing headache and a family history of migraines. Where would you document this in the chart?
Get out debris to relieve inflammation
What is a reason for performing an eye irrigation?
Expiration Date & Lot Number
You have given your patient an influenza vaccination. What information needs to be documented in the patient's chart?
Sterile Indicators
What is needed to process instruments for sterilization in an autoolave?
A patient has been scheduled for an orthopaedic consultation. What health record would you send with the patient?
Intromuscular (IM)
What medication route can be used for local or systemic indications?
Figure 8
What technique is used when applying an ace bandage to a patient's injured ankle?
What color tube would you use when performing a capillary puncture on an infant?
What actions should you take to prepare your exam rooms for patients?
Second digit
What digit should you use for capillary punctures?
A patient is experiencing hypoglycemic. What medication should you give the patient?
Can't disclose that information because of HIPPA
The partner of your patient comes in angry demanding to know what their spouse was seen for. How would you handle this situation?
Softening of the bones/Vitamin D Deficiency
What is osteomalacia?
Taking a shower/Getting ot wet
When reinforcing instructions to a patient wearing a holter monitor. What activity should the patient avoid?
0.12-0.2 seconds
What is the normal range for the PR interval on a standard EKG tracing?
Schedule for the last appt. of the day
You have a patient that is constantly late for appointments. How would you handle this situation?
Recognize anxiety
You are interviewing a patient who has anxiety. What action should you take?
When obtaining blood cultures. How many ml of blood are required?
To protect the GI system
What is the purpose of buffered or enteric coated tablets?
A patient comes in with a sore throat. What instrument would you use to view the throat?
Room Temperature
When reinforcing instructional teaching about administering medication to the ear. What information should you provide to them?
A patient has acute appendicitis. What quadrant would be tender upon examination?
How far has my red blood cells dropped
Your provider orders an ESR for the patient. What statement shows that your patient understands the reason for the test?
What is the correct position for obtaining a rectal temperature?
What korotkoff sounds represents the systolic blood pressure?
Resovior Host
What is part of the chain of infection?
Cyst Removal
In what clinical situation would you wear sterile gloves?
When scheduling the patient
When scheduling a new patient when should you verity the insurance for the patient?
A patient presents with acetone smell on their breath accompanied by deepn gulping breaths. What condition should you suspect for the patient?
What route is used when a medication is given topically?