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Creation and Genesis
There was wide variation of opinion on how long creation took. Some said only a few days; others argued for a much longer, indefinite period.
Creation and Genesis
Catholics are at liberty to believe that creation took a few days or a much longer period, according to how they see the evidence, and subject to any future judgement of the church.
The Catholic Position
Concerning human evolution, the Church has a more definite teaching. It allows for the possibility that manâs body developed from previous biological forms, under Godâs guidance, but it insists on the special creation of his soul
Science and Religion
As the Catechism puts it, âMethodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws,
Science and Religion
can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things of the faith derive from the same God.
Raison Dâetre
reason for being
Laudato Si
prasing common home
Laudato Si
encyclical letter from the pope
Laudato Si
book about nature made by pope
Laudato Giem
prasing God, followed up by Pope Francis.
Follow Me (M. 8:22)
Is Jesusâ invitation to people of every generation. His words encourage all people to live faithfully as His disciples.
Lumen Gentium
The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. This Latin title means âLIGHT TO THE NATIONSâ
obligation of spreading the faith (Article 17)
Each of us as Godâs people is called to be that light as we fulfill our______
the one who give order to christening baby.
as second-class citizens
The image of the Church as the People of God played a pivotal role in shifting the exaggerated view of the laity
The laity
are encouraged to engage in the apostolate for the good souls and the renewal of the temporal order.
âIn a word: what the soul is in the body, let Christians be in the world. (Article 38)
In chapter 7 of the Lumen Gentium we are told
âThe light of the world and the salt of the earthâ
Article 9
Godâs dwelling place in the world and thus be ââholinessââ
The church exists so that she may become
Kingdom of God in the mystery
if you have faith and know that this too will pass.
The vine planted by God
those are us
Temple and Dwelling
we will serve as the Church to give the present. you have time and talent of give it to the Lord.
Godâs Family
Priest serves as the father of the Church
Godâs building
the church was build through St. Peter
Godâs pilgrim people on earth
the people are together throughout the journey of the last destination
The Body of Christ
every time we receive Jesus we are called to become a righteous people.
the horn of the elephant
existence of the church
is not some historical accident or the result of the collective will of the people but a free act of creation by God.
Vatican II affirms what scripture teaches
That we have all been baptized into Christ and together we are parts of one another. (Rom. 5:12)
Christ established and sustains
the Church as a visible organization through which he communicates truth and grace to all
The Church
as instituted by Jesus Christ, has been handed down to us by the Apostles and is revealed to us continuously through our faith.
On Pilgrimage until the Glory
The Church will make her pilgrimage in the midst of the worldâs persecutions and Godâs consolations. -St. Augustine
Visible and Spiritual
Christ established and sustains the Church as a visible organization through which he communicates truth and grace to all
Where God and Man are One
This nuptial of Christ with his Church is âthe great mysteryâ and the Church, by union with Christ her bridegroom, becomes âthe hope of Gloryâ (1 Cor. 13:8)
Mystery (in Greek) is sometimes translated
emphasized the visible sign of salvation
sacrament (mystery)
Christ himself is this
The Church
is the sacrament of menâs inner union with God
manâs unity is rooted in God.
She is also the sacrament of the unity of the human race because
is one of the departments of Theology that have profited most by modern biblical and historical research and interest, and in the last decades also by ecumenism.
Mystici Corporis
the image is treated not merely as an image but as a concept; and it is applied without qualification to the Church on earth.
God, through His Son Jesus Christ and with the power of the Holy Spirit
The Church continues to exist because _______ continues to sustain her as she was handed down to the care of the first apostles of Christ.