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frontal bone
occiptal bone
foramen magnum
occiptal condyle
temporal bone
external auditory meatus
internal acoustic meatus
jugular foramen
mandibular fossa
mandibular fossa
mastoid process
styloid process (of skull)
zygomatic process
carotid canal
carotid canal
parietal bone
sphenoid bone
greater wings
lesser wings
sella turcica
foramen rotundum
foramen ovale
foramen spinosum
optic canal
superior orbital fissure
foramen lacerum
ethmoid bone
ethmoid bone
perpendicular plate
crista galli
coronal suture
sagittal suture
squamous suture
lambdoid suture
lacrimal bone
nasal bone
palatine bone
zygomatic bone
palatine process
mandibular condylar
coronoid process
Body (of mandible)
Ramus (of mandibula)
spinous process
(generalized term)
transverse process
(generalized term)
body (of vertebrae)
(generalized term)
superior articulating facet
Read the view (generalized term)
inferior articulating facet
Read the view (generalized term)
cervical vertebrae
thoracic vertebrae
lumbar vertebrae
transverse process (of cervical)
body (of cervical)
inferior articulating facet (of cervical)
superior articulating facet (of cervical)
transverse foramen (of cervical)
Atlas (C1)
Axis (C2, you know it's axis because of the dens)
dens (odontoid process)
transverse process (of thoracic)
body (of thoracic)
superior articulating facet (of thoracic)
inferior articulating facet (of thoracic)
coastal facets (of thoracic)
transverse process (of lumbar)
body (of lumbar)
superior articulating facet (of lumbar)
inferior articulating facet (of lumbar)
posterior sacral foramen
anterior sacral foramen
sacral promontory
sacral canal
auricular surface
superior articulating process (of sacrum)
xiphoid process
body (of sternum)
true ribs (1-7)
false ribs (8-10)
floating ribs (11-12)
occiptalmastoid suture
supraorbital foramen
stylomastoid foramen
external occipital protuberance
hypoglossal canal
pterygoid processes
pterygoid processes
inferior orbital fissure
cribriform plate
olfactory foramina
middle nasal concha
petrous part
dense bony ridge on interior surface of temporal bone, location of middle and inner ear cavities
squamous part