Theme 2 - The PLO and Lebanon

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When was the PLO founded?

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When was the PLO founded?


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What does PLO stand for?

Palestinian Liberation Organisation

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What was the main aim of the PLO in 1964?

To unite Palestinians in their fight to regain their lands

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What was the biggest group within the PLO?


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Who were the main supporters of the PLO?

  • Syria

  • Jordan

  • Egypt

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How was the PLO affected by the 1967 war?

Their supporters remained focused on regaining their own lands from Israel, and were devestated by the military loss and defeat.

  • Therefore, the PLO thought that they would have to fight alone to regain their land

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From 1967, how much of the Jordanian population was Palestinian?

Over half

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Fatah gained control of the PLO

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Yasser Arafat becomes leader of the PLO

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What was the PLO’s motto after 1969?

“Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine”

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What did the PFLP do?

Carried out terrorist attacks in countries other than Israel with the hope of gaining recognition, despite going against Arafat’s orders

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What does PFLP stand for?

People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine

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What happened in 1970?

The PLO were expelled from Jordan

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Why were the PLO expelled from Jordan?

They had begun undermining King Hussein’s authority, and he feared repreisal attacks from Israel for PLO violence issued from Jordan

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Where did the PLO go after 1970?

Syria and Lebanon

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What started the Lebanese civil war?

The Lebanese government ordered its mostly Christian army to regain control of the south of Leabnon, where the PLO were operating. The PLO resisted, aided by the Lebanese Muslims.

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Why did Israel get involved with the Lebanese civil war?

Because the PLO continued their attacks on Israel, continuing to operate out of Lebanon.

  • Israel took the opportunity to invade Lebanon, but were forced to retreat by the USA

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What happened in 1975?

The beginning of the Lebanese civil war

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What happened in 1982?

Israel invaded Lebanon

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What happened in 1978?

Israel attempted to invade Lebanon but were forced to withdraw due to pressure from the USA, and UN troops placed on the Lebanese-Israeli border

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When did Israel withdraw from the capital of Lebanon?

Late 1982

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When were the PLO evacuated from Lebanon?

August 1982

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When did Israel mostly leave Lebanon?


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When did Israel completely leave Lebanon?


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How did Lebanon break out in war in 2006?

A Lebanese terrorist group, Hezbollah, crossed the Israeli border and Israel attacked their bases of operation

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Why did Israel invade Lebanon in 1982?

They had been planning to invade but used the assasination attempt on the Israeli ambassador in London as an excuse

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