Christian Worldview Final (Exam 3)

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Who is Jesus?

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Who is Jesus?

A real, historical person

claimed to be God and does what God does

A lunatic, liar, or Lord

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What were some of the expectations for a king?

a king would come from the line of Abraham/David

  • a psalmist’s son will rule the nations with a rod of iron

  • Isaiah: a new shoot from the stump of Jesse (a new David)

  • Jeremiah: a righteous branch

  • Ezekiel: A good shepherd

  • Daniel: A son of Man

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Different names for the Kingdom Jesus brought

  • Kingdom of God

  • Future Kingdom

  • Present (inaugurated) Kingdom

  • Already-Not Yet Kingdom

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What was the special kingdom name Dr. Osborne really wanted you to remember?

Already-Not Yet Kingdom. It means Jesus brought/started the Kingdom, but it is not yet perfected.

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The Kingdom of God is…..

God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule and blessing

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How does Jesus fulfill the Kingdom of God?

Jesus was God’s People

  • The true Adam

  • The true Israel

Jesus was God’s Place

  • Jesus ‘tabernacled’

  • Jesus is the true Temple

Jesus Meditates God’s Rule and Blessing

  • Establishes the New Covenant

  • Jesus is the true King and Son of David

  • Jesus is the Savior

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What does discipleship look like?

Walking in obedience, new life, and a testimony

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What are the Acts of the Apostles?

  • Luke’s Gospel continued

  • An account of the early church

  • Focused on the church’s mission and God

  • Reveals the expansion of the Kingdom

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What is the set up of Acts?

  • Jerusalem (1-7)

  • Judea/Samaria (8-12)

  • The ends of the earth (13-28)

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When did the Holy Sprit arrive?

At Pentecost (Acts 2)

hence Pentecostal, haha get it?

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What are two words that describe Paul’s letters?

Indicative: Statement of truth

Imperative: how to live in light of that truth

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Who was Paul?

  • persecutor

  • missionary

  • theologian

  • paster

  • Jew/Roman/and Hellenistic

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What are the 6 Pauline Themes

  • Righteousness of God

  • Justification

  • Atonement (propitiation

  • Reconciliation

  • Redemption

  • Adoption

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What is Salvation according to Romans 3

Salvation is through faith alone. It is a gift of grace. Salvation was accomplished and achieved through the work of Christ.

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How is righteousness achieved in Romans 4?

Faith like Abraham’s. He believed in God’s promises and it was counted to him as righteousness.

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What do we learn about in Romans 5

Peace can be achieved in God, and God demonstrated His love in Christ.

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What is so special about Romans 8

We are Children of God. We are heirs to the inheritance of the Kingdom. We hope in our adoption while we wait for our adoption. Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.

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List all 8 kingdoms in order

Pattern: Creation

Perished: Fall

Promised: Abraham

Partial: the Promised land

Prophesized: the Prophets

Present: Jesus

Proclaimed: Acts, the Apostles, Paul

Perfected: Revelation

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What is the setting of Revelation?

It is written by John around 95 AD on the island of Patmos because he was exiled there due to persecution. John calls it prophecy, and it contains letters to churches.

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What is the Greek name for Revelation?

The Apocalypse (unveiling or revealing)

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What is the Preterist View

  • most common approach

  • sees the events prophesized as what is happening at the time the book is written

  • a commentary on contemporary issues.

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What is the Historical View?

  • a prophetic commentary on all church history: early church to present day.

  • Popular in the middle ages and reformation

  • abandoned by most for subjectivity and over concern with European history.

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What is the Idealist View?

  • largely symbolic

  • sets aside historical concerns

  • a cosmic battle between good and evil that repeats.

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What is the Futurist View?

  • interprets Revelation 4-22 as future events

  • Dispensation futurism and modified futurism

  • Dispensationalism

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What is Dispensational Futurism

  • Basis of Left Behind Books and Movie

  • Israel and the church are distinct groups

  • Secret rapture precedes the tribulation

  • Most of Revelation is not dealing with the church but with Jews and those not raptured.

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What is the Modified Futurist View/Historical-Premillennialism

  • one return of Jesus, establishes a Kingdom

  • The people of God, made up of Israel and church, endure the tribulation

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What is the Eclectic view?

  • Mixture of approaches

  • Many futurists are more comfortable with symbolic meaning

  • 1-3 preterist, 4-22 as futurist

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What is New Heaven and Earth?

God’s people are finally in God’s place. God’s blessing reverses the curse of sin. No longer need a temple, it is a city. God is dwelling with His people. It is the Garden of Eden but better. God’s people are living our who they were created to be: Priest-Kings.

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