Submarine Warfare
First attack to America by Germany
Ex. of rising tension in WWI leading America to join.
Lusitania 1915
British passenger boat containing American passengers - sunk by germans
Changed public opinion in America towards supporting the war (began movement of wanting to join WWI) - Germany would apologize - Ex. of rising tensions leading America to join WWI
Sussex ultimatum 1916
Result of American boat being attacked - Wilson threatens Germany that America will take action if Germany continues attacking passenger boats
Germany would apologize and put policy to stop attacking boats (did not last) - Ex. of rising tension leading to America joining WWI
“He Kept Us Out of War”
Campaign used by former Amer. pres. Wilson to get reelected
Would succeed Wilson got reelected and helped U.S. mobilize for war
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany decides to sink army boat regardless of America’s warnings
Would sink Amer merchant ship - angered America but still witheld from joining war - Ex. of rising tension leading to America joining WWI - major factor that contributed to America declaring war
Zimmerman Note 1917
Germany tries to get Mexico to fight U.S - In return Mex gets land they lost to U.S.
Along with unrestricted submarine warfare U.S. officially declares war
Declaration of War 1917
Amer Pres Wilson declares against Germany
WWI would be serious compared to other wars - caused Gov to limit personal freedoms and constitutional rights
Committee of Public Information
(Creel Community) leader: George Creel - American committee made to inform public about WWI - used propoganda to make Americans approave of WWI and support it
Got 75000 to form “4-min” men (Made propoganda speeches) - Ex. of America mobilizing for war
Four Minute Men
American trained by Creel Community to give inspiring speeches about WWI - Propoganda army
Helped to make people buy war bonds and factories to make weapons - Ex. of Amer mobilizing for WWI
Espionage Act 1917 and Sedition Act 1918
American law restricting freedom of Speech - Made to stop Amer from speaking bad about WWI - people would be sent to jail for speaking out
Ex. of US restricting Civil liberties - Eugen V. Debbs would be arrested for speaking out - act led to Schneck v. US 1919
Schneck v US
American Supreme Court Case regarding restriction of freedom of speech - (Does Gov have right to restrict speech during war?)
Supreme court ruled in favor of US - Gov could limit freedom of speech during times of crisis - Ex. of US restricting civil liberties for WWI
War Industries board WIB
American organization created during WWI to control production of weapons of war
Ex of Amer mobilizing the factories for WWI
Encouraging Workers
Creel Community using propoganda to make peopel work in the factories
Ex. of America mobilizing factories and labor for WWI
Women’s Role in WWI
Replaced men in bussinesses and farms
Ex. of war changing typical gender roles
National Labor Board
American organization that recruited workers with help of Creel Community paid good wages and prevented strikes
Caused Great Migration - Ex. of Amer mobilizing factories and labor for WWI
The Great Migration
1,000s of A. Americans moving to Northeast U.s (Philidelphia, Chicago, Detroit) to escape sharecropping
Would face racism - caused riots (Chicago Race riots, Red Summer) changed demographic of people
Race Riots “Red Summer” 1914
Racial conflict in Northeast America
Ex of racial conflcits that took place as a result of the Great Migration
Chicago “Race” Riot
Racial conflict incited by a young African American child crossing segregation boundrary in a river - Lasted day ppl dies
Ex of racial conflict caused by Great Migration
Food Administration
American organization with help of Creel Community that encouraged farmers to grow more and for American people to ration food (Both voluntary) and encouraged people to grow victory gardens
Ex. of American Gov encouraging ppl to support WWI
Bond Drives “Libery Loans”
With the help of Creel Community US Gov sells lots of War bond
Ex. of ppl supporting WWI
Selective Service Act 1917
US military draft - Required every boy when turned 18 to enlist in draft - enlisted 4 million troops (thru lottery)
Troops were called “Doughboys,” Ex. of America mobilizing troops for WWI
400,000 Blacks Segregated
A. Americans segregated and palced into seperate regiments
Ex. of racial discrimination against African Americans during WWI
Armistice 1918
Agreement to stop fighting - Surrender by Germany in WWI - signed 11/11/11 at 11 hour for good luck
Official end of WWI - Led to Treaty of Versailles and it’s fallout - WWII
Paris Peace Conference
Conference between “Big Four” (America, France, Britain, Italy) to make lasting treaty that will bring stability and peace to Europe
Wilson would come with 14 points - most of it rejected expect League of Nations - Germany punished badly by Treaty of Versailles - left in poverty - WWII
14 Points
Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI - proposed League of nations - and less punishment for Germany
“League of Nations” idea adopted but Germany still punished serverly thru Article 231
League of Nations
result of 14 points - Organization that had representatives fromm diff nations to keep peace and prevent war
Would not last and failed in it’s goal - tried to appease hitler - led to WWII
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty to end WWI contained League of Nations - Article 231 - Germany and Austria’s colonies fell to League of Nations
Treaty would fail - Caused WWII because of Article 231 “War Guilt Cause” - Germany had to reparations - left them poor and economy wrecked
Article 231 “War Guilt” Clause
Part of Versailles Treaty - Germany would have to pay reparations
Germany would suffer depression - caused them to blaim the allies and democratic system - Trusted Hitler because they were in crisis - WWII
Henry Cabot Lodge
American Republican Senator who led a group of other republicans “Irreconcilables” who were against the Treaty of Versailles - because they believed the League of Nations would pull America into European Wars
America would not sign Versaille Treat and did not join LoN - Led to Lodge Reservations
Lodge Reservations
By Henry C. Lodge - way of protesting Treat of Versailles by presenting formal changes they wanted to the Treaty if they were to sign it
Caused Wilson to go on a campaign to get America’s approval - Wilson died of stroke while on campaing - US did not sign Treaty
Election of 1920
Change in Political ideology - Warren G> Harding won by promosing “Return to Normalcy” (Isolationism and end of progressive policies) (Laissez Faire back
LLed to more corrupting in US Gov.