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medial lemniscus
Lateral geniculate body
Posterior Commisure
Pulvinar of thalamus
Superior colliculus
Optic tract
Red nucleus
Pretectal nuclus
pineal gland
lateral geniculate body of thalamus
cerebral peduncle
substantia nigra
red nucleus
medial lemniscus
oculomotor nuclei
superior colliculus
pulvinar of thalamus
medial geniculate body of thalamus
cerebral aqueduct
superior colliculus
oculomotor nerve
Interpeduncular fossa
Substantia nigra
medial lemniscus
cerebral peduncle
oculomotor nuclei
periaqueductal gray
medial lemniscus
cerebral penducle
substantia nigra
Trochlear Nucleus
Central tegmental tract
periaqueductal gray
cerebral aqueduct
superior colliculus
superior cerebellar penducle decussation
decussation of superior cerebellar penducles
anterolateral system
medial lemniscus
pontine nuclei
crus cerebri
Inferior colliculus
cerebral aqueduct
central grey
lateral lemniscus
central tegmental tract
anterolateral system
medial lemniscus
middle cerebellar penducle
trigeminal nerve
lateral lemniscus
cerebral aqueduct
trochlear nerve
superior cerebellar peduncle
corticospinal tract
superior cerebellar peduncle
superior olivary nucleus
mesencephalic nucleus and tract
lateral lemniscus
main sensory nucleus of V
medial lemniscus
motor nucleus of V
middle cerebellar peduncle
reticular formation
Raphe nucleus
abducens nerve
corticospinal tract
superior olivary nucleus
superior cerebellar peduncle
spinal nucleus and tract
medial lemniscus
4th ventricle
facial nerve
middle cerebella peduncle
vestibular nucleus
mesencephalic nucleus and tract
reticular formation
abducens nucleus
facial nucleus
spinal nucleus and tract of V
reticular formation
abducens nerve
anterolateral systems
raphe nucleus
middle cerebellar peduncle
medial lemniscus
corticospinal tract
mesencephalic nucleus and tract
vestibular nucleus
facial nerve
abducens nucleus