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promotional advertising
advertising designed to increase sales
institutional advertising
the process used to try to create a favorable image for a company and foster goodwill in the marketplace
the avenues through which messages are delivered; also known as channels
print media
newspapers, magazines, direct mail, signs, and billboards used in advertising
transit advertising
advertising found on public transportation
broadcast media
radio and television
online advertising
a form of advertising that uses either email or the World Wide Web
specialty media
relatively inexpensive, useful items featuring an advertiser's name or logo that are given away; also known as giveaways or advertising specialties
media planning
the process of selecting the advertising media and deciding the time or space in which the ads should appear to accomplish a marketing objective
paid public announcement persuading you to buy an item or a service
advertising agency
company made up of professionals who specialize in providing creative and business services involved in planning, preparing, and placing advertisements
advertising plan
the thinking and tasks needed to achieve a successful advertising campaign that fits into the advertiser's marketing strategy
advertising research
the thorough investigation of the planning, preparation, and placement of advertisments
everything in the advertisement that is not copy, including the illustration and design
banner ad
paid advertising on a web site
the advantage the consumer gets from a feature
coincidental studies
measurement tools that provide real-time information about the campaign's impact
a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living within a larger society
competitor analysis
part of the advertising plan that examines the identity, strengths, and weaknesses of the competition and competing product
someone who uses a product
consumer behavior
everything that affects or is affected by human consumption
creative boutique
specializes in developing creative concepts, writing creative text, and providing artistic services
creative plan
guideline to creating and constructing the advertising message that coordinates the copywriting, art, and media
integrated pattern of behavior, knowledge, and beliefs that are acquired from a group and passed on to future generations
statistical characteristics of human populations such as age, race, gender, income, marital status, education, and occupation
the arrangement of elements in the advertisement
direct marketing
an interactive method of marketing designed to generate a measurable response or transaction
event sponsorship
a business helps to fund an event in exchange for displaying a brand name, logo, or advertising message at the event, in literature about the event, or in broadcasts of the event
evoked set
a short list of brand names you think of when a product or service is mentioned
executive summary
part of the advertising plan that provides a summary of the most important information needed to make decisions
external facilitators
perform specialized services for advertisers and advertising agencies
a characteristic that is part of a product or service
focus group
a group of six to twelve consumers, led by a professional moderator, who discuss the product
the number of times the audience is exposed to an advertisement in a specified time period
full-service agency
provides a wide range of services designed to meet a client's complete advertising needs
a distinct group of productive or profit-making businesses
industry analysis
part of the advertising plan that examines industry developments and trends in
in-house agency
advertising department in a company whose main business is not advertising
interactive agencies
specialize in helping clients prepare advertising for new interactive media, such as Internet, CD-ROMs, and interactive television
a drawing that shows where each element in the advertisment will be placed
market analysis
part of the advertising plan that examines customers and their motives for buying the product
market segment
a group of people that have common characteristics and similar needs and wants
marketing mix
all marketing activities, such as advertising, sales promotions, event sponsorships, and public relations
mass media
a form of communication designed to reach a large number of people
media-buying service
an organization that specializes in buying media time and space, particuarly on radio and television stations
media class
a type of media, such as television, radio, billboards, newspapers, or magazines
media plan
identifies the media used to distribute an advertising message to the target audience
media vehicle
single member of a media class, such as "Good Housekeeping" magazine
message strategy
part of the advertising plan that includes the advertiser's objectives and methods used to carry out the objectives
message weight
the number of times the audience is exposed to the advertising message by a specific media vehicle
something you can't live without, such as food, clothes, and shelter
part of the advertising plan that identifies the document's structure and the material that will be covered in the plan
the process of making an advertiser's product different from other products in the consumer's mind
press release
statement prepared for distribution to the media that provides information that is timely, accurate, and interesting
the use of superlatives such as "greatest", "best", or "number one"
percentage of the target audience that is exposed to an advertisement in the specified time period
return on investment
the amount you earn from the money you spend
formalized act or series of acts performed frequently
sales promotion
the use of incentives to increase the brand value for consumers or distributors
search time
the amount of time you would spend to find products or services you want
situational analysis
part of the advertising plan that examines the conditions and circumstances that affect the product or service
catchphrase meant to help you remember a brand name
social class
a group sharing the same economic or social status
social meaning
the interpretation of a product or service in a social context
a community, group, or large grouping of people with common traditions, institutions, activities, and interests
standard of living
the minimum level of necessities and luxuries required to maintain an individual or a group at a common level of comfort
a series of sketches that show the sequential visual scenes and the matching copy for a television commercial
target segment
a subgroup of the marketing that is chosen to be the focus of the marketing and advertising campaign
top-of-the-mind awareness
test that identifies the leading brands in a specific product category by asking the consumer to name the brands in that category
something you would like to have but can live without
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Create friendly games that engage the customer while incorporating the brand and company values. Cereral packets, online kids games.
Brand Positioning
a strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a certain position, in relation to competing brands, in the mind of the customer. Example: Dove related to self esteem boost
Guerilla Advertising
Different actions that take place in the street that go beyond any official conventional media. Can be an interactive experience that engages the consumer- flashmobs
Marketing Mix
Product, price, place, promotion
User Generate content
Any material that is created and upload by a non-media specialist. Gets users involved and the brand gets to know more about the target.
Unique selling proposition. A theory to explain successful advertising campaigns. Suggests that such campaigns make unique propositions that encourage consumers to switch brands.
Web 2.0
The World Wide Web is going more social. Many to many communication. Users have become creators of the content in addition to the webmasters.
Process for selecting target audience
Target audience
Marketing mix and positioning
Pricing objectives
Status Quo
Price skimming
sets a relatively high price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time.
Penetration pricing
is the practice of offering a low price for a new product or service during its initial offering in order to lure customers away from competitors.
setting the price of a product or service based on what the competition is charging. This pricing method is used more often by businesses selling similar products, since services can vary from business to business, while the attributes of a product remain similar.
Supply and demand pricing
price based on equilibrium of projected supply and demand
an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.
Word of mouth- is the passing of information from person to person by oral communication
Direct marketing
the business of selling products or services directly to the public, e.g., by mail order or telephone selling, rather than through retailers
Steps in Sales Process
Generate Leads- the initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into products or services of a business
Approach customers
Determine customer needs
Present the product
Overcome objections-are anything that stops a customer from buying from you
Close the sale-refers to the process of making a sale. The sales sense springs from real estate, where closing is the final step of a transaction. In sales, it is used more generally to mean achievement of the desired outcome, which may be an exchange of money or acquiring a signature
Follow up-checking in on the consumer, wanting to find out how the product or service is working for them
Sales promotion
process of persuading a potential customer to buy the product. Important because it helps predict, modify and target consumer behavior
Influence consumer decisions
Encourage trial of new product
Strengthen brand loyalty
Influence consumer behavior
Advertising media selection criteria
Lead time-the time between the initiation and completion of a production process.
How advertising affects the economy
Creates market
Becomes part of pop culture
Influences children
Consumerist society- drives people to want more of a product when the stuff
Promotional Mix
one of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It consists of public relations, advertising, sales promotion and personal selling
Steps in developing the promotional plan
Get an objective
Distribution plan and target audience
Create central theme
Message to support the theme
Select a promotional product that bears a natural relationship to your profession or communications theme.
Don't pick an item based solely on uniqueness, price or perceived value.
average number of copies of a magazine sold in a particular period
classified ads
small advertisements in magazine or newspaper categorized by subject
signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; billboard
prime time
hours on radio and TV with the largest audience, especially the evening hours
specific time in a broadcasting schedule, when a commercial may be shown
Five step consumer decision-making process
Problem recognition
Search process
Evaluating alternatives
Selection stage
Evaluation of process
Consumer products
Consumer buying motives
Fear of loss
Comfort and Pleasure
Avoidance of Pain
Love and Affection
Pride and Prestige