US government policy claimed that the US would intervene in Latin American areas when necessary
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the extension of a nation’s power over other lands
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what was the cause of imperialism in the 1900s?
countries thought that they had to be better than other countries by having more colonies, money and power, and social Darwinism(stronger countries are victorious) became more popular, witch inspired counties to look for more power
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A state that is controlled by another states goverment
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What were the motivations for the new imperialism?
their motives were to gain power over the other countries (basically to one up them), and money, by colonizing in places that would benefit their trade and economy.
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Social darwinism
the belief that the “fit nations” will overtake the “weak” ones
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How did colonial powers govern their colonies?
They either used direct or indirect government ruling, they told the colonies that “they were bringing blessings to them”
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Thomas Stamford
English man, who found a colony on the Malay, and causes it to become a traffic point for travelers
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Where and how did Britain gain a new colony?
They overtook Burma after the
Birmanian monarchy failed.
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Who was in the French colonies and what happened to them?
French missionaries were persecuted by the Vietnamese for their religion
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What do the French do in Vietnam?
They forced the ruler to give up the kong river, and over 30 years they made all of the country a protectorate
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Where do the French colonize
cambodia, Annam tokin and laos
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union of Frances asian colonies
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What was the only remaining free state in Southeast Asia?
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King Chulalongkorn and King Mongkut
promoted Western learning and maintained friendly relations with the major European powers
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George Dewey
Admiral of the Navy, best known for his victory at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish–American War,
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Battle of Manila Bay
battle were U.S defeated Spanish in Philippines
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what did President William McKinley decide to do with the Philippines and why?
He decided to turn it into an American colony and take it away from the Spanish, giving the United States convenient access to trade with China
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Emilio Aguinaldo
leader of a movement for independence in the Philippines, he continued to fight after the U.S. acquired the colony and set himself up as president of the republic of the Philippines.
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what happened to the guerrilla(group fighting for independence) forces?
The U.S. defeated them, and gave them accesses to Chinas markets
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what was the main goal of ruling over the asian colonies?
**exploit** the natural resources of the lands and to open up markets for their own manufactured goods
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indirect rule
a colonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status
made access to the region's natural resources easier, allowed culture to remain same
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direct rule
colonial government in which local elites are removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the colonizing country
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How did Westerners feel about natives getting rights?
they came to fear the idea of natives being allowed political rights.
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what were colonial economies like?
they stressed exports of raw materials and used plantation agriculture where peasants would be forced into labor. thousands of plantation workers died due to the terrible conditions.
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what benefits did colonization bring to Asian colonies?
The colony was modernized, railroads and highways were built and the entrepreneurial class began.
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***How did indigenous people in Southeast Asia respond to colonial rule?***
most people hated it, and tried to fight against it there were lots of peasant revolts. Peasants were often driven off the land to make way for plantation agriculture.
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Saya San
led peasant uprising
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What happened with rebellions in the 1900s in Southeast Asia and who led them?
they were often from a new class (created by colonizers) westernized intellectuals from the cities they tried to defend the economic interests or religious beliefs of the native peoples.
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What did people in Burma fight for?
their religious rights- they were angry for the British not respecting their Buddhist traditions
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what countries colonized in Africa and why?
Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal because they wanted Africa's raw materials
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Where did Britain Annex a colony in Africa?
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to incorporate into an existing political unit, such as a city or country
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who had largest control of west Africa?
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Where did Germany control Africa?
Togo, Cameroon, German Southwest Africa, and German East Africa.
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Why did Egypt begin its fight for independence?
they were under the rule of the ottomen’s who were declining
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Muhammad Ali
introduced a series of reforms to bring Egypt into the modern world. He modernized the army, set up a public school system, and helped create small industries that refined sugar, produced textiles and munitions, and built ships.
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Why did the Europeans want to build a canal in Egypt?
The growing economic importance of the Nile Valley in Egypt, along with the development of steamships a canal would allow transport between Europe and Asia
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Ferdinand de Lesseps
signed a contract to begin building the Suez Canal
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What happened when Britain bought part of the Suez canal?
the Egyptian army revolted, but Britain suppressed the revolt, and Egypt was percolated to English
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Muhammad Ahmad
launched a revolt that brought much of Sudan under his control
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General Charles Gordon
British military leader to restore Egyptian authority over Sudan, Muhammad Ahmad's troops wiped out Gordon's army
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Where in Africa did the French settle?
the region of Algeria and Tunisia and much of Morocco
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where did Italy try to conqure?
\ Ethiopia which failed, and later Turkish Tripoli, which it renamed Libya.
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David Livingstone
27-year-old medical missionary, who trekked through **uncharted** regions of Africa to explore.
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Henry Stanley
worked for an American newspaper went to look for Livingstone, he explored the Congo River in Central Africa, and sailed down it to the Atlantic. he encouraged the British to send settlers there.
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King Leopold II
driving force behind the colonization of Central Africa. inspired Europe to explore and colonize there
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the descendants of the original Dutch settlers
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Cape Colony
British colony in present-day South Africa
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**The Boer Republics**
believed that white superiority was ordained by God. They denied non-Europeans any place in their society, other than as laborers or servants. they often battled with the natives
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the Great Trek
Northward migration of Dutch-speaking settlers w
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Cecil Rhodes
founded diamond and gold mining company expanded British
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what happened when gold was discovered on the transvaal?
British settlers swarmed in for riches
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Why did Rhode’s rule end
the British government forced Rhodes to resign as head of the Cape Colony because he secretly backed a raid that was meant to spark an uprising among British settlers
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**The Boer War**
British Army fought a colonial war against the Boers in South Africa, the Britts won(they were a lot bigger).
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Union of South Africa
,combined the old Cape Colony and the Boer republics (self governing)
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***How did European governance lead to African nationalism?***
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what two states remained free?
Liberia and Ethiopia
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the Berlin conference
regulated European colonization and trade in Africa
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what were the problems with the indirect rule?
Only the British administers truly made the rules
and kept the old African elite in power. witch led to class and ethic tensions.
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African nationalism
the new class began to learn more about western ways and liked it while others hated it.
lots of people hated colonial rule because they took away their land, rights, and culture. Africans wanted to use their nationalism to bring back their culture.
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what happened during the first quarter of the twentieth century with African Nationalism?
they began to organize political parties and movements to end colonial rule.
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an Indian soldier hired by the British East India Company to protect the company’s interests in the region
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What events in India led to the Sepoy revolt and what was it called?
the great rebellion or the first war of independence.
the rumor that the troops' new rifle cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat. (this was offensive to their culture), so they refused to use their guns
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what happened with the revolt in India?
lots and lots of Indians revolted but were stomped down by Britts even though they outnumbered them.
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what were the effects of the rebellion?
Indian nationalism grew, and Brittian started ruling directly
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Effects of British rule in India
It brought order and stability
a new school system was started
Indians were hired to build roads, canals, universities, and medical centers
it did damage the textile industry and high taxes harmed most citizens
there was not enough food for evryone with population growth
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what was the INC?
Indian National Congress formed by Indian nationalists the group called for a share in the governing process.
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Why did the INC have difficulties?
religious differences
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Mohandas Gandhi
worked in the independence movement using nonviolent resistance. Its aim was to force the British to free them, and this worked.
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Rabindranath Tagore
winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.writer and poet, He social reformer, spiritual leader, educator, philosopher, singer, painter, and international spokesperson, set up a school.
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how did newspapers effect India?
It helped spread nationalism by spreading nationalist ideas to the masses
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***How did British rule influence Indian culture?***
The British disrespected their culture, and lots of people began to speak english, but some stopped because they did not like their colonized language
caused revival of Indian literature and art Indian novelists and poets began writing historical romances and epics.
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What US government policy claimed that the US would intervene in Latin American areas when necessary?
The Monroe Doctrine
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In the early 1900's American companies began to invest money in Latin America, what do historians call this idea?
**dollar diplomacy-** the diplomacy that seeks to strengthen the power of a country or effect its purposes in foreign relations by the use of its financial resources
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Porfirio Díaz
who ruled Mexico between and created a conservative, centralized government. he was supported however people wanted change and revolted.
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Francisco Madero
forced Díaz from power led to bigger revolutions
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Pancho Villa
general in the Mexican Revolution
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British rule required farmers to switch from growing food to what?
working to build roads, canals, universities, and medical centers. and growing cotton.