Communication with the Outside Environment

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What are the 3 types of senses?

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What are the 3 types of senses?

Chemical, Vision and Ear (remember using VEC, almost like Rec in recording)

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what are the 2 types of chemical senses?

Taste and Smell. (They are categorized under chemical senses cuz they need chemo-receptors)

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What SPECIFIC type of chemoreceptor does the sense taste use?

Gustatory Receptors (Remember using GT almost like GTA where G is for gustatory and T for taste)

<p>Gustatory Receptors (Remember using GT almost like GTA where G is for gustatory and T for taste)</p>
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____ dissolve in saliva and bind with receptors and depolarize


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Salty triggered by ___ ions

Na+ (salty banana analogy)

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Sour triggered by ___ ions

H+ in acids (think of lemon, it is sour and it has acids)

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Sweet triggered by ____ ions

glucose (sweet makes you fat and fat is nothing but glucose)

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Bitter triggered by ____ tastants

bitter (straightforward)

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Umami (savory) triggered by ____


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The three types of taste buds

Fungiform papillae, Circumvallate papillae and Foliate papillae (just remember it's fungi, circle and foil)

<p>Fungiform papillae, Circumvallate papillae and Foliate papillae (just remember it&apos;s fungi, circle and foil)</p>
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what are Fungiform papillae?

small, on entire surface of tongue (remember using: fugi = mushroom and they are small and everywhere)

<p>small, on entire surface of tongue (remember using: fugi = mushroom and they are small and everywhere)</p>
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what are Circumvallate papillae?

Inverted “v” near back of tongue (Remember using: It has V in it indicating it is V shape)

<p>Inverted “v” near back of tongue (Remember using: It has V in it indicating it is V shape)</p>
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what are Foliate papillae?

Located in the the corners of tongue (think of foil wrap, they are around the food, so foliate is in the corners)

<p>Located in the the corners of tongue (think of foil wrap, they are around the food, so foliate is in the corners)</p>
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What are the 5 types of taste?

  • Sweet

  • Salty

  • Umami (savory)

  • Sour

  • Bitter (Remember using BUSSS, (yes it has 3 s))

<ul><li><p>Sweet</p></li><li><p>Salty</p></li><li><p>Umami (savory)</p></li><li><p>Sour</p></li><li><p>Bitter (Remember using BUSSS, (yes it has 3 s))</p></li></ul>
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first step in transmitting taste

Substances dissolved in saliva enter the taste pore

<p>Substances dissolved in saliva enter the taste pore</p>
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second step in transmitting taste

Substances become attached to chemoreceptor molecules on the cell membrane

<p>Substances become attached to chemoreceptor molecules on the cell membrane</p>
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third step in transmitting taste

There is a change in membrane permeability

<p>There is a change in membrane permeability</p>
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fourth step in transmitting taste

There is depolarization of the taste cells

<p>There is depolarization of the taste cells</p>
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last step (fifth) in transmitting taste

The information is sent via the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves to the brainstem, thalamus, and gustatory cortex in the cerebral cortex at the frontal and temporal lobes.

<p>The information is sent via the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves to the brainstem, thalamus, and gustatory cortex in the cerebral cortex at the frontal and temporal lobes.</p>
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The ____ of food affects taste


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You cannot taste with a ____ mouth


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Taste is strongly influenced by ____ sensations


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PART II (need to know for quiz tmrw too)

yay! Half way done, guys

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What SPECIFIC type of chemoreceptor does the sense SMELL use?

Olfactory Receptors (Remember using OS like operating system or ios)

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____depolarizes neuron

Odorant binding to G protein (smell = odor so it's odorant)

<p>Odorant binding to G protein (smell = odor so it&apos;s odorant)</p>
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8 types of olfactory receptors

  • Fruity (all non-citrus)

  • Citrus (lemon, orange)

  • Fragrant (flowers, perfumes)

  • Woody & Resinous (pine, grass)

  • Chemical (ammonia, bleach)

  • Sweet

  • Minty (peppermint)

  • Pungent (blue cheese, decay)

Remember using: W (like w for wow thing) SPM (kinda like spam messages) CF and CF (kinda like spamming CF CF) so acronym is W-SPM-CF-CF.

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first step in transmitting SMELL

An odor-producing molecule becomes bound to a receptor

<p>An odor-producing molecule becomes bound to a receptor</p>
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Second step in transmitting SMELL

The cilia of the olfactory neurons depolarize

<p>The cilia of the olfactory neurons depolarize</p>
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Third step in transmitting SMELL

Action potentials are initiated in the olfactory neurons

<p>Action potentials are initiated in the olfactory neurons</p>
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Fourth step in transmitting SMELL

The signal is sent to the olfactory tract via the olfactory bulb

<p>The signal is sent to the olfactory tract via the olfactory bulb</p>
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Fifth step in transmitting SMELL

The nerve fibers of the olfactory tract take the information to the olfactory cortex in the temporal lobe of the brain.

<p>The nerve fibers of the olfactory tract take the information to the olfactory cortex in the temporal lobe of the brain.</p>
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True or False Olfaction is the only major sensation that is relayed directly to the cerebral cortex without first going to the thalamus


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What is Anosmia?

absence of the sense of smell

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Anosmia is caused by

  • Trauma

  • Colds or allergies producing excessive mucus

  • Polyps causing blockage

  • 1/3 are from zinc deficiency

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_____ is the absence of the sense of smell and is a symptom of COVID.


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