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Bird Air Strike Hazard
How many bird air strikes occur per year, excluding military strikes?
Where do most bird airstrikes occur?
What organization is in charge of mitigating bird airstrikes in military settings?
USDA Wildlife Services
What are the top 4 most common species involved in airstrikes?
Mourning Doves, Canada Geese, Starlings, White Tailed Deer
What are some reasons airstrikes may be increasing?
More people flying, successful conservation efforts
Integrated Pest Management
What are some Strategies for IPM?
Lethal Control, Fear Provoking, Habitat Modification, Monitoring, Reporting, Technology
What gauge of gun is used for Lethal Control with birds?
12 Gauge
Why is lethal control effective when used to help prevent airstrikes?
Effectively uses fear as well as being lethal
Why is lethal control not very effective when managing pest animals?
Animals repopulate quickly, and populations grow faster when there are less animals.
What are some methods of fear-provoking for birds?
Falconry, Propane Cannons
What are some methods of habitat modification to limit bird populations?
Limit standing water, unattractive vegetation
Deer Vehicle Collisions
What is the most deadly animal in America?
What states are in the top 3 for DVCs?
West Virginia, Montana, Pennsylvania
What is the most effective mitigation method for animal road collisions?
Animal over and underpasses
If they are the best solution, why are Animal Overpasses/Underpasses so rare?
Cost, Difficult to install in old roads
Right of Way
Lethal Control
Why is lethal control often ineffective?
Populations grow faster as numbers decrease
Lethal Dose
What is a lethal dose?
Dose that kills >50% of test population
Lethal Concentration
What is lethal concentration?
Lethal dose for a fumigant
How is LD measured?
Sodium Cyanide, used for Coyotes
What are current rodenticides typically based in?
Sodium Nitrate
What are two styles of non-lethal traps for rats and mice?
Sherman Trap, Box/Cage Trap
What is an approved method of animal euthanasia?
CO2 Asphyxiation
What is the largest jaw spread for a leg hold trap allowed on land in GA?
Animal Damage Control
What choice that is made when trapping is the most important to limit bycatch?
Trap Size
What is the difference between bait and lures?
Bait is food based, lures are scent based
What recent changes are causing usage of traditional tools for wildlife management to become more restricted?
Public Attitude and Environmental Regulations
What must be true of a control program to avoid scrutiny?
Actions are justified, environmentally safe, and benefit the public.
Wildlife damage control activities must be based on:
sound economic, ecological, and sociological principles
What are the four parts of a wildlife damage control program?
Problem Definition, Ecology of the Problem Species, Control Methods Application, evaluation of control.
Determining the species and numbers of animals causing a problem, the amount of loss, or nature of the conflict, and other biological and social factors.
Problem Definition
Understanding the life history of the species, especially in relation to the conflict.
Ecology of the Problem
taking the information gained from the problem definition and ecology of the problem to develop an appropriate management program to alleviate or reduce the conflict
Control Methods Application
Allows an assessment of the reduction in damage in relation to costs and impact of the control on target and nontarget populations and the environment.
Evaluation of Control
Emphasis is increasingly being placed on this strategy that combines several control methods and is coordinated with other management practices in use at a given time.
Integrated pest management
What is the Net Value of Wildlife?
All positives minus negatives
What is the primary goal of wildlife damages?
To decrease negative wildlife impacts.
What comprises a damage situation?
An animal causing damage, a human experiencing the damage, and something damaged
Integrated Pest Management
What federal agency handles wildlife damages?
USDA Wildlife Services
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
What does USDA Wildlife Services Help with in GA
Beavers, Deer, Canada Geese, Hogs, and Disease
Bird Air Strike Hazard
In what ways can people be injured/killed by animals?
Collisions, Disease, Attacks
What often causes animal attacks?
Ignorance or Alcohol
What animal has NO record of attacks in GA?
Black Bear
What Venomous Snakes are Native to GA?
Copperhead, Pygmy Rattler, Timber Rattler, Cottonmouth, Eastern Diamondback, Coral Snake
What is the only non-pit viper native to GA?
Coral Snake
Members of the same species that are seen as competition
What is the number one way to mitigate animal attacks?
Pool of individuals with the disease
Method/Agent of transport
Disease causing agent
Morbidity Rate
Rate of Infection
Mortality Rate
Rate of death
Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study
Center for Disease Control
What is the formal name for Rabies?
What bacteria causes plague?
Y. Pestis
What are the three types of plague?
Bubonic, Septicemic, Pneumonic
What is the most common zoonotic disease in the US?
What is the common name for Leptospirosis?
Rabbit Fever
A predator that gives chase
Coursing predator
An ambush predator
Stalking Predator
What are three types of ticks that carry disease?
Lone Star, Black Legged, and Deer
reflective layer at back of eyes
Optic Fovea
part of eye that senses movement
Lethal dose of >50%
How does deer vision compare to humans?
Poor in distance, great with motion.
How does deer hearing compare to humans?
Similar, some higher frequencies.
How does a uga deer fence differ from a traditional deer fence?
Shorter, roof to prevent deer from jumping over, but deer can jump to get out
Where would you find the application instructions for a toxicant?
What is one human health hazard caused by beavers?
Giardia spread by stagnant water
What is the purpose of a castor mound?
to mark territory
What is required to apply pesticides for money in the state of GA?
Commercial Pesticide Applicator’s License
What is the legal requirement for the placement of 330 conibears in GA?
Must be within 10 ft of water
What are some rodenticides?
Sodium Nitrate, Warfarin, Coumadin
What toxicant is being researched for feral hogs?
Sodium Nitrate
What deadly toxicant is used for removing starlings?
What non-lethal toxicant is used to capture Canada Geese?
Alpha Chloralose
What are deer repellents based in?
What is secondary toxicity?
When an animal eats the remains of a poisoned animal and is therefore poisoned.
What is a lethal trap used for rodents?
Victor Rat Trap
What are two non-lethal rodent traps?
Sherman trap, Box/Cage Style Traps
Why is determining the size of an animal crucial in trapping?
Prevents bycatch and ensures trap will function as intended
What bait works best for Rats and Mice?
What bait works best for Raccoons?
Sardines and Marshmallows
What bait works best for Opossums?
Dry Cat Food
What bait works best for Armadillos?
What bait works best for Skunks?
Wet Cat Food, Sardines, Etc.
Why is trap size particularly crucial when trapping skunks?
Cant lift tail, cant spray.
What bait works best for Groundhogs?