Renaissance beginning in Italy
The ruins of the Roman Empire, The fall of Constantinople, Wealth from Trade, New ideas from trade, Competition between states, Patrons.
A Patron
A wealthy person who hired artists to produce artwork
Wealthy Italian city is the 1400s, wool trade/banking, the de Medici’s, sponsored artists and architects
Medieval art themes
Religious images, encouraging Catholicism
Renaissance art themes
Fewer religious images, ancient Greek/Roman mythology, portraits
Medieval materials and colours
Wooden panels, fresco, egg tempera (Powder pigment and egg yolk)
Painting on walls while plaster was wet
Renaissance materials and colours
Canvas, fresco, paint with oil (precision and timing), sfumato (blurring/smudging, soft)
Medieval perpsective
Flat, 2-D, No depth
Renaissance perspective
Created depth, 3-D, rounded
Medieval people in art
Not ‘real’, bodies not to scale, lifeless expressions
Renaissance people in art
Anatomy, ‘realistic’, different expressions
Leonardo da Vinci
1452-1519, Vinci near Florence, apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio at 14 in Florence, 1482 work for Duke of Milan, The Virgin of the Rocks, The Last Supper, 1499 Florence, Mona Lisa 2 years, mirror writing right to left notebooks, France 1516 King Francis, died there 1519
Spread of Renaissance
Visiting artists, outside trade, European rulers becoming patrons, movable printing press (main)
Johannes Gutenburg
Believed to invent the movable type printing press in 1450
Effects of printing press
Rapid spread, major by 1500, much cheaper books, more literate people, introduced to new ideas, popularity of fiction, Catholic Church control over learning declined, Latin declined
Dissections, important discoveries about the heart
The idea that human beings are at the centre of everything