Pharm Test 2

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help prevent seizures by suppressing the spread of abnormal electric impulses from the seizure focus to other areas of the cerebral cortex

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major tranquilizer

they produce beneficial effects at the cost of calming all behaviors including those behaviors that you do not wish to be be decreased

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a mood elevating drug

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drugs that lyse anxiety or decrease fear response

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what is the drug of choice for long-term seizure control


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how is phenobarbital measured in


1 gran ~ 60 mg

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what is the drug of choice for emergency seizure control


a bendodiazepine tranquilizer

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how does diazepam controls seizures

rapidly penetrated the blood brain barrier and enhances the inhibitory effects of GABA

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what does GABA do

gamma aminobutyric acid

counters the effects of stimulatory neurotransmitters in the brain like acetylcholine and norepinephrine

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diazepam is very effective when given


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why do we have to be careful when giving diazepam to cats

fatal idiosyncratic drug induced hepatopathy is seen in cats that have long term administration of diazepam

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phenobarbital has a long or short half life

long, only needed once or twice per day

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what is potassium bromide used for

a common adjunct therapy for animals whose seizures are not solely controlled by phenobarbital alone

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what takes 3-5 months to reach steady-state concntration in the dog

potassium bromide

large loading doses are sometimes used to help with this but it narrows the therapeutic index

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do we raise or lower the dose of phenobarbital when mixed with potassium bromide


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Primidone is an anticonvulsant that’s efficacy is dependent on what

the metabolism of primidone to phenobarbital

bc of this most doctors just give phenobarbital

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what is the disadvantage with phenytoin (dilantin) as an anticonvulsant

maint. therapeutic concentration

has to be given 3 times per day

poor absorption, short half-life, and risk of liver damage

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what is the disadvantage to clonazepam (klonopin) or lorazepam

most animals develop a significant tolerance so it would be too many pills to justify this medication for long term

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Levetiracetam (Keppra) is an anticonvulsant that has positives and negatives. list them

good: doesn’t harm the lever like phenobarbital

bad: - has to be given up to 3 times per day

  • it is expensive. cost $75 for 25 kg dog low end dose range

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phenothiazine tranquilizers like acepromazine or haloperidol do what


decreases inappropriate behavioral responses to stimuli

used to control learned fear responses like thunder and fireworks

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what is a disadvantage to phenothiazine tranquilizers like acepromazine

reduces response to both normal and abnormal stimuli in their environment

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Trazadone is a good drug for what

SARI serotonin antagonist reuptake inhibitor

  • induces sedation and anxiolysis

  • separation, noise phobia, vet visits, hospitalization

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what are the three classes of antidepressants

tricyclic antidepressants

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

monoamine oxidase inhibitors

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what are our tricyclic antidepressants

amitriptyline and clomipramine (Clomicalm)

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what do tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline and clomipramine

decrease the reuptake of serotonin which allows the neurotransmitter to accumulate and prolongs the activity

amitriptyline also blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine

treat anxiety in dogs

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Clomicalm (clomipramine) is used for what

OCD in dogs, also for separation anxiety and aggressive behaviors

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what are the SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline

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what do SSRIs do

enhance the effect of serotonin neurotransmitter by blocking the removal of the synaptic cleft

allows the serotonin to remain for a longer period of time to extend the effect

good for OCD, anxiety and agression

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what are the monoamine oxidase inhibitors

selegilene (deprenyl or Anipryl)

most commonly used MAOI in vet med

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what are monoamine oxidase inhibitors used for (anipryl)

treatment of cognitive dysfunction (old god senility)

increase the amount of dopamine found in cells of the CNS and enhance the effect

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what are the anxiolytic drugs

tranquilizers that belong to the benzodiazepine group

diazepam, clonazepam

not frequently used for behavior modification

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what is induction therapy

phase of chemo that is more intense therapy than maintenance

goal is to reduce the # of cancer cells, and ideally induce remission

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what is maintenance therapy

a continuation of chemo that maintains remission and prevents relapse

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what is rescue (salvage) therapy

re-induction chemo for patients who fail one standard protocol

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what are the general side effects for chemo

inappetence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, myelosuppression, alopecia

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how can chemo drugs be absorbed to us

through the skin


ingestion of food contaminated by aerosolization or direct contact

absorption or inhalation during opening of glass ampules

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what are some things to remember for handling chemo drugs

prepare meds in vent hood in a low traffic area

wear proper PPE

use syringes and IV lines with screw-on attachments to prevent spillage

recheck the calculated dose

check that catheter is in vein and patent

discard syringes and needles in sealed bag immediately

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storage of chemo drugs

  • always wear gloves

  • read storage requirements on container

    • store hazardous drugs separately from other drugs in a zip-lock

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what should we do if a chemo drug is excreted in the urine or feces

encourage the px to urinate on soil where it will drain quickly

do not let the urine touch you

discard soiled bedding

contaminated surfaces washed gently

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should pregnant women handle anything to do with chemotherapy


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what are the most commonly used chemo drugs

  • carboplatin

  • chlorambucil

  • cisplatin

  • doxorubicin

  • lomustine

  • mitoxantrone

  • vinca alkaloids

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what is carboplatin used for

trade name: paraplatin

to treat osteosarcoma, melanoma, and a variety or carcinomas and sarcomas in dogs and cats

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carboplatin and cisplatin comparison

carboplatin has less renal toxicity than cisplatin

carboplastin has greater myelosuppression than cisplatin

carboplatin will not cause vomting

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what is a major drug reaction with carboplatin

aminoglycosides can increase risk of nephrotoxicity and vaccines may not be as effective

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what patients do we not use carboplatin in

severe bone marrow suppression pxs

hypersensitivity to carboplatin

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what is chlorambucil used for

trade name: Leukeran

immunosuppressant and antineoplastic

used in place of cyclophosphamide when patients are intolerant

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adverse effects of chlorambucil

myelosuppression and GI toxicity

bone marrow suppression usually seen 1 month after treatment but can be treated if caught early

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what is important to know about Chlorambucil

should not be given with food!

tablets must be stored in the refrigerator!

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what is Cisplatin used for

trade name: Platinol-AQ

variety of carcinomas and sarcomas, intracavity lesions of equine sarcoids, and cutaneous neoplasias

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what is the main adverse effect of cisplatin


also myelosuppression

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drug interactions with Cisplatin

aminoglycosides and amphotericin B can increase risk of nephrotoxicity

Furosemide increases risk of ototoxicity

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what are contraindications of Cisplatin

cannot be used in cats!!!!!

causes fatal pulmonary edema and pleural effusion if administered systemically

also contraindicated in patients with renal impairment or myelosuppression

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what is doxorubicin used for

trade name: Adriamycin or Doxil

lymphoma, leukemias, certain sarcomas and carcinomas in the dog

broadest spectrum antineoplastic drug in vet med

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what are adverse effects of Doxorubicin

cardiac toxicity!!

bone marrow suppression, nephrotoxity, alopecia, gastroenteritis, stomatitis, extravastion leading to local phlebitis and pain (usually results in tissue necrosis)

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what are some drug interactions with Doxorubicin

calcium channel blockers may increase risk for cardiotoxicity

phenobarbital may increase elimination

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what are contraindications for Doxorubicin

myelosuppression patients

impaired cardiac function

patients who have reached total cumulative dose of doxorubicin

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what is Lomustine used for

trade name: CeeNu

CNS neoplasma, lymphomas, mast cell tumors, and rescue agent for lymphosarcoma

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what is the main adverse effect of Lomustine

hepatic toxicity in dogs

can also cause major bone marrow suppression, neutropenia

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what are some drug interactions with Lomustine

immunosuppressive drugs may increase risk of infection

myelosuppressive drugs may cause additive bone marrow suppression

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what is Mitoxantrone used for

trade name: Novantrone

lymphomas resistant to other drugs

25% higher response rate than Doxorubicin but does not cause mast cell degranulation

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adverse effects of Mitoxantrone

mild to moderate GI toxicity

severe colitis, bone marrow suppression, lethargy, extravasation, turns the sclera of the eye and urine a blue-green color after therapy

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what drug interactions should be considered with Mitoxantrone

vaccines should be used with caution during therapy

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what is Vinblastine Sulfate used for

trade name: Velban

primarily for mast cell tumors in dogs and cats and rescue therapy in lymphosarcoma

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adverse effects in Vinblastine Sulfate

severe consequences of extravasation resulting in phlebitis and pain

highly myelosuppresive, nausea, vomiting

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what contraindications do we keep in mind with Vinblastine Sulfate

pre-existing leukopenia,

if neutrophil count is less than 5,000

if patient is suffering from severe bacterial infection

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what do we use Vincristine Sulfate for

trade name: Oncovin

adjunct drug to treat lymphoma, leukemia, mast cell tumors, or soft tissue sarcomas

successful single agent for treatment of transmissible venereal tumors

over 90% cure rate

immune-mediated thrombocytopenia

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adverse effects of Vincristine Sulfate

may cause more peripheral neurotoxic effects

severe consequences if extravasation occurs

anorexia or nausea

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what is hypothyroidism

not enough thyroid hormone produced

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what patients is hypothyroidism more commonly seen in


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what drug is used for hypothyroidism

Levothyroxine (T4) supplement

adjust dose using TDM → therapeutic drug monitoring

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what is TDM

therapeutic drug monitoring

POST PILL TESTING 4-6 hours after medication

blood sample at trough is most useful

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what tubes do we not use in TDM samples

serum separator tubes

drug can diffuse into the gel and reduce the measured drug level

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what is hyperthyroidism

when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone

CS: wt loss, PU/PD, increased activity, panting, unkempt hair coat, GI upset

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hyperthyroidism is primarily a disease of


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what is the preferred treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats

Radioactive iodine (I-131)

should be quarantined until radioactivity is minimal

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if we perform a surgical removal of the thyroid what do we have to do

make sure not to remove the parathyroid glands because it will induce life threatening hypocalcemia

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what are other treatments of hyperthyroidism

Methimazole (Tapazole): maintenance therapy or prior to surgery or radioactive iodine therapy

orally or transdermally

adjust to lowest amount that controls symptoms and normal T4 concentrations

prone to bone marrow suppression, anorexia, vomiting, self mutilating of the face

Beta Blocker: Atenolol, a beta-1 selective antagonist

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what is Diabetes mellitus

decreased production of insulin or decreased function of insulin

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what oral tablet is used to treat Diabetes Mellitus


increases insulin secretion in type II diabetes

  • only used in cats (25% of cats have type II)

causes GI, liver damage

insulin is nearly always a better choice

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what is the best treatment for Diabetes mellitus


necessary in dogs and preferred in cats

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insulin is categorized based on

bovine: antigenically similar to cats

porcine: antigenically similar to dogs

human recombinant

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short acting insulin is also referred to as

regular = crystalline insulin

(1-4 hrs)

given SC or CRI IV


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intermediate insulin is

Lente (Vetsulin)

6-20 hr


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long acting insulin

PZI (protamine zinc insulin)

8-24 hrs



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what are the concentrations of insuin

40, 100, and 500 units/ml

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if using insulin with a 40 U/ml concentration you must use what syring

U-40 syringe

same for other insulin concentrations

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how do we reconstitute insulin

roll it not shake, it will create air bubbles if we shake it

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complications with administration of insulin

patient does not eat

insulin shock= hypoglycemia

  • due to overdose, decreased food intake, increased exercise

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how to we treat hypoglycemia

50% dextrose IV approx 1cc/10 lbs dilute to 10-20 if using peripheral vein

clients can use karo syrup honey on gums

  • only monosaccharides cross the gums

    • table sugar is a disaccharide that has to be digested before absorption occurs

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what is an insulinoma

insulin-secreting tumor that causes hypoglycemia

give IV dextrose if animal presents for seizures

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what is hyperadrenocorticism

Cushing’s disease

mainly a disease of dogs that is the production of extra cortisol

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what are the two main drugs that are used for hyperadrenocorticism

Mitotane and Trilostane

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what does Mitotane do

selectively destroys the adrenal cortex, works for both adrenal and pituitary dependent cushings

major toxicity is iatrogenic addison’s disease

monitor appetite closely during induction dosing and perform ACTH stim at first sign of decreased appetite

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what does Trilostane do

inhibits enzyme necessary for cortisol production

approved in dogs

can cause iatrogenic addison’s disease

does not destroy tissue, more reversible in mitotane-induced addisons

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what is hypoadrenocorticism

Addison’s disease

caused by a lack of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids

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what is important to know about doing an ACTH stim test to diagnose hypoadrenocorticism

do not use prednisolone or prednisone until after ACTH stim test because it cross-reacts with cortisol on assay

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what is the maintenance of hypoadrenocorticism

low dose prednisolone

PU/PD= dose too high

anorexia/vomiting = dose too low

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meds used for addison’s disease

Fludrocortisone (Flurinef): has both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoids activity

DOCP (Percortin): pure mineralocorticoid, given IM every 21-30 days

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guide to maintenance therapy


  • decrease prednisone then decrease DOCP dose

  • do not decrease DOCP interval

Depression, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea

  • increase prednisone dose

Hyperkalemia, Hyponatremia

  • decrease DOCP interval 2-3 days

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what is hyperparathyroidism

excess secretion of parathyroid hormone leading to high blood calcium

surgically treated disease to remove the parathyroid tumor

prior to surgery hyperkalemia must be managed

post-op hypokalemia must be managed

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