Germany 2

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In 1925 this man was elected president after Ebert

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In 1925 this man was elected president after Ebert


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This chancellor let Germany's situation become desperate in the great depression.


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What happened to unemployment during the great depression?

went from 2 million to 6 million

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What happened to exports during the great depression?

Went from 630 million to 290 million from 1929 to 1932

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This man won 170 seats in the reichstag by promising to fix the issues of the great depression


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Who did hitler blame for the great depression?

Weak weimar reupbilc, enemies of ww1, jews

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Who did hindenberg replace bruning with as chancellor?

Von Papen

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When hitler became the leader of the largest party in the reichstag, he demanded to become chacellor, what was hindenburgs response?

He refused the first time

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On January 30 1933, who are the new chancellor and vice chancellor of germany?

Hitler and Von Papen

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What was hitlers first act as chancellor?

Took away civil rights, police can ban marches, arrested political opponents

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Who did Hitler blame for the reichstag fire?

The KPD/communists

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What was the reichstag fire decree?

Outlaws KPD as terrorists, harsher punishments against anti-state actions, established by Hindenburg.

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Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler supported the signing the reichstag fire decree, hermann goering would later become the leader of what?

The gestapo/secret state police.

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On august 5th of 1933 the Nazis win 44% of the reichstag, allowing them to sign the enabiling act, what does this mean?

Hitler can make laws without approval, sign treaties without approval, and disobey weimar constitution, NSDAP is the only party allowed, no more trade unions.

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What is meant by ein reich, ein volk, ein fuhrer?

One people, one empire, one leader.

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Who was the initial leader of the SA?

Ernhst Rohm/the ****** nazi

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Who was the initial leader of the SS?

Heinrich Himmler

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The SS and the SA, conspired to kill Rohm due to them believing he would seize power, Hitler kills him himself, starting what event?

The night of the long knives. Over 400 people shot.

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What did Von Papen think of the murders?

He protested them, was arrested, and then resigned.

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What happened when Hindenburg died?

Hitler took over as president, named himself fuhrer, made everyone take a loyalty oath, 90% of germans "approved" of this, weimar is officially gone and is now the third reich.

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