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Utilization of a given energy system is dependent on
rate of energy demand
magnitude, timeline
Substrate availability
local (mitoch) oxygen supply
Rate of energy demand and utilization energy
it takes time for aerobic system to supply energy
aerobic energy is pretty slow (low rate)
Substrate avialability and utilization energy system
ATP + PCr run out
without substrate we can’t do metabolism
Local oxygen supply (in mitoch)
limits on O2 supply will limit aerobic performance
Oxygen at any given time can be
in the lungs
bound to hemoglobin within the blood
bound to myoglobin in the muscle
in the mitochondria
In order for oxygen to be consumed it has to be
present in the mitochondria of the working muscle
if oxygen is not present or present in sufficient amounts then the muscle must utilize anerobic sources
Oxygen does no good when
oxygen in the lungs or blood does the exerciser no good
oxygen bound to myoglobin in non-active muscles does the exerciser no good
Local muscle can have insufficent oxygen supply for aerobic metabolizm
Insufficient oxygen supply for aerobic metabolism results
in anaerobic compensation which will lead to fatigue
Oxygen defecit can be
brief oxygen defecit
quickly resolved deficiencies in oxygen supply
At Onset of exercise or increase in intensity
small, brief, loca
Sustained oxygen deficit
deficiency in oxygen supply so anaerobic has to supplement energy supply
larger, sustained and accumlating, becoming systemic
look into oxygen deficit
two metabolic boundaries
threshold one
threshold twothreshol
threshold one
the intensity at which blood lactate can be maintained at resting levels
threshold 2
the intensity at which lactate production within muscle may be stabilized in blood
production and clearance of lactate look
H+ clearance
cleared by using bicarbonate buffering
bicarbonate buffering
HCO3 combines with H+ to form water and carbon dioxide
Lactate clearance
lactate is converted back into pyruvate
clearance of lactate and H+ can occur in both
the muscle of origin
the blood
Lactate and H+ are produced in _______ but cleared _____
produced in the muscle
cleared in the muscle and in the blood
order of metabolic boundaries order
moderate, threshold one, heacy, threshold 2, severe
Moderate section
mostly aerobic, whatever lactate that is produced gets buffered locally
no change in blood lactate
Heavy area
lactate production in the muscle exceeds lactate clearence in the muscle but is buffered in the blood
lactate spilling over into blood
Severe exercise
lactate production in the muscle exceeds systemic lactate clearance
blood lactate accumulation accelerates
lactate in moderate
lactate is produced and cleared locally
lactate and heavy
too much lactate is produced so it has to be cleared systemically
severe lactate exercise
too much lactate is produced overall, systemic clearance can’t keep up
Higher intensity domain training is
shorter in duration and requires greater recovery
Lower intensity training is
longer in duration but requires shorter recovery
Energy system activation is dependent on
rate of demand, substrate availability, oxygen supply
at higher intensities oxygen
supplies fails to meet energy demand
intensity can be quantified based on relationship between
lactate production and clearance (thresholds)
At the onset of exercise,
anaerobic systems compensate for delays in aerobic metabolism (ocygen defecit)